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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. thanks for the fyi
  2. thnaks,will try this. i've done it before but some how screwed the origanal and lost the the pic total. i'll work on it.
  3. why reverse direction?
  4. so i can copy it from here but not my computer to get this size.
  5. happened to me but than again what dosen't??
  6. good one yammer. i was getting ready to start something new, LOL
  7. thought i saw something yesterday about help with a trailer. well at least you are being told the same thing as yesterday, WAY TO HEAVY!!! good luck on a lighter one.
  8. can't ad anything to what was already said. i've belonged to and still belong to other fours but none like this one. so i guess were all great if this four is great and we are part of it so pat yourself on the back. and o yeh, thanks freebird for our community of family here.
  9. o, sorry i din't answer your question, ask freebird he's the one that put it on the watering hole. i think he was just trying to help out in lue of the toptic recently. c-ya
  10. to lazy to do that,just kiding. i've done that the last couple of days and found some good reading. sometimes it takes awhile to find but since i'm out of work for awhile i'll research it,than when back at work i'll just bother people to keep them on their toes. i like to get people going and fumeing,it's fun.
  11. can't hear ya, your breaking up!!! LOL
  12. hey yammer dan,if you rode a second gen than you would have money to build you a shellter instead of all those old parts for that dieing first gen.
  13. guess i'm just a little to slow.i've tried the ie spell check but by the time i've looked at all the options i've missed spell it's two days later and i forgot what the hel* i was doing. i know my spelling is bad but i think most of the time people can figure out the jest. in closeing i read or got an email once upon a time that said something like this,if you start with the right letter and end with it people wiil figure it out.if someone has that please post it for me. example thazks fer yoir hrkp.
  14. i wont tell anyone the private leson you gave me with the crayons.:rotf:
  15. well the leaks are from the block plugs at the bottom of the block or near the bottom. i just thought it strange that all four would trickle all together.
  16. thanks for the site.
  17. checking the air pressure etc,when i noticed a coolant leak. the last couple of times i rode i ran the bike 75-85 than ran it out of numbers. didn't think that would cause the plugs to leak.instead of useing the dime trick i put a hex wrench in the center of the plug and taped it gently. didn't seem to leak on the ride today but will check in the morning to see. probly wasn't a good idea thinking about it now but at the time seemed alright. the temps here also have been cool,warm,cold warm etc, don't know if that factors in or not.
  18. nice trailer
  19. thats right,we need a good ride. i took a short 95 miler today and boy did it feel great!!!!
  20. for those who want,i'm thinking of getting a t-shirt made up for the asheville rally/exstended meet and eat. it will totaly be up to those who want and is not mandantory by any means nor must you bye one to come. just trying to spruce it up a little. have to get back with the printer on exact cost but i'm thinking around 10-16 bucks. whatever it cost is the price of the shirt no profit.i know the only,well one of the requirements is i'll have to order at least one dozen. i might be off on the price due to my idea on the shirt but if so i'll adjust it to make them affordable.
  21. i tried to post early this morning and a transformer blew and wipe me out. i've never pulled a trailer with my second gen and would not think a trailer that heavy would be a good idea with the brakes the way they are on the second gens.of course i know someone will say they upgraded their front brakes to the super duper v-max 4-piston monster stoping system. go ahead!! make my day!!! and i'll call myself ignorant before you do. ha, take that.:stirthepot::rotfl::ORANGE:
  22. is it play time yet???
  23. i will also see about maybe getting a discount for a motel but do to the color change they may not offer one. seems like i heard someone say there were done with super 8 motel so i'll check other options in blk mt and oteen.
  24. F.Y.I. i talked to the K.O.A. today and they said those dates should be no problem. she did say one of those weeks they had big bbq but still no prob and the other week 8-11 sourwood festival is in black mountain but still good. ask about a discount and she said that usual she thought that everyone made their own res seperate and not as a group. she looked up ventureriders and said she had no listing but remembers us and said please come she'd love to have us again.
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