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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. i would love to chime in here but i know my intentions are not for help,just stirring it up so i guess I'll pass. i would use to never do this, i hate trying to grow up!!!!
  2. for what it's worth, i know that the modular helmets are DOT certified but not SNELL certified. i thought about getting one of those and than i thought about the reasons why i would buy one.her are some of the reasons i came up with, cooler,more aces if my face gets itchy, less fogging and so that i could open it up and take a drink. than i thought,riding a bike and drinking,not to safe. i know theres people that do it all the time and have no problems, i just don't want to ad the the problems i already have out here.if i get that thirsty and can stop and take out my water bottle. so after me thinking i thought the safety over rule the convenience. just my over view.
  3. Tom, am i gonna have to ride down there and give you some sugar?? you know i will. if i can get over what evers going on with my sleep we'll have to ride soon. check out the calander for the 24th.
  4. shame on you KIC!!! you must have went to the same school as yammer dan. LOL
  5. i think it's a great choice,just not at 12grand. your right about the five year war but still think its over priced,having said that,if your happy with the five year war and it gives you some peace of mind, how much is that worth?? just go with your gut! if you like it,it fits you,in your price range etc i say GO FOR IT AND ENJOY!!!!
  6. o yea,go with the nada,its more real than kbb imho. theres no way the 09 is worth 12 grand,i've found better deals than that on 09&10 rsv at dealerships,trust me. do some more research and you WILL FIND A BETTER DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. if i couldn't hear the wine i would be lost,not an issue for me. the 06 i saw a few links back looks like the motor has been submerdged in mud and the fake fins looked to be off exsposing the block water plugs.stay away from that one. i think you've heard enough infomation to be totaly confused now so good luck. the bottom line is what feels good and comfortable to you not anybody else. as far as the dependabilty goes remember theres lemons in everything out there but i think you'd be hard pressed to find anything else more depenable and relieable than the rstd or the rsv. i bought a 2008 rstd with 3150 miles on it and had it for a week than feel in lust with my 2006 rsv with 58640 miles on it.i've had it for a year in a half now and got 70040 miles on it and love it.hope this totaly burns your brain cells out. ride safe and theres not a better bunch of people than on this site.
  8. i'll go ahead and answer for Tom, hello,your breaking up!! i've ridden with tom and know the bike and it's a sweet ride.i think he asking 7500 for it but i'm sure if you whissper sweet nothing into his ear he may knock off 5 or 10 bucks.LOL not going to say what he'll take for it cause thats not my place but i do know if i were looking for a ride i would buy it no questions ask. good luck on your quest. these guys here have more knowledge about these bikes than YAMAHA because they dont sell them they live them.
  9. welcome to the funny farm!!!
  10. hang in there dude,and i would diffently not take it back to those hosers. i would think about filing a complant with the BBB, it just may help the next guy. sorry i have no knowledge on the first gen and very little on the second gen but i'm sure someone here will come through with something,already sounds like they have some good ideas and hopefuly will get you on the right path so you can ride again. glad your health is doing better.
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY hunk of burning love, hope you guys have a blast!!! o yea and watch out,i heard the honey bees are out.
  12. love the 06 Gary n, however there's more than just the white wall tire on the after pic,a few things i saw were,road lights,visors,exuasht tips,saddel bag gaurds,back rest,stebel horn,carb covers,passangers floor boards,luggage rack,front fender rail and i'm sure i missed a few things but it do look alot nicer now.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY a day late, enjoy.
  14. what about, looks like a elephant riding a piss ant?? LOL:bluesbrother:
  15. i say he did. lol
  16. never heard of it,sorry i can't help. i live in the western part of nc and just run regular coolant in mine,i think the climate zone is 2 or 3.
  17. the shifter and brake being on opposite sides would mess me up.
  18. i'd be proud as well.
  19. the guy with me said a 350 but i'm not sure.
  20. just wanted to share these pics.
  21. would like to go but have plans. have one for me.
  22. yep,thats what i ahve to do,thanks
  23. cant wait to see ya again. o yea, i also cant wait for more free cell phone classes on the droid. LOL
  24. good luck in your quest,looking forward to reading your updates on the new ride, HINT,HINT!
  25. i rode the newer 1700 last year at a demo,OMG!!!!! that thing was way to fast for me,it felt good for the ride but not for me. as far as putting the engine in a venture, i've heard of people doing it just not sure of the results. good luck
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