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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. good looking kaw
  2. i just figured he went into the ladies room again!!! LOL [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4avDNAEONc&context=C493718fADvjVQa1PpcFPQeOds2mM4jXuehwBfGskj-b5yHKzWVsY]86ER at it again. - YouTube[/ame]=
  3. WOW!!! Its like the cat guarding the canary. good luck Marcarl.
  4. well guess I'm not understanding something here. all i see for next target is you,your bike and some st Patrick's decoration. didn't see anything about a Irish pub,bar etc dont guess it matters now just wondering how i missed this info?
  5. looks like y'all had a great time, happy to hear and see.
  6. hard to believe isn't it, three feet of snow.
  7. no problem Rick. we will keep all of you guys in our prayers and thoughts, be blessed.
  8. can't even imagine, God bless you and i will lift you up to our heavenly father.
  9. still planing on it Steve but not a 100% sure i'll have the founds.
  10. hey look again, it's magic. LOL
  12. thanks,David. the prices are good and the menu looks like it has a variety,looks good to me.
  13. cool beans, and yes it's at the Lilly pond again my bad.
  14. prayers on their way, theses are great people!!
  15. i think i use amzoil full syn 10 40 i believe. i'll get off my lazy butt in a few and go check.
  16. did i miss the out of date post?
  17. I just posted the dates in the calender, August the 8 th - 11 th 2012 at the KOA (east) campground between Swannanoa and Black mountain,NC. If you come for one day or all everyone is welcome to the extended meet and eat. I will be posting more info concerning discounts at near by motels and hopefully the campground. As usually theres no registration fees or any peruse at all,just come and lay back and enjoy the ride. Do to the different times that people will be showing up and the various routes in the area there will be no schedule. Just come and hang out. There will be plenty of rides and different locations so just pick one or hang out. The meeting place will be the KOA campground starting wed around 12:00 and on, theres relay no set time to be here. I will be offering t-shirts at cost and there is no obligation what so ever. That is if i can get enough interested. Looking forward to seeing everyone once again. In closing i will be also getting together a ICE list so we can keep up with members in case of an emergency,of course this is voluntary.
  18. Isn't this a off year for Vogel and has anybody mentioned a Asheville M&E. don't know exactly which Asheville you are referring to. have made plenty of post on the Asheville 2012 and all so plenty of meet and eats. in the meet and eat section and in the calender. also listed NC members and surrounding areas.
  19. mine either.
  20. i hope and pray just in a few minutes we will have it nailed down. good to hear from ya mike.
  21. sorry for the confusion Randy, i should have spaced it out more. i didn't mean you were calling me about the shirts just calling me in general, my bad. as far as the shirts go i was just trying to see if anybody had a preface or even want any. peace out.
  22. yes indeed. to many factors to try to figure it out properly to me. how often do you ride,what kind of roads,temps,storage air pressure,weight,etc.
  23. what do you conceder out of date? I've heard many different thoughts on this issue.
  24. F.Y.I. i talked to Randy a couple of days ago and waiting for him to call me back. about the shirts,i was thinking of either going with two separate styles or one together. the two separate would be venturerider on the front and Asheville 2012 with a pic of a first gen on the back. number two would be venturerider on the front and Asheville 2012 with a pic of a second gen on the back. the one together would be venturerider on the front and Asheville 2012 and a pic of a first gen and a pic of a second gen facing each other,what ya think???
  25. looks like the Charlotte and Greensboro areas would be able to draw from a good many surroundings. looks like these two will be back on the list. wish i didn't live so far from the cost but can't win them all.
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