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Everything posted by racerguy36

  1. Good afternoon, I was on my paypal account and saw that membership fees were paid twice on the same day, Mar 25. Who do I talk to to get 1 of these refunded? Tks
  2. Yes, I know, there's a mile long list of questions about the rear shock replacement for the 1st gens. However, has anyone tried a newer year rear shock assy on the 86-93's? There's a lot of talk about Hagon and new aftermarket stuff that isn't available anymore or is big bucks, but I haven't come across anyone discussing whether or not say a 09 , or 12 will fit the earlier bikes. Anyone?
  3. I never knew they published those. Quite interesting to see all the differnet accessories "in the day." Great post.
  4. I called RIVCO a few months ago regarding buying the adapter, and the gal there said they no longer make it, and are out of stock.
  5. Hi all, anyone know how to fix this short of buyin a new slider? Thanks,
  6. I use a pump kit from Canadian Tire. It's a cordless unit that mounts to the wall, and comes with 2 units. 1 for tires, the other for air matresses etc. It goes slow so it works great for our application, and when we go on a trip, it includes a battery with a cig lighter cord on it. (my shock leaks down over time) Been using it for 3 yrs now.
  7. Took the panels off tonight, went through over 1/2 tank of fuel to go 50 kliks. Played with the sliders when I got the airbox off and found the rr not opening fully. Pulled the carb end off and found another seperated slider. The metal bushing fell out, diaphram out of place... Anyone know where to get new replacements? This will be the 3rd one I've changed. Also, a lot of fuel/oil on the outside of the lr carb. ??? All the plugs seem to be burning the same, finally. I now know why I was fouling plugs in that hole. Still plan on pulling the carbs, almost there anyways. Undecided about the seafoam, tried it a few times with no noticable changes. When I mentioned it to the mechanic that org helped me set up carbs in the spring, he was adament about NOT using it as he says he rebuilds 2-3 carbs a month because it gums and clogs the carbs. I've never seen an improvement in mileage or performance from using it, although I know some swear by it.
  8. Had the carbs off in the spring when we completed the laundry list, (tires, progressives, bearings, brakes, clutch) and was afraid to seperate the carbs. I did the air thing, replaced the carb diaphrams and 2 sliders, along with the bowl o-rings when we checked the floats. I've got 1 idle mix screw that the previous owner buggered, and need to replace it. (when making adjustments, real, real carefull) I have a friend with an ultrasonic parts cleaner that just got it running, and have decided to go back to square one with a total disassemble and rebuild. Partshark has been my usual source for a parts diagram, but I was hoping that someone had a list of the o-rings and gaskets needed for a complete teardown. Oh yea, bought a balancer with the guages from a local bike shop, had an inch of dust on it fer $30 bucks! Score!
  9. Workin on an 86 Venture, installed new diaphrams in the spring. 2 were in pretty bad-shape, cleaned the insides as best I could and installed new o-rings when checking the floats and needles. Does anyone have a list of the o-rings/seals and gaskets needed to properly tear down and rebuild the carb's? I plan to reuse the diaphams, (thanks Skydoc for sending the good sliders) and have resigned myself to taking them off and starting over. My fuel mileage went from 220-240 km's per tank, to less than 150. Also, seems to be fouling the rh rear carb quite a bit. I've turned the mixture back a half turn a couple times, and it seems to help the plug, but it's become a lazy pig again. Please help me getting the WINBGO back running her best. Thanks all.....
  10. I used to live in Red Deer, and that video brought back so many great memories, I used to tramp the back road's with my old man who was a heavy equipment salesman for years back in those mountains. When I was 14, he bought a brand new GS1100GK and we took a week riding from Red Deer out to Vancouver, over to Victoria and the island, and back through Washington. Fantastic ride and something I'll never forget, and hope to repeat with my wife. Highly recommend riding the Canadian Rockies to anyone that has the opportunity, but go early June or Early sept to avoid the tour buses. Great video.
  11. I make all the Harley guys I ride with stay on my right, or behind me. I like the sound, but not for a couple hrs, right beside my head.
  12. Yes, I was just gonna suggest that, have them send your parts via the mail. Cheapest way, although you might have an issue tracking it.
  13. Hi all, been a member for awhile now, and lot's of great info. I have an 86 Venture, and have a few questions as I'm gettin the old girl ready for another summer of touring. Tires- I'm looking at putting a set of Dunlop Elite 3'2 on, anyone else have these and how are they? I ride alot of 2-up, but like to scrape the pegs once in awhile too. Carbs- Time to rebuild, I notice the lh rear is wet, and the performance/mileage seems off. Is there anyone who offers a rebuild kit? I've read alot about changing the diaphrams, but most are old posts. Is there somewhere I can buy diaphram kits without breaking the bank? How do I get the map with the diff color provinces and states of where you've ridden? I've looked everywhere. (off topic I know, but I think it's cool) Thanks everyone, just read the post about the maintenance day and I'm gonna talk to the wife about makin another road trip, maybe we'll see some of you there.
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