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Everything posted by BlueVenture87

  1. I heartlly agree Ebay has a real inflation problem, I darn near keeled over dead at some of the prices listed for obvious trash parts. It just can't cost that much to have a few low wage kids blow apart a machine and sell the bits. I have yet to get a clean used part off Ebay so cleaning can't be the cause. Salvage company owners, not the yard kids, might not look it but you can bet that many are quite well off! Switching off rant mode now, I think I may have blown a gasket... -JK
  2. I'll leave the face shield cracked all the time in cold weather. My helmet has a detent that allows the shield to stay open ablut a half inch and my face stays comfortable at this setting. As for hands, I'll warm up by grabbing a convienient spot on the engine at a light. The heat soaks right in!
  3. I'll ride in here in Wisconsin until the snow throws me off the roads! I like the cold a bit better since I can always add another layer! I'm considering heated grips though. -jk
  4. Thanks for everyone's patience! And no flames! Toto, I'm not in Kansas anymore! Later! -JK
  5. I must have somethig confused, it's a new machine to me. Maybe a first gen version 2.0? I've added a picture to my profile of the cycle in qusetion. So what is it besides an '87 venture 1300?
  6. Soooo. I need a set of tires on my '87. There seems to be lots of joy about tbe Dunlop E3s but what fits? 140/90-16 and 120/90-18 don't directly match up with what Dunlop lists. Sorry if this has been beat to death! Thanks in Advance! -BlueVenture87
  7. Hi, new guy here. Old Wing guy though. Anyway I,ve been sorting out an '87 Venture basket case, and have the dreaded "tank slapper" trouble any time I let go of bar. Its severe and right now when it happens! I'm working through the list of soloutions like bearings springs seals etc. All that aside, the '82 wing has a heavy weight attached to the forks under the fairing, presumably to lessen this trouble on the Honda. Anyone tried to use a Goldwing fork counterweight on a Venture? If so, what happened? It sure looks like it will fit and might give my new ride better manners. What's the list wisdom on this? -87
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