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About willysman

  • Birthday 10/22/1970

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Eganville, Ontario, Canada


  • City
    Eganville, Ontario


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    Motorcycling, hunting,shooting
  • Bike Year and Model
    1983, Yamaha Venture
  1. Well went and picked it up last night and brought it home. It sure is a big beast compared to my KLR 650 LOL. I will take some pics today after work and post them but the plastic is all in great shape from what I could tell even though the original maroon color has been sprayed with a dark blue. I am going to take some pics then strip all the plastic bodywork off and start going over the whole thing making up my list of parts that I am going to need. Though I will probably fire it up first for a few mins to make sure it will run.
  2. Thanks for all the replies so far. I am pretty fluent in bike repair and patient as well. I do not need to be in a rush with this as it will be a second bike ot my 88 KLR 650 daily driver. This one will be so the wife will go two up touring with me next year. As for asking for help any mechanic that thinks he knows it all or will not ask for advice/help sometimes is probably not a good mechanic and I am sure I will be sucking all the info I can get out of this site and everyone on it. Thanks again.
  3. Fixed thanks Pap Bear LOL:doh:
  4. Hello. I am new to this forum and if this is in the wrong place I apologize in advance. I am looking at picking up a venture and from my research it is a Mk I as it has the 1200 cc engine and detachable luggage. Right now it is not mobile and has not run in a year or so. I am an experienced mech so getting it running should not present too much of a problem. My question is is $250.00 cdn a good deal for this bike even if it is going to take a bit of work and money to fix up? I am new to ventures so not sure of value of these bikes. Thanks in advance. Jason
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