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Everything posted by ragtop69gs

  1. is shining, no time for this, I'm going GOOD BYE
  2. Thanks, I'll take a look at both options.
  3. I had one years ago, it was a blast to drive, street or sand dunes. I could wheelie thru 3 gears
  4. When I want to do a day ride I look at the map and try to figure out what is within a certain radius of my location, which can be time consuming. Has anyone found an on line mapping site where you can set your starting location, then have the program draw radius rings around your start point ? Say at 100, 150, 200 etc. miles.
  5. Could be that the antenna you bought was from Idaho and doesn't recognize stations in Iowa, try buying a local antenna .
  6. This guy passed the [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLDgQg6bq7o]test[/ame]
  7. 400 miles from me or I'd be glad to extend a hand. Good luck with the repair.
  8. I have done that several times up on Beartooth Pass. If you take some of the loose gravel spur roads you can get another 1-2,000 ft. higher. some beautiful vistas and natural areas up there. One time was with trailer in tow. Now sand is a different story, very hard to control the bike on deep loose sand.
  9. When you find it, donate it to the SAF fund
  10. Is it outside ? This has all the makings of a PMS mid-winter thread.
  11. I must have passed the test, somebody just handed me an
  12. I think he's looking for pics of mike suggestion about using a saddlebag push button lock .
  13. I'd come help but Im all tied up at the moment
  14. I suggest a nice motel room with mirrored ceilings and a hot tub.
  15. What type of work will you be doing for them? I hope you get your shift of preference .
  16. There's also the option of getting a bike they actually still make parts for .
  17. Ha !!! guess we were typing a reply at the same time.
  18. What Larry and I did was put some 5/8" spacers ( if I remember correctly)over the rear holes then cut some 1/8" aluminum sheet to fit under the trunk, giving it complete support from the bottom. This allowed us to move the trunk up and back more than whats provided for by the factory locations. Plenty of passenger space now. Maybe Larry got some pics of the setup, I thought I did but can't find them.
  19. Ok, now that I have the new tire mounted up, how do you get all the release compound off the tire ? Or should I not worry about it. What pressure are you running the Michelin Commander II Rear Tire at ?
  20. I also have an '01 I'll have to take a look at those terminals and see if I'm on borrowed time. Great idea you had there.
  21. Seaking, Did the amp improve the sound from the Polks ? Listening to my Polks and the stock speakers on my wifes trike, I have to say the stock speakers sound better to me un-amped. Thanks for the helpful writeup .
  22. Our prayers go out to Gunboat, his family and friends. Although we never met, the loss of any one of our VR family is sad news. R.I.P. Gunboat.
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