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Everything posted by ragtop69gs

  1. Why don't they work with 1/2 helmets ? Boom mic to short? If kevin isn't interested in them I may be.
  2. I just put a Commander II on Jeannie's trike. I have it mounted reverse rotation. So far she likes the tire, say's it grips well dry, no rain riding yet. Still too new to give an opinion on mileage or wear patterns yet, she's only put about 500 miles on it so far.
  3. If your old headsets are still good i May be interested in buying them from you.
  4. If ya liked that, take a look at this one http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/drunk_mans_dies_after_peeing_on_7AXR5nZq5OKApg9vuEQGlL
  5. Welcome to the forum. You have to remember that the bike you bought is pushing 30 years of age and like with all things electro-mechanical, things get old, brittle, worn and need TLC. Work out all the age related problems and you will have what you seek. The motors will normally go well beyond 200K miles.
  6. Nice Stool Sample ! :rotfl:
  7. Brad, I got some video for you. Anchor Bay DR. to Marine City limits
  8. Last ad in 2nd Gen Complete Bikes. Bright yellow RSV\Hannigan all decked out, a very nice bike for the $$
  9. We will be heading out for a ride up M-29 along the St. Clair river today, maybe we'll see ya somewhere along the way. 2 Hannigan RSV's 1 RSV 1 Suzuki Intruder 1 HD Ultra (maybe)
  10. No leaks on ours. If your's is leaking again so soon I'd suspect that maybe the pinion has a burr or some other imperfection causing the seal failure.
  11. Howdy Tom, Happy Canada day to you and Terri. Finally getting a new shield on there eh ? Do not over tighten it, we don't want any cracks in this one. We gonna see you two at Galena ?
  12. I believe that came off an early Model T, it will only work on the 83' if you install the hand crank option and ignition spark retard lever. Available HERE
  13. Add a little SEAFOAM to your blinker fluid !:rotfl:
  14. Yea... I can get mama's trike touched up.
  15. Interesting idea. Can't help but think it would be distracting , being in your line of sight all the time. I'd need to demo one for awhile before laying out that much cash.
  16. Dingy-Dong.... you've got PP mail
  17. Find the tank you want to use, then contact, Carbon One (Larry), he has a fool proof Aux. fuel delivery system he sells for Hannigan trikes. Buy his system minus the Aux. tank. Makes plumbing extra fuel a snap.
  18. You know the way it works, sunny all day while you work, 15 minutes after you get off it rains the rest of the day.
  19. That's a good question Don, not sure I have an answer for you. I'll look thru the paperwork and see if I have that info. Of course you could always call Gooch at HMS and get the info.
  20. I'm in. Whatever the plan may be.
  21. +1 on Raindar. It's a great app
  22. I'll leave that for someone else, we have them on every corner around here.
  23. Thank You Joe ! I was begining to think nobody was playing this game any more. What's next?
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