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Everything posted by ragtop69gs

  1. Here ya go, I'll email them to.
  2. If it ever stops raining on the weekend we gotta do a cider mill ride.
  3. +3 on the Caswell. Did the Aux tank on the trike with it, works great and no problems.
  4. We have a cd player on the trike and very rarely use it, the roads here suck and make it skip a lot.
  5. Well that SUCKS ! I'm with Carl on this one, are there any marks on the back or left side that would indicate someone hitting it ?
  6. Wanna buy some poles for that tent ?
  7. C'mon John..... you've had the trike back from Coach Rice for 2 weeks and still no pictures what's up with dat ?
  8. Kevin, he didn't say riding, he just said on it, wishing he could ride
  9. Ya got to tickle the clutch lever while looking in the resivour , air bubbles will come out the small hole when you slightly work the lever, do this til no more air then bled as usual.
  10. He does have some big one's, I'll give him that !
  11. Hope all goes well for you Rick, That 5 months will fly by and look at the bright side, you won't have to shovel any Best of luck to ya buddy.
  12. Unless you over fill the crankcase when you do an oil change, the collection of enough mist to make it drip from the hose takes quite a long time. Every few rides would be fine.
  13. They know it, they just choose to ignore it.
  14. When I use the 2x4 method to level the bike, I always put a jack stand under the right side rear bag crash bar, no chance of it falling to the right this way.
  15. It's a check valve to allow oil mist collected in the air box to drain out, but not let in dirty air . If you can blow through it in both directions, it's KAPUT and should be replaced or cleaned/soaked in seafoam shaken free and rechecked.
  16. It wasn't me
  17. The only time my bicycle wheels were upside down is when I thought I was Evil Knevil and tried jumping off a loading dock Don't know what I was thinking I'm sorry but the inverter type is proprietary info and cannot be disclosed in an open forum.
  18. It's not a Hannigan, may be Tri-Wing as they made 2 different bodies for the RSV. A second look shows the mount bracket that looks just like Tri-Wings set-up, pretty sure that's what it iz. It has lots of chrome goodies on it, one I've never seen before is the chrome piece where the horn should be.
  19. I'll take the other if it's not spoken for. Shipping to 48323 Scratched at all?
  20. Pygmy Poker
  21. You can only put the rear wheel on upside down, not backwards !
  22. HMMM.... I never noticed the arrow on the rim, now I gotta go look.
  23. Mine did this also, I removed the shock and links , cleaned and lubed everything, problem solved.
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