Hey y'all I'm still alive, just beèn consumed with trying to make a change of address. After two years of prep we listed the house for sale last week, less than 24 hours on the market we had a solid offer that we accepted. Yes it was a shock that it sold in less than a day! THE bigger shock is that they wanted to close in 23 days ! We have been scrambling to get this place cleaned out, those that have been here know that's no small task. 14 hour days of packing, selling and tossing.
The plan is to vacate, get in the Motorhome and spend the winter in Florida then find a home somewhere in N.W. south Carolina or Eastern Tennessee. So we hope to not be AWOL from many for MD's, rides or rallies for mùch longer.
To tell you the truth, I'm too frigin old to do all this packing and moving, it sucks! We are looking forward to a less cluttered life in a slower paced location.
Hope to see everyone again soòn.