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Everything posted by ragtop69gs

  1. WOO-HOO Happy Birthday buddy !! Hope you have fun today.
  2. Actually you should time it to be here for Autorama, it's way more fun. Besides, Randy will get you to go to the Motorcycle show then not show up himself LOL
  3. Im gonna go.out on a limb here and say im sure jeannie wouldn't mind, why stay in a hotel ? We have an empty guest room that you are more than welcome to use. We are going to the m&e also.
  4. Impeachment will never happen when you have the wolves guarding the hen house. Both parties are one in the same, the "R" & "D" are only there to divide the masses, to deflect attention from what is really happening to this country. The news media is nothing more than another entertainment show now days. Truth and true news reporting lie in the dirt next to the dinosaurs, only propaganda to convince the people that there's nothing to see here. Movies and television try to convince you that thing that were unspeakable 60 years ago are now normal and moral. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
  5. Must not like that rap music you listen to. Try shooting it with contact cleaner, it may be gummed up.
  6. Go to the forum that most closely matches the topic you want to post about and click on the "New Thread" button.
  7. There is a loaner kit floating around but I have no idea where it is at the moment, maybe whoever has it will chime in.
  8. Give Jean our best. We hope she feels better soon.
  9. Good to hear she's on the road to recovery.
  10. When they fused my ankle I was non weight bearing for 5 weeks, boot w/crutches for 3 weeks, boot w/o crutches 4 weeks. I was pain free for the first 8 years after the surgery, now it aches after a long walk or some weather changes. Still way better than what I had before the fusion. I was in so much pain before the fusion that the day after surgery I was not taking any pain meds ! I thought the Doc severed the nerves, but he said NO, it just hurt so bad before that the fusion was a relief. DO AS THE DOC DIRECTS !!! pushing the limits will lengthen recovery time and jeopardize optimum recovery.
  11. Puc, If it's got a ford rear end, either 7.5 or 8.8 you could probably get an ARB air locker for it or an E-locker .
  12. So far that date works for us
  13. Hey Puc, We're going snowmobiling on the 16th - 19th. you're more than welcome to join us. We have a house not too far north of you, it's between Luther and Irons. If ya can get a sled & trailer c'mon up, it should be a fun weekend. PM or call if interested. My contact info is in my profile.
  14. You got it Dan. I hope Mom heals up fast.
  15. You been drinking the Kool aid too eh ?
  16. It's so ccold here it froze the balls off the bullfrogs !
  17. You're in Walled Lake ! You're 10 minutes from me, wanna meet up for a drink?
  18. I really liked the Victory CCT now all I need is that pot of gold.
  19. Earl, Jean & you are in our prayers, a full and quick recovery is what we ask. Be strong my friend, she needs you to keep an eye on the doctors and nurses.
  20. Are we allowed to come by there without a cycle endorsement ?
  21. We'll be there about 4pm bringing a guest too. Call us when you get there. My # is in my profile but I think Sandy has Jeannies.
  22. That smile will fade as he gets older and learns what it means to be a Harley owner
  23. This video is not mine but I have the same setup this guy is using. You can't go wrong with this Tractor and blower. I don't know how to embed the video so here's the link.
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