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Everything posted by ragtop69gs

  1. http://www.scootcoupe.com/products.html
  2. I think that would be "HOT SEX" Yes, there was a good sampling of Apple Pie. I really liked Monty's Shine Pie
  3. I'd start there. Although I'm not sure it will block the RF that's causing the interference. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/185375-REG/Domke_711_15B_Film_Guard_Bag_Large.html [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Domke-711-12B-Medium-Filmguard-Black/dp/B00009USZ7]Amazon.com: Domke 711-12B Medium Filmguard Bag (Black): Camera & Photo@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31cFsbBgUJL.@@AMEPARAM@@31cFsbBgUJL[/ame] [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Sima-Fss-Super-Filmshield-Rolls/dp/B002EASXVW/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1370969198&sr=8-5&keywords=lead+film+bag]Amazon.com: Sima Fss Super Filmshield (22 Rolls: Everything Else@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51EnikULCsL.@@AMEPARAM@@51EnikULCsL[/ame]
  4. Joe took all the extras off before he let the bike go. Nice job on the paint
  5. Does the ballast get hot and need free air flow ? If not you could try putting it in a lead lined film storage bag like the ones used to protect photographic film from air port x-ray's. That may contain the interference.
  6. I added a repair/inflator kit to my saddlebag this spring.
  7. Put a little Seafoam in it, you'll be fine.
  8. Maybe not... if he got caught in the rain brown sugar may be just a brown pile of goo melted on the road side ! Melted just like the wicked witch That would be a shame too because we haven't had a chance to see if she'll woop Tweety
  9. With that rig you have, where ever you are is home. Happy Motoring.
  10. Rest easy Don, We won't be back till next Friday !
  11. Here's what I got.
  12. A can of fix a flat will get you to the shop, I know it isn't ideal but should work if the tire isn't shot. Which of the motorcycle gods did you piss off before you left home ?
  13. Yeah, just what he needs, more rum balls ! I know they helped me think more clearly, then again it could have been the apple pie chasers I used to wash them down Or maybe it was the Green Jello shots Wishin ya good luck getting home. @ least that marshmellow butt won't be a problem
  14. Here's one, more later.
  15. Things were a little fuzzy at times.
  16. TOO MUCH ? That is a foreign concept, could you please explain ? Nobody slept on the lawn, so how could that be ?
  17. ON MY WAY to MD
  18. back at ya
  19. SO, now you'll be going backwards eh ?
  20. If you want them they don't have to go to md. They are not perfect but look real good.
  21. That sucks big time! Steve, don't give in to it, a positive fighting attitude goes a long way. The doctors told my mom the same thing, she proved them wrong and lived another 10 years . She would not accept what they told her and fought it on and off for 10 more. Best of luck with your battle .
  22. I have a set of Samson slash cut slipon pipes I'm thinking about selling. I'll be at Freebirds MD, if anyone is interested I'll bring them with me. $150 OBO
  23. Enjoy the rain and humidity
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