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Everything posted by ragtop69gs

  1. Before my time!
  2. 3" and freezing rain here in Pickens county,SC Been here 5 years and it's the first snow, wet and heavy. So heavy it turned the homestead upside down ! LOL
  3. After I deleted my AIS I removed the hoses and capped the intake ports. No problem.
  4. Looking for southern border crossers that have smuggled in nukes one piece at a time and are now reassembling it. Hoping to pick up the radiologic signatures. Brandons legacy!
  5. We were on the BRP on Wednesday before the hurricane reached the area, the rain from another storm rolled in before noon, it was torrential rains that made it difficult to see let alone ride in to escape down the mountain! It brought 6+ inches of rain before the hurricane got here. I had 31" of rain at home between Wednesday afternoon and Saturday afternoon!
  6. Not getting out as much as I'd like to, the heat and humidity have moderated now so I plan to put on more miles.
  7. Sad news indeed, our condolences to Dan's family and friends. R.i.P. Campfire.
  8. That's usually how it goes! Can't wait to see what curve balls my 09 jeep throws my way when I drop the gas tank to replace the left rear upper control arm. I'm going to fill the flame wrench tanks before I even get started.
  9. Hit 100k while down here in Florida today.
  10. If I'd have known that I would have never recommended Sonic, Sorry for giving bad info!
  11. Hope it's everything they promised.
  12. Rick was a huge help when I did my forks. I replaced all the bushings in the forks while I was in there. I do remember using some well casing PVC pipe as spacers to set the spring pre-load, I can't remember what length I cut them to. I had a long conversation with Cowpuc about setting the sag/preload, it was a long time ago and I don't recall the specifics.
  13. Ron, i installed sonic straight rate springs along with 15 wt fork oil, and I now run 0 psi air in the forks. I love the ride now.
  14. Yes I am , either the plug or whole radio unit inside the fairing.
  15. Chuck, we're happy to hear the surgery went well and the prognosis is positive, prayers on her continued recovery.
  16. Steve, I was the lucky recipent of the grill that Don raffled off, how does the grill guard attach to the radiator?
  17. Thank you , Woody. I'll give it a good home.
  18. Great, now let's hope the shop has a top notch mechanic on it.
  19. Not for sale, but may trade for a nice 1800 wing 😁
  20. I'm thinking it wouldn't fit your spyder anyhow ! 😉
  21. Sorry to hear that Chuck, Hope she makes a quick and full recovery. I'd like to thank that deer for bringing this to light.
  22. Woohoo ! This will be an awesome addition to my scoot, Thank you Don.
  23. Keep it there please!
  24. That's a very generous offer Don ! I'm still riding my 01' 2nd gen and plan on doing so until it or I turns to dust. I think I have every chrome do dad made for our bikes, the Wagner grille guard would be an awesome addition to my ride. Nobody else need apply! Lol
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