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Everything posted by Cinderella

  1. not yet, i will tell him after he takes one of the BIG pain pills !!!:rotfl:
  2. come on over.......gonna make a large one...im sure he would share a little piece.......
  3. Maybe things are catching up or something but he is in more pain this morning. He slept in bed last night.....we prop him up on a bunch of pillows and he got up when I did at 6 and hovered his way to recliner and a pain pill. maybe the new desert im gonna make him today will help....... he loves banana cream pie with graham cracker crust.....and he loves cheese cake.. so this will be graham cracker crust with a layer of cheesecake topped with a layer of sliced bananas and then the banana pie filling over that and topped with whipped cream....
  4. I kinda like those.........have to show these to Dale. I've been wanting a new flip visor helmet but I think I like this shorty version with the option of sliding up the visor
  5. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/fd.jpg to all you guys! hope you are spoiled and get a good ride in today here is a little father trivia game in honor of fathers day http://home.aristotle.net/fathers/trivia.asp
  6. hey thanks for asking ! He is doing exceptionally well...he hasn't had to use the strong pain meds at all.....been using the lighter ones and says it takes the edge off and he is fine. he kinda had a rough night sleeping last night..sleep a few hrs wake up..sleep a few...he never made it to the bed last night..i think he went from recliner to couch..thats where i found him this morning. then he moved to the bed and slept til about noon..lol. only real problem he has had is when he was sitting at the computer and i bent to pick something up beside him and kind of came down on his shoulder..... I guess i just wasnt thinking and paying attention..easy for me to forget, because he had a shirt over him and i wasnt seeing the bandage and sling. yes I caught h*** ! I did give him a stand up bath today with the shower that is removable and can be hand held........i think that made him feel a whole better....not allowed to immerse it yet. I thnk he is in a lot less pain than he anticipated....guess thats thanks to having a good doctor or maybe a lot of pain tolerance?? it was a lot of fun taking the bandages off since he is kind of hairy and i dint have the heart to yank cause i was afraid id jerk his shoulder... He isnt sposed to drive for a week and we took a little drive yesterday and it was hard for him to let me drive, i refused to let him....I have a feeling that wont last as he has to report to work monday afternoon and i cant pick him up since he gets off between 3 and 5 am. thats about all i can tell ya right now...... except he has learned when he has to go relieve himself he better make sure he gets everything out of the way since he only has 1 hand.........:rotfl:
  7. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/MD%202008%20-%20cinderella/ for some reason they are in backwards order......guess I goofed but here they are....dont feel like changing them:8:
  8. Yeah Brad I know Im number 1...but I didnt want to risk the PG rating and have a moderator ( such as you) use that for a reason to delete that glorious picture :rotfl: and you would have jumped on that wouldnt you have??????
  9. somehow I doubt that brad.....I dont put myself in compromising wide open situations when certain people are around.......
  10. thanks you for saying that because that has finally prompted me to tell the whole story... we dont usually go this way..we usually stay north and end up coming across missouri on 36 from hanibal. Someone had the bright idea to cut down and take 70 across because it was a little less hilly and wouldnt eat so much gas pulling the bike on trailer....... well for 6 hrs we hardly use any gas, did we dale???:rotfl:
  11. Glad to hear you are home........now make sure you take it easy and dont overdo it. Been thinking about you and praying for a quick recovery. Hopefully everything goes as planned and you can get back to your everyday things soon and go for a ride !!
  12. here are a couple fun photos til I get mine uploaded to the photobucket........... http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1829.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1858.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1859.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1862.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1868-1.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1846-1.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1855-1.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1854-1.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1893.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1892.jpg
  13. how bout a pic of the beaver bridge kind of cartoonized??....this is the best pic of it I could find right now, but maybe something like this?? Im trying to find a better photo of it kind of head on going on to it
  14. well not sure he will heal any faster.....its my understanding that it was more in the shoulder joint where his was torn kind of in the socket rather than around the outside of the shoulder ( rotator cuff) Olga isnt good enough actually I think I will find him a CUPCAKE to take care of him:rotf:
  15. we just got home....all went well....bout 50 mins in surgery...ended up not being the rotator cuff but a labral tear....doc repaired and cleaned it up and cleaned up the torn cartiledge involved. every lil bump in the road comin home caused an "ughhhhhh":crying: he is pretty out of it....and doped up....lol in a sling and will be for a while.....cant drive for a week....cant move the shoulder, no ifs and or butts, etc etc. the sending him to work thing, we have been informed that ford is the only co. around here that does this....I guess they will make him stay at work but send him to the cafeteria to sit the whole shift......ridiculous if ya ask me. yes Bobby im sure he will utilize the "wait on him hand and foot thing"....gonna be a long week with him and trying to keep the young un away from him ..good thing I put the pool up yesterday:D if i can stand to be near him since there is no bathing til sunday unless i give him a bath... got a cpl different pain meds....one for pain rated 1-5 and the big boys for pain 6-10:rotf: he is in the recliner snoozing ....they said the only thing he was allowed to operate is the remote:rotf: will keep ya posted on the progress and maybe I will get around to posting my maintenance day photos in the next cpl days:cool10: thanks everyone for the info and the words of encouragement and well wishes!
  16. Dale goes in for his surgery this morning.....just wondering if anyone else here has had the surgery and knows what to expect? I guess they are gonna cut him in 3 areas and then fix the rotator cuff. Doc says it will be about 6 weeks before he can even lift 1 lb with that arm! Being a workmans comp claim they are sending him back to work Monday on restriction which means he will probably get sent home each day, but he has to show up:think: Seems way to soon to me. Plus they dont cover his wages for the first 3 days......anyone familiar with all this and how it works? Me thinks its gonna be a rough cpl weeks at first from what I have heard. Wonder how long it will be before he can handle the bike, im sure there wont be much if any riding this summer:crying:
  17. geez brad if i didnt know better.....id think maybe that was a reference to whom he was stuck with, not where he was stuck.........
  18. well after 6 hrs stuck in that traffic..and a stinkin 13 hrs to get from nw ohio to effingham, il..we stopped for the night. Should have been home in that time. left there around 10 this morning and just got home a short while ago. glad to be home..........it certainly was a nightmare trip home. hopefully everyone else had better trips home. We had a great time but we are exhausted.
  19. kevin.....we don't look to reach SB til about 10. we r not makin good time pullin the trailer and its really windy. been trying to stay at 65 mph cause faster we were blastin thru the gas. I am logged in on my phone...dont ya luv it...lol
  20. depending on what time we head out of south bend friday morning.......maybe we will stop in and join ya. Dont know if we are leaving earlier than that or not...but the elkhart exit is 15 miles from SB....and going in the right direction we will stop in if the time (10) works. other wise you all have a safe trip !
  21. have a safe trip john we will be heading out in a few hrs.........we are only going as far as south bend, in today and stop at dales brothers for the night.
  22. yep what he said......... you have always been one of the most positive people around here....always in good humor and spirit.......hang on to that now more than ever.
  23. I do believe the tattoo should be something harley related since she wanted to be a HOG so badly maybe her new name....... Harley-Mama or HOG-Mama in orange and black of course
  24. sorry things are going so rough for you both...still thinking of you 2 and praying for you both.
  25. now mini...curiosity killed the cat.......................meoooooow !!! here kitty kitty ............................
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