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Everything posted by Cinderella

  1. IH Truck guy has invaded our home for the weekend.... he had a cpl day layover in our area so we felt it only right we put him up.... great to see him as its been since early summer..... took him out to dinner last night I dont know what the guys are gonna do for sure tonight but i dont think I get to go along....:whistling:--maybe i dont want to... ( and most likely there wont be pictures...)
  2. best wishes for both of you........for successful surgery's and quick healing.
  3. just one of things you have to get used to........it bothered me not being able to see in front at first also......but it didnt take long to automatically turn the head to one side to enjoy the views...
  4. we've been hit too.....had haylie to dr twice in the last 4 days......flu symptoms started wed...today they retested for flu and then xray'd cuz shes having chest pain and found a spot of pneumonia in her left lung.....luckily we caught it in early stages I have never seen her so sick for so long.....The worst thing is u cant make it go away for them there also is a high percentage of this flu testing false negative on the rapid test. knock on wood she's the only one who gets it.... hey i read about that onion thing also..........they actually found the virus trapped in the onions after they did this!
  5. having been thru this type of thing........i can only say i know your anger and pain .. and you should be very proud of your son for coming forward....too many children dont. my heart aches for both of you...hang tough and see this thru to the end.......there is some satisfaction being involved in the demise of these sick a**holes. If you ever want to talk..let me know
  6. wow.....what a nice warm feeling.......:rotf::rotf:especially with this weather cooling off.. Anyone who was at the international rally and got to try the homemade "apple pie" will know what im talking about...... (of course someone whos name i wont mention hogged most of it) hmmm.if we get to MD this next time..may have to make some to bring along.....
  7. haha........well it could cause trouble...... Im makin moonshine today......
  8. Guess what Im making today finally???????????? :hurts::hurts::hurts::hurts::hurts::hurts::hurts::hurts:
  9. funds sent via paypal for Midnight Rider and I
  10. hey lewis if its ok for dale and i each to have something....... he would like a xxl shirt and I would like a pin
  11. good luck with this Dan...you deserve some finally..... a guy can only take so much and his luck has got to change...
  12. ok ok i apologize........ I just wanted to share the "effect" i had when i got the letter........and it appears i have done that.....:whistling:
  13. wow.....i was in shock...get this letter from missouri DOC.open it and start reading that his first parole hearing is already scheduled......Im thinking "how screwed up can the justice system be to be doing this already" Im about to totally flip out........I finally got to the date and had to reread it 3 times to make sure i was seeing correctly... Scheduled for sometime in oct of 2021......!! this means he will not do less than 13 yrs if you count the year he did while waiting for trial etc. Ok so now im liking this!!!...... my worst fears were that he would serve 6 or 8 out of the 18 he got. The DA's office gave us some stats several months ago on what percent they usually serve.......so this is definately good news. hmmm guess i better get started on my speach for the hearing so he stays put longer......:rotf: Just wanted to share this tidbit with you all since youve been here thru all this with us..
  14. not to give negativity but.......................... why is it that men always assume that women would like PINK??? I dont know about any of the other women but pink just doesnt do it for me.....any chance of ever offering any other colors?
  15. dont remember exactly just know it seems ive been around for a looong time... think it may have been the beginning of 05
  16. Like us???? Sorry to say we are not on the way.......Dale has to work in the morning......has to take all the OT they are offering while they are offering...... i swear one of these years we will make it.
  17. just make sure school is out.........
  18. :innocent:I have yours Brad. Its sitting here waiting for me to go to PO again. Also have those wrenchs of yours to mail with it. I got 99 percent of the shirts and stuff mailed. Still got 2 others things to mail besides yours. I was so burnt out when we got back its taken me this long to feel rested again and getting haylie ready to go back to school this week...yeah school started !!!
  19. Is there any interest in another order of the 09 International rally T's? If there are enough interested to offer them at the same price they sold for, for the rally I will place another order........ I have absolutely none left from the rally to sell....but someone was interested in the possibility of getting some more...... so please make a post in this thread if you would like to order some more and how many......they were $12 each plus shipping costs...... I will let this run for a week or so and if we get enough interest i will then take the colors and sizes and payments..... probably offer the same colors as we had for the rally.....black, grey, white, blue,paprika, salmon, green, red, yellow.
  20. how bout "apple Pie" :whistling:
  21. i believe they are sold.....if something changes i will post.
  22. Dale bought these at the rally in one of diamondr's silent auctions.......he would need to lower his exhaust to install them and doesnt want to do that........ they are in real good shape.......they do have some dings etc on the bottom part that doesnt show....they were used when he bought them. I believe we have all the hardware and wiring etc that goes with them..... He just wants to get his money back he spent on them.....$130 plus whatever it costs to ship them to you. I believe they sell for $420 new.Here is a pic from diamond r's website of new ones http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=RSV/RSTD%20LED%20Saddlebag%20Light%20Bar
  23. ok ed......
  24. ok..looks like the shirts are all spoken for........i still have the patches tho.
  25. ed i have yours packaged up to ship...........they will be shipped tomorrow......if you want the extra one its yours......you can paypal the funds.....and throw in an extra buck for the shipping
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