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Everything posted by Cinderella

  1. hard to believe its been another month already...... time for another court hearing tomorrow morning...... wonder how months this will go on before something happens?? I did find out something last week that kind of upset me....i asked the detective handling our case if there had been any dna testing done from H's clothes, swabs, etc just in case this goes to trial.....NO..he said he goofed up by not doing it ( on the perp) the night the guy was arrested..now its in the hands of the court.... I simply wonder why they wouldnt order it now ( just in case) instead of waiting months down the rode if theres a trial and then having to wait months more for the results?????????? Why not have it done and ready?
  2. awesome !!!!!!!
  3. awesome ! we will keep you in our prayers
  4. oh and by the way.......... \\ Nice to see ya back DON............. hope you had a wonderful relaxing time..........and by the way everyone was well behaved....noone caused any trouble....... but we did find some undies left under the couch.........and i heard thru the grapevine they belonged to a squidley.....seems he had a very good birthday while u were gone!!!
  5. :whistling:well it has been aweful quiet and boring round here lately....... and winter is a-comin....we need to to start getting primed up so when cabin fever comes a knockin we are ready to let a little rip.........
  6. inquiring minds want to know............... boxers or briefs ????????????????????????????:rotfl:
  7. Ok guys you all better start cleaning up and hide all the evidence and get ur clothes back on:whistling:.........(thank good ness the moderators are on our side ) The Big Bird will most likely be back sometime today so lets go...........
  8. These people are so awesome...about 22 bikes and a couple cages showed up today to visit "Kitt-N". They brought her a great big BACA blanket.... and best thing was they had a side car today...so of course off she went for a ride ! ( and daddy didnt even ride along this time....) Last picture is of course some of them checkin out the venture.....( couldnt resist snappin that one:D)
  9. guess I could blame it all on BuddyRich,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:rotfl:
  10. thanks for your help........guess ive got to keep searching for the cd and hope i find it....dont know how long i can stand it using the daughters puter.... dont have our email set up on hers either.......
  11. yeah im afraid i have to find a boot cd to use....thought i had a copy a friend gave me a few years ago to install xp on the old puter..but whre the heck is it??? or ill have to do a recovery of the system by f10 ing but then i lose everything and it restores it to original .....all my programs gone....all my emails...all my book marks..arrrrrrrrrrr thank god i backed up all my pics to cds a few weeks ago..... been there done that before and i was sick having to lose it all
  12. I do not know what the heck i did........but....... windows xp wont start......i get the screen with safe mode..last good config..etc to choose from.........but......none of them work......puter just keeps trying to reboot up. I F8 'd and choose to not reboot at start up or something like that it says to try to get an error message....... what i got was. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME Im stumped......and no i do not have a cd to reboot from..my system has it all in it and for some reason I cant work around the problem this time and get going. Now i did install a program that BuddyRich had mentioned to someone called " Advanced Windows care from www.iobit.com Its free and will clean up a lot of registry problems. " I ran it and was done with the scan and was cleaning up stuff when it kind of froze so after sitting and sitting i shut down the puter and this is where i am....... thank good ness we have the old puter for Haylie.........sloooooow but works... is there anything i can do to at least get in to safe mode and restore my last good config.....i did do a restore point before i ran the scan
  13. geez mini..i can see a whole of finger prints and hand smudges on it......... :rotf::rotf:
  14. hey you know the rules...pictures we want pictures........ now if ur nekid and typing with ur toes..........oh forget it...
  15. i second that one on Missouri drivers..........even after 3 years out here we still havent gotten used to them........i dont think anyone ever taught them how to drive..let alone the rules of road edicate
  16. sorry squid i dont think mama Peggy is into whipin other women..... Im sure she would take a few swings at you tho..........
  17. so sorry to here this.......hope you both mend fast with no problems
  18. and I have never seen Mini do anything or say anything or for that matter even think anything to be quilty of dont worry mini........you know its usually the guilty ones who jump up first trying to lay blame on others.......and that squid thing seems to always be one of the first doesnt he????
  19. yes don.............take your time.....relax......enjoy......breathe deep....... i have been on my best behavior for quite a while now............maybe this is my cue thats its time to ........well you know.....i refuse to admit it....being such an innocent person and all........i usually only join in after someone else starts...well you know...ive never been known to start anything.......but somehow always seem to get blamed....and i do have a lot of pent up frustrations and i could blow anytime.......if i dont do a little..well you know....it mite help if i stir the pot ( ooh i said it) a little geez maybe you should take me with you guys just to be safe:whistling:
  20. just so the guys here dont start getting ideas for one of our rallys............ nope aint gonna happen:innocent: :rotfl:
  21. we saw one place at 2.79 last night....... i figured since oil prices dropped again yesterday it would drop again...
  22. :rotf:
  23. and we will want lots of facial expression shots..................
  24. :wow:
  25. \ http://www.seerockcity.com/Flash/Photos/barns.htm
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