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Everything posted by Cinderella

  1. i think the auto zone near here will run the diagnostic test but he didnt want to drive the 10 miles over there with it acting up last night.... hopefully we dont have probs starting it this morning if it is water cause we have 15 below wind chills today... thanks jerry but i found a place to get a car for around $300 for today or tomorrow thru jan 1st....unlimited miles..mid size...so its at the top of my list if we have to go this route.Got a lot of stuff to fit in there along with a yancy 7 yr old...lol..along with trying to keep santas surprises hidden....!!! we do have the truck but not being an extended cab the trip would be a nightmare and everything would have to go in the bed.:rotf:not sure we trust it going that far either.... they do say that Christmas wishes come true if you "BELIEVE" will dbl check the gas cap guys !!
  2. i forgot to mention the check/ service engine light came on also....... thanks Brad.....ive talked to him also......! Dales taking the van to this guy at 9 so hopefully we get this all figured out.....
  3. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR Here we are getting ready for this much needed trip back home to ohio for Christmas tomorrow. So happy gas prices are down and the trip wont $$$ kill us. WE went out yetserday bout 15 or so miles from home, went to the mall, grabbed some lunch....needed gas......we fill up for the trip......tank was very close to empty...took 24 gallons...( venture van) Its always been reliable, no issues. we drive about 10 miles heading back towards home and decide to stop and get a quick oil change, since dale hasnt had time to do it himself. We pull inot the oil change place and just then the van starts sputtering, and running kind of rough.What the H*** ! We get the oil change and go to leave...van still sputtering....and theres a clicking, knocking noise. sputtering worse at low speeds or stops almost like its gonna stall out. not so bad at high speed.......make it home fine... Dale put a can of seafoam in tank...... we dont know whats wrong.....has a guy he knows gonna look at this morning. Im about fit to be tied ! hoping it isnt anything serious and soemthing we can fix easily and quickly......wondering if we got some bad gas? doesnt think its the spark plugs but a possibility. Did a quick online search for a car rental to drive to ohio just in case........ouch , blows my mind how much that costs! I cant imagine how mad i will be if i dont get to go home.......and its too late to ship presents, etc. ok, i needed to whine a little.........im done now........ anyone have any ideas what it could be?
  4. thanks once again for all the encouragement ! Bill we are leaving monday am for ohio..........we usually go across MO on 36 to hannibal....but maybe depending on when we decide to roll back home if we come thru your way we will give u a holler. we have no definate date to return yet, for once we are just going to play it by ear. Just have to back in time for school the 5th. Yes mini BACA will be with her if she has to go to court. For that I am grateful....dont know at this point if any of my family would be able to be here. But this could also put the caboshes to maintenance day trip for us, because dale will have to take time off work for the trial.....if there is still a job at ford by then.... luckily with all the auto plants shutting down for extended time our plant will be up and running.....basically because they make the truck here and they are actually way behind in production for it. They did lay off for a couple extra weeks tho , but dale got to work!
  5. rather than explain here are the original threads on this....there have been several ive posted about the court hearings, etc since then, but these will give you guys who dont know whats going on a little help...... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26286 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26349 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26729
  6. well my hopes that this would never go to trial have ended.....i am so angry that my little girl is going to have to testify in court about what happened to her and doubly angry that when she testifys her father and i wont be allowed in the court room. I guess the only good thing about it for now is that there are no more court dates til April.... and yes I know I should be thankful that he is going to be tried....but I hate it yesterday he filed a motion to suppress his statement ( his admission of guilt the night he was arrested) and to suppress all physical evidence........HA.....yeah right.....im afraid I will be on a witch hunt if they allow this. well heres the record from todays hearing...... 12/18/2008 - Hearing Held State by APA Blair; Defendant in person in custody and by attorney David Johnson. Case set for Jury Trial. Defendant ordered to appear 6-1-2009 at 9:00am for trial by jury. Defendant ordered to appear 5-14-2009 at 9:00am for pre-trial conference. Motions: State and Defendant instructed by Court that all pre-trial motions, with briefs in support thereof, must be filed no later than 4-17-2009 at 5 p.m. If pre-trial motions are filed, the motion hearing date is set for 4-24-2009 at 9:00am, Defendant ordered to appear. Court informs both parties that any motions requiring more immediate attention (i.e. related to bond or to discovery) will be heard by the Court as noticed up by either party. STA/plh i dont know how things work....never ever dealt with anything like this or court at all for that matter.....maybe they will try to plea bargain yet or is that out of the question now that a trial is set? I cannot let him off but i may be willing to lighten the sentence a smidge to not have to go thru a trial. The prosecutors office told me yesterday he is facing life....may he rot.
  7. I tend to stay away from all that weird stuff........... bout the strangest ive eaten is muscrat......and it was actually pretty good.....altho i was slightly drunk when i ate it... now as for dale, when he was overseas in the marines........im wondering if anyone else has ever had "monkey-on-a-stick" ?
  8. are you saying that Don isn't the "BEST "????????? :rotfl:
  9. and she's probably not the only one....................cupcake..........
  10. good luck with that one......as i have tried to get this idea put together a couple times...the most recent time I made a suggestion to do this as a memorial fund named for Dons grandson who passed recently. It wasnt openly brought up on the site, but mentioned behind the scenes. My idea was to have a fund setup with members making donations in memory of someone or just to donate. Have 4 or so members on the board, if you will, that make the decisions as to who needs to have some of the moneys given to them to help out when times are tough or they are going thru a financial crisis, etc. The major problem with things like this is that its the same people who always donate ( to all our donation drives)and i think some people start to get tired of giving, giving, giving. We need to get more people to open their hearts now and then. We all know sometimes thats hard tho as there are many here who just dont have the finances to help out. But every dollar adds up..........and to all those who have given so many times from their hearts..I applaud you for your selfless giving!!:happy65:
  11. CONGRATS Ramona and Gerald should of had the wedding on that show my redneck wedding or whatever its called...... kind of funny story to tell.....from dales family...redneck.. his grandfather( his moms dad) got remarried to a younger woman and they had some kids...so of course these kids became dales aunts and their kids were his cousins well the grandpa and wife split up and Dales parents split up and his dad married the grandpas ex .....so his aunt became his stepsister.....and his cousin became his niece, now for his mom it would go this way....her dad remarried and his new wife of course became her step mom.... when she and dales dad split, his dad married his wifes step mom... I laugh every time i think about it.......talk about redneck now as for me my family is perfectly normal...... dale will prolly get mad at me for telling this..........
  12. yeah and did ya ever stop to think its funny how much he knows about puters and all this website knowledge......did ya ever think this was his way to hack into all us unsuspecting members puters and steal our private info....???????? hmm maybe he is somehow involved in the reason why our webcam suddenly comes on?????? :stirthepot: :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  13. well lets see.....for $10 I can send ya a husband................ :rotfl:
  14. Martha Stewart will not be dining with us this Thanksgiving. I'm telling you in advance, so don't act surprised. Since Ms. Stewart won't be coming, I've made a few small changes: Our sidewalk will not be lined with homemade, paper bag luminaries. After a trial run, it was decided that no matter how cleverly done, rows of flaming lunch sacks do not have the desired welcoming effect. The dining table will not be covered with expensive linens, fancy china or crystal goblets. If possible, we will use dishes that match and everyone will get a fork. Since this IS Thanksgiving, we will refrain from using the plastic Peter Rabbit plate and the Santa napkins from last Christmas. Our centerpiece will not be the tower of fresh fruit and flowers that I promised. Instead we will be displaying a hedgehog-like decoration hand-crafted from the finest construction paper. The artist assures me it is a turkey. We will be dining fashionably late. The children will entertain you while you wait. I'm sure they will be happy to share every choice comment I have made regarding Thanksgiving, pilgrims and the turkey hotline. Please remember that most of these comments were made at 5:00 AM upon discovering that the turkey was still hard enough to cut diamonds. As accompaniment to the children's recital, I will play a recording of tribal drumming. If the children should mention that I don't own a recording of tribal drumming, or that tribal drumming sounds suspiciously like a frozen turkey in a clothes dryer, ignore them. They are lying. We toyed with the idea of ringing a dainty silver bell to announce the start of our feast. In the end, we chose to keep our traditional method. We've also decided against a formal seating arrangement. When the smoke alarm sounds, please gather around the table and sit where you like. In the spirit of harmony, we will ask the children to sit at a separate table. In a separate room. Next door. Now I know you have all seen pictures of one person carving a turkey in front of a crowd of appreciative onlookers. This will not be happening at our dinner. For safety reasons, the turkey will be carved in a private ceremony. I stress "private" meaning: Do not, under any circumstances, enter the kitchen to laugh at me. Do not send small, unsuspecting children to check on my progress. I have an electric knife. The turkey is unarmed. It stands to reason that I will eventually win. When I do, we will eat. Before I forget, there is one last change. Instead of offering a choice between 12 different scrumptious desserts, we will be serving the traditional pumpkin pie, garnished with whipped cream and small fingerprints. You will still have a choice: take it or leave it.
  15. he he he.......err....... now thats funny........ we hit 65 yesterday ! but today its in the high 30's not even in the 30's yet.. a friend in WV sent us a pic this morning of what he was seeing..........
  16. ok Ill go along with it.....yep he is a genius...... the original date would have meant dale taking time off work unpaid........the new date falls within june which is when dales vacation times become available each year.... yep saved us a lil money.......
  17. but the judge ordered it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it being the DNA swab........ could be a while for the results so keep the prayers coming that we get a match !! back to court next month where most likely from what was said today his lawyer is going to try to get his admission to what he did that night when he was arrested not admissable in court.
  18. well ya know we will be heading to ohio over christmas and if someone can slide it up to ohio it could end up way over in Missouri and then who knows where??????/..we will be across northern ohio from western end to almost eastern end and then probably travel down to the steubenville area.....almost WV.......so you guys better this gift a moving.... or we could drop it somewhere in In or IL going back home.......
  19. someday.................
  20. Prayers sent that Alan is healthy and safe and you will hear from him very soon !
  21. believe me you get used to being in hot water after a while................... just ask mini...........tee hee tee hee
  22. well that settles it then........since Cerviperus is really Cerberus..Im afraid Mr Owl you can't use it....... Im thinking a poll is in order for this one........and the majority rules Mr. Owl.........
  23. Dale who?????? guess its time I get in on that venturerider dating thread....
  24. Am I the only one who picked up on this comment??? Gerald what are you implying? Certainly you've got this wrong, cause all the OLD men ride 1st Gens........
  25. yeah you better not tweety ! lets just put it this way........little weiner? Try NO weiner when im done with him.:rotf: and he is laid off all week so.............................he will pay ...... gonna start by taking me out for lunch......RIGHT NOW !@
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