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Everything posted by Cinderella

  1. pot stirring?? altho ive been very good for quite a while.....
  2. sending prayers for quick healing and no complications......and for strength for the family!
  3. i hold u in the highest regard for doing what u are doing for your family! Takes a real man to sacrifice so much for them !
  4. i was guestimating 8...... (higher the better!! lol )
  5. coming to the pros for this answer........need for legal documents.. valu on the bike......04 midnight.......53000 miles.......has additional chrome and lights..no damage, never dropped....but that crack or split in front left lower cowl fairing or whatever its called...lol kbb tells me retail 9080 trade in 6350 but doesnt ask miles or condition
  6. is this what i keep hearing referred to as the "dark side" ???? :rotfl:
  7. haha you know me better than that.....ive never made a threat.......... (only promises )
  8. i wouldnt even want to see what............... nope not even gonna say it...........
  9. good to see some things never change......like the hallucinations of some members!!
  10. you really shouldnt tempt us with remarks like that becuz everything thats been done can always be "out-done"
  11. hehe thanks for bringing this back up.....brings back some good memory's! haha look at the force haylie is putting into your pie tweety!!! hahaha:rotfl:
  12. Thanks for the bd wishes all......means a lot to me...... my terrible year ended pretty rough and then i have to be another year older on top of it... oh well.things have got to start improving soon, so i look forward to that.
  13. Thanks Carl! I now like to refer to myself as a "faith walker"
  14. To all of you, Haylie and I want to say Merry Christmas and thank you! So many of you sent me notes and helped us out I just couldn’t answer everyone and thank everyone. You all brought a smile to my face along with tears and I will never forget! My brother does a lot of traveling and he used some of his frequent flyer miles to book Haylie and I a trip home to my family in Ohio for Christmas. Tho we are getting excited about it, its bitter sweet in a way : ( Even tho my future is kind of “unknown” at this time, I am doing whatever I have to for us as best I can. It is starting to slowly get a little easier settling into being alone but all the emotional trash is still raw. I am having to make some tough decisions as I go along because of some bad choices someone else is making. My heart truly aches for him because he is blinded to how it will all end up coming back to hurt him some day. Please keep him in your prayers. I am truly trying to forgive and treat him as best I can, but believe me some days I lose my temper. Legalities are started and we will see where that goes after the 1st of the year : ( Thanks to you all Christmas will be better than I anticipated for Haylie, I didn’t want it to be any worse for her than it had to be. The way I see it, the past cpl years have been pretty tough for us and they can only get better now. I owe a lot to God and my faith, He has never failed me thru it all I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas full of love and family and blessings! You all have a special place in my heart!
  15. oh see how u r......and here i thought i was special cuz u shared the recipe with me!!! u share with everyone....:rotfl:
  16. might be interested!
  17. http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=229036&catid=1142 this stuff appears to be the same sort of thing......if u read reviews someone said its a little better than the others as far as how long it lasts
  18. Innocent!!!
  19. good luck on your surgery tomorrow.......praying all goes well and the healing is quick.
  20. well us women know how it goes.... sometimes you think you have finally found your night in shining armor and he turns out to be a retard in tinfoil!!!! :rotfl: congrats to you both !
  21. hahaha wait til dale sees that "little " show comment....
  22. diane send me your mailing address they emailed me back and said theyd be more than happy to send me an issue of it....ill just have it mailed to you !!
  23. we dont get the magazine but i put in a request to them on how to get ahold of that particular copy and explained why. Ill let you know if I hear something back
  24. All I can say is I had a great time last night......laughed pretty hard... Yep i got to go along...and another couple went us......... even tho we were with Dan...it was more of a twinky night than a cupcake night........ :rotfl::rotfl: ask dan next time u see him !!!
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