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Everything posted by Cinderella

  1. well beer i guess you should start it off eh?? Now we all know what gene wears under his chaps..............
  2. your only worrys right now should be yourself don.........this place will take of itself......and im sure everyone will behave........
  3. i would think that the reward, etc would have to stipulate that the lead leads to an arrest.
  4. i just sent an email to the news station there in huntsville..... http://www.whnt.com/ telling them a little about the story and links to the posts here......hoping to get some exposure...... in finding this guy.... eck i know you.......you are the kind of guy who just would forget about this and move on........but this is such a serious matter and could help prevent someone else being a victim to this guy....and maybe not being here to tell their story. I will let you know if they respond.....
  5. Dale and I are in also......... im still shocked that this happened
  6. flb_78 was saying tx -amarillo was gonna get a blizzard last night in chat......... well little did i know its coming here...... winter storm warnings out for us possible upwards of 8 inches of snow........YUCK and wind.....sposed to switch over late tonight and snow all day tomorrow... I thought we were done for the year.........and we took the snow blade off the tractor..... enough is enough already..... I hate winter.....there goes my magnolia tree that just opened up we go from no coats or jackets one day back to winter coats and hats and gloves the next.....missouri is weird.....guess its better than the old ohio winters tho.
  7. well its plain and simple if ya ask me.......... since when do what our hubbys want??????????????????? :rotfl:
  8. glad to hear things are progressing for the better....... we willkeep pete in our prayers for a full and quick recovery follow doctors orders and be patient and hopefully things keep getting better
  9. dont feel bad ramona........tho i havent gained all i lost back i did reattach a couple of them..... i lost 10 and seemed stuck there.......now ive put about 3 back on....and i know its because while the grandkids were here i ate things i shouldnt have....and havent been trying as hard. yesterday i worked outside cleaning up the yard and flower beds, raking leaves out of bushes, picking up sticks from all winter......maybe getting started on some outside doings will help jump start it back up........but i must say, im feeling the work i did yesterday pretty bad today... like i remember someone saying a while back..........does this mean im going to have to do some kind of excercise???????.guess im going to have to....
  10. when u are starting ur computer up before windows starts hit the f8 key and it will give u the option to start in safe mode, etc. if you want to be able to get online while in safe mode make sure u choose safe mode with networking. dont be afraid to hit the f8 numerous times to make sure u time it right....lol
  11. i have avg........... i just added malwarebytes ......... so now i have several programs on here...instead of 3:hurts: i would think i would be safe now....lol running a scan with malwarebytes now to see if it pulls up anything the others didnt.....(as of right now its showing 6 things the other apparently didnt get, still scanning)
  12. ok im back ..i think...... i am very careful here also...i practice safe surfing...... but my daughter who was just visiting and my dear hubby arent as careful......got to blame it on someone.... I tried to run that smithfix and it wouldnt run.......then i dowloaded the combofix and it wouldnt run......i rebooted in safe mode and then combofix ran......it redownloaded my restore program.......and then did a scan type thing and dleted some files, etc.....rebooted me in reg mode and when i did a test run in my borwser it didnt seem to be redirecting me anymore........ so as of right now i think it did fix the prob..... think ill add that superantispyware to puter also......the more the merrier. thanks guys..... Ill let ya know if it seems to come back I have used hijackthis in the past but dont have it on here at this time......it can be confusing if you dont know what you are looking at.....and sometimes im not so sure of myself either....lol
  13. ive read some about that combofix on geek forums about fixing this but it all seemed a little over my head and a lot of detailed doing this and that..so i hadnt attempted it.....lol I will check it out some more and try daves suggestion also.....
  14. Usually i can figure out how to fix a problem but this time im stuck. Ive got some kind of malware or something on my puter that redirects my browser. If i search for something and try to go to it my browser ends up going somewhere else.....sometimes when i click back it will then go to where it was sposed to, sometimes it wont.....this is getting extremely frustrating.... sometimes in the address bar i see "abcjump" when its doing this..other times i dont... I have done searches on how to fix or get rid of this and im not getting anywhere.......add to that it redirects me whne im searching also... I have adaware, spybot search and destroy and avg running on my puter.....i also tried to restore my system ( xp) to an earlier date and it wont do it......arrrrrrr anyone have any ideas or help to offer? I have been using IE because foxfire was giving me probs a while back and I deleted it.....I also have avant browser and it seems to be infected also...
  15. I do it about once every week or two ...depends on how many new ones I have.....I was just looking at it and thinking I need to add you and hardhead......will be done shortly..... you will get your raffle numbers soon also......usually wait til I have a few to send em to mr owl......we havent forgotten you.....
  16. bob check your email........im confused about your rally order.........:think:
  17. i believe we are going to go.depends on the trial stuff since its sceduled for the june 1st.....my daughter is flying out here for a few days and will drive back with me to ohio so dale can ride the bike out.....depending on what way we go bill.....im sure he would ride with you....if we cut across 36 you could meet up in hannibal maybe.......just not sure what way we will go yet.....could shoot up 35 to des moines area and take 80/90 across........doubt we will come across 70 tho. in all reality we wont know til it gets closer.
  18. decided to put this here instead of the middle of the watering hole....... got a call this morning they finally got dna results back........ what they found was something called p3 it is not semen but found in semen........and they didnt get a match..... prosecutors office thinks there may have been a mistake or tests werent right....where else would this have come from??? there are 2 labs here......one is kansas city crime lab and the other state highway patrol.......so they are going to send to send to other lab and get it retested... we are only a month away from the pretrial hearings starting so hopefully they get some fast turn around this time..... I was almost devastated after waiting all this time and then not getting a match on him. so i guess we wait some more and hope for better results this time.... they assured me this wouldnt hurt our case because of his statement and the other evidence.... this really depressed me.......i was so sure we would get some positive results to help put this slime away without question
  19. thank you thank you brad.........finally someone stands with me on something.....I knew I always liked you squid....... to be truthfull here I got it from brad..........just kinda stuck...... now to be honest ,thats about how i feel today......the kids and grandkids left about noon today....and let me tell ya....im whipped.... but i loved every minute of it..... and yes tweety bird........it has always been a term of endearment when ive used it....
  20. yeah well if you had seen dale and i along the highway in freezing temps with crazy winds and it got dark while doing this.....trying to get that van onto a trailer..when it wouldnt start so couldnt be driven on.had to pull it on with too short of a what ever you call them..wench??..had to tie a strap to extend it...unhooking ..rehooking..pulling some more........and then the gas tank bottoms out before going up the ramps....and then figuring out we had to jack up the front of the trailer to lower the back to get it on..... yeah Im sure you would have been laughing brad...... needless to say its still sitting on the trailer..........:rotfl:
  21. sounds like u are another one of us who doesnt see them enough........ wow....I must say the ventureriders put out beautiful grandkids !!!! I am patiently awaiting their arrival....... mom and dad and the baby "Reid" have been awake since 4:30.....they let the macy sleep in.... see if they had just come all the way maybe the baby would have slept better......you know being at grandmas and all..... sounds like an extra pot of coffee is in order when they get here....
  22. im not old enough john.but somehow it happened....... they called a bit ago and decided to stop ..geez they are only 2 hrs away.but the baby was throwing a fit and Macy hasnt napped at all...... I think its mom and dad......they had enough...:rotf:I know its not macy cause every house they see she asks if its grandmas house........she hasnt been here since she was a baby. If i had my van id run down the road about 2 hrs and grab those babys and bring here myself..... oh yeah my van is broke down again........someone hasnt time to fix it yet.. ....guess the son in law is gonna have to help while he is here ( he is a mechanic).....think its the fuel pump this time......and a dead dead battery from trying to get it running.....long story:whistling:
  23. About 5:00 they were around 3 hrs away........mom and dad cant decide if they will come all the way yet tonight or not.....been a loooong day with 2 little ones in the car.... Grandma says..oh come on youre only 3 hrs away now!!!!!!!! I cant wait !! they were going to come out at easter, but decided since son in law is laid off..( has been since Nov) instead of chancing him getting called back to work by then they would come now....SURPRISE! They left Ohio about 8 my time this morning, Macy the oldest is finally doing the potty training thing after many many tries......and apparently she is being so good about it today and refuses to go in her pullup, but everytime they stop for her to go, she cant in a strange bathroom.......they get back on the road and 10 mins later she has to go potty...they stop and go thru the same thing all over again...... anyways Im excited and wont be able to stand it if they stop for the night when they are sooo close.....havent seen them since Christmas..... those of you who have the grandkids close enough to see all the time are so lucky...... ok just had to share my excitement !!!!!
  24. wow aint no way that thing would get that close to me..is that guy nuts?? great photo.....
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