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Everything posted by Cinderella

  1. It is over........completely..... he was sentenced to 18 yrs......everything went smoothly. we had about 8 bikes and 4 cages go to court. I read my statement ...yes i made it through it... but i could hear my own voice shaking..i kept it together tho. dont know whether it was my statement that caused these things or not but after i read it some were in tears......and the judge was pissed......the prosecutors told me they had never seen him get pissed like that.......he reemed the perp a new you know what...all of us thought he was going to give him more years the way he contemplated it, but he stuck with the 18 and told the perp what a break he had been given by us agreeing to this..and when we were finished he said very meanly and angrily "get him out of here" afterwards the defense attorney came over and spoke to us and told us how devastated his family is also........he also had been told that we have done some yard work for them and snow plowing over the winter for his parents and he was simply shocked that we had done such a christian thing and he was impressed by our actions.....and sorry for what we've gone thru. Haylie just wanted to get out of there.... inthe middle of it all she turns to me and says " can i have afreezer bar when we get home?":rotf: she earned her baca hero patch today, she was tickled. my mind is still going in circles but the tension seems to have lessened. thank you everyone for bearing with me thru these months and supporting us and always having good advise for us. now we truly have cause to celebrate at the rally in a few weeks.......... so get registered.............sorry couldnt resist a shamless plug......
  2. im going crazy waiting...........im ready to go now........ my heart feels like its in my throat.... weve had some rain and storms this morning.....hoping it clears out soon cuz haylie is sposed to ride on the motorcycles to court this morning..
  3. yes the international in Arkansas aug 3 - 6- check the rally section and there is a clickable link in my signature for the registration page... where have you been?????????????? weve only been pushing it and talking about it for 9 months.........its bout time for that baby to be born !!
  4. geez don.....want to get me one too ?????
  5. a couple of u said sleep well.........haha ive been wide awake since 4:15 am........ mind is racing......couldnt get back to sleep..... too much to think about i guess..... thanks everyone for joining in our news..... i hate to call it good news or victory...tho it is a very good amount of time to get for a plea in this kind of case......you cant help but wish you could have gotten alot more. One of our goals in trying to keep haylie from having to relive it all by going thru trial was for him to get enough time behind bars for her to age to an age of understanding.....so by the time he would get out she would have come to understand the depth of what happened becuase at this point her innocence and age is still in the way of that. Hopefully this is a good thing that she doesnt understand and the path of time will not come back to haunt her. not only do we need closure but she will need to know when she gets to understand what happened that she toook part in that closure and was there for not just the beginning but the end also..... ive gone over my impact statement so im ready to speak today if we get to that point..its funny when i wrote it the anger had subsided some but now the anger is tugging at me really bad again......who knows what i might add to what i wrote yet.... my goal now is to figure out what reason God had for letting us go thru this........and then do something about it..... i have already volunteered with the local PD to to be available when someone else goes thru this kind of thing and needs someone who "knows" first hand to talk to, because i didnt have that. And believe me there are far more cases of this crap going on than you could imagine...even in small town america, not just big citys,,,, step 2 is to become members of BACA and return to some other kids what was given to mine. oh yeah and step 3 is to attend every parole hearing he ever has to keep that sucker locked up as long as possible:whistling:
  6. Well today was the pretrial hearing....The judge decided we would handle the pretrial tomorrow along with the motion hearing......so nothing happened. well about 5;15 tonight i got a call from the prosecutor.......... the perp accepted the plea ...and 18 years,which is what we offered.( hes 55 or 56 now) This is cause for major celebration..!!!.......no trial...no haylie having to go thru it all over.... ive been sort of numb ever since the call.....im happy, im sad.....im relieved.....i just cant explain it. ive cried......ive smiled....ive laughed. tomorrow at the hearing he will give his guilty plea.......the prosecutor is going to to try to get the entire thing settled tomorrow......the sentencing included so its done..over...we're outta here! if the judge doesnt oblidge us i imagine we will be back in about 6 weeks for sentenceing . he did let us know things can sometimes fall apart between plea and sentencing when the judge orders an assesment......the reason being because he has no prior criminal or any kind of record......the only thing they will most likely turn up is that he is a drunk...so this could sway the judge to lower the sentence.....or some other dumb thing.......so we're pushing for the whole shebang. i like to think "its finally over"......dale wont say its over til he hears the sentence..... but he will be a registered sex offender........would never be allowed to move back here as long as we live here...... plus he gets to relive what he did over and over when bubba gets ahold of him and hes walking around with his thumb in the front of someone pants...and becomes his b****.. haylie will be attending court with us tomorrow as well as some of her BACA family.....she still just doesnt grasp the court and everything thats happening.....but i believe being there for this tomorrow will be a help in her life when she understands it all. To knows she was a part of the end where there was some justice and not just a bystander. ok let it rip...................................... alleluia............... yee haa............ woooo hoooooo:cool10: I will fill ya all in tomorrow after court.......10 am:D
  7. that was down right cruel bill.............. but it did work last time......
  8. come on folks...the more raffle tickets we sell the more prizes we get.......... remember all moneys from raffle ticket sales go towards prizes......... we already have the grand prize of the trailer and 2nd and 3rd place prizes as the netbooks....... Lets get some more prizes !!!! lets get some more tickets sold and also as said many times.........you do not have to be in attendance at the rally to win the grand prize or the 2nd place prize !!
  9. and then they walk out without washing their hands...........
  10. im thinking that trailer wants to stay in the midwest....like missouri
  11. i cant believe im :whistling:saying this but its almost a godsend that i have all this rally stuff going on too....keeping up with the registrations and raffle ticket sales, etc has kept my mind occupied and very very busy.its been a lot of work and record keeping but i have enjoyed it......
  13. dan click the registration page link in my signature below and on the web page u can order a tshirt and pay thru paypal..... make sure u tell what color and size...........each color has the sizes it comes in listed above the pic of the color
  14. I know someone asked in another post whether u had to be present to win the raffle ticket prizes at the rally..... it has been custom in the past that you had to be present to win anything except the grand prize trailer........ bill announced earlier today about the 2nd and 3rd prizes of the netbooks...... well we have decided this year that not only will the grand prize trailer be a "not need to be present to win" item..........but also 1 of the netbooks....... so 1st ( the trailer)and 2nd ( a netbook) prizes can be won by anyone whether they are in attendance or not at the rally.
  15. dale ended up getting out of work earlier than he thought so he did show up but late... thanks for offer dan........u better find urself a hobby to deal with that time u got....:whistling:or i may call u down here for the next one...
  16. well i survived........ we are ready for trial......... we did find out the defendants attorney asked for a plea offer when he got the dna news.. and it was also stressed to us today that the dna isnt as good as most times when u have a billion to one odds....... we only have 12000 to 1 that its his or in his maternal family line..... brand new test...where they separate the x and y...in fact we are the first case in Missouri to use this new test..wow......so we are treading on some new ground here. anyways.....also found out when i testify at the motion hearing fri they will be showing the taped interview the professionals did with haylie.......i have never seen this nor been allowed to ....this is gonna be a tough one to deal with... the deal is that what haylie told me and what she told them in the taped interview etc are considered hearsay...and of course hearsay isnt allowed in court......except....theres a law in missouri that if they are a child under 14 these things can be admitted and thats what the motion hearing is about. proseciutors cant see that judge wouldnt allow them. well they say we have a good case....but jurys for these trials are bad...people dont like to be on jurys for sex abuse child cases...so u most times u end up with the scum of the jury left after they get rid of people and people get themselves kicked off..uggh and the jury will also give the sentence for this case.... we are prepared to make a plea offer to keep haylie from having to be traumatized by trial.....so we wait and see what happens and proceed to the final steps preparing for trial in case it doesnt happen they believe the defendants attorney is going to cross examine me fri to try to say i put her up to saying he did these things...and whatever else he can try to come up with...im going to go in early fri and read over my signed statements to the police so my mind is refreshed since its been so long. boy im telling you.........never ever do i want to deal with the court system again.... all dale keeps saying is you should have called me first........:whistling:
  17. yeah well someone come hold my hand then:rotfl:......they called and want us in earlier today and dale cant leave work that early....so its just me and haylie......my stomach is in knots..... we are getting ready to leave shortly.... i have a hard time with anxiety some times.........and its starting up...lol i know we will be fine......
  18. picking up the trailer is the responsibility of the winner as it always has been.......the trailer is in des moines , Iowa you will either be able to make arrangements for them to ship it to you or you can set up a relay to get it to you...... I dont know what the shipping charges would be for sure. we live within 3 hrs des moines so dale and i are willing to try to help out with a relay of the trailer.... we are not having it at the rally so the winner can pick their choice of color..
  19. you will get your pm with numbers soon.......as soon as i have several sales on tickets we get the numbers out.....so we arent doing it every 2 hours...... hang tight theys a comin........
  20. keep those raffle ticket sales rolling in and we will add more great prizes........ all moneys from raffle ticket sales go towards prizes !!
  21. the official cut off date for ordering your rally shirts is fast approaching...... next monday July 13th 9am central time as said i will have a few extras at the rally but not many.......... if u still plan to register and cant do it by monday ..please please........pm me with your tshirt sz and color so it can be added to the order.......otherwise you will have to accept whatever i may have ordered extra for your t shirt.
  22. like this??? if so just hit the quote button at the bottom right corner of my post.........try it once......
  23. Thanks guys.......its really hard to believe that almost a year has gone by since this nightmare started..... and i know ive bored ya all to death with all my updates and complaints and concerns..... and like dale and i have said before......you have no idea how much all your support and well wishes have helped us get thru this..... I honestly dont know how I would have made it sometimes without having people to talk to..and share this with.:bighug:
  24. i just have one question............ who in the world would nominate roadkill............ :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: some poor sucker musta felt sorry for you...........
  25. Jerry you should have received them in a pm long ago... i can send em to u if you want...but you really dont need to know ur numbers as your name has been put on your tickets that go in the drawing.....let me know if you want them tho
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