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Everything posted by tooldood

  1. We're everywhere Sonny!
  2. tooldood


    Ummm... Did you forget somethin'?
  3. Ok... it sounds like I've got to pull the engine out of the bike, split the case and drop the bottom end out, and replace the middle gears. On the plus side, I do have the engine out of a parts bike that has been sitting here for awhile (I guess I'm glad I don't throw stuff out).
  4. Ok, so it's not the output shaft and does not appear to be the middle gear. With the bike on the center stand and in first or second gear, you can spin the rear wheel and hear a ratcheting sound out of the area behind the middle gear bearing cover on the left side of the engine, basically there is no connecting between clutch basket and middle gear set. You can spin the rear wheel by hand without moving the crankshaft, the clutch is fully engaged and functional. If I hold the retaining nut of the middle gear attached to the transmission shaft with a socket you can not turn the rear wheel, so I assume the middle gear set is ok. No shavings or filing in the oil when drained. Any ideas what to look for before we tear the engine out and split the case???
  5. Ok Joel, Brad and George... the ribs are on the smoker... how soon can you guys get here?? I have the bags, rear wheel off... just never tackled the swing arm removal or such... The drive shaft looks ok George. Anyone got a huge socket you can email me to get that nut off to remove the swing arm?? What size does that take Joel??
  6. Sometime in the recent past, I believe there was a thread about a problem with the output shaft... I didn't pay too much attention, because I hadn't experienced anything like that described - soooo.... Well now guess what..? Yesterday on my way home from work my drive shaft went out. I had had some hard shift / torque lash kinda thing the day before and again right before I pulled up to a stop light. I went to pull away when the light changed and no going anywhere! I could hear the shaft spin at the middle gear area but ut was a stripped gear type of sound. My question is, where can I find the thread where this was discussed before? I tried searching, but no luck, so I am probably using the wrong search terms... Anyone able to help a feeble minded doofus like me?
  7. Thanks Bob... that what I was asking about. I have an 87 I'm trying to get on the road and the carbs are trashed. The shop wants too much to re-build them. Ebay has a couple of the 83 - 85 years up for auction.
  8. I was wondering if the carbs from an 83 - 85 will be compatible on an 87? Anyone tried that?
  9. Deleted
  10. Sorry it took me so long to answer Jack... I just got back from taking Cody (our 18 yr old) to Pensacola FL to start working his way thru college. The answer is no, I haven't seen the carbs taken apart at the shop, it has just been over the phone. I'm back now and will be draggin' my butt over there to have a look and talk to the mechanic. The first thing now tho is to pay Klaus for fixing my Jeep which the water pump deciced to puke the night before I left for Florida... Man, it's always somethin'!!!
  11. It gripes me too... but he was pretty specific. He said the seals and rings(?) were all shot and the needles were pitted and corroded and it looked almost like coolant in the bowls as the fuel was discolored and almost green...
  12. I have a bike I picked up that had been sitting for about 4 years. I couldn't get it running and finally found a mechanic that works on the old stuff. He went thru the carbs and said they need to be re-built. With what he wants for parts and labor, I thought I'd see if I could find a set... or I'll have to sell the project bike for someone else's project.
  13. If anyone out there has a set of 1st gen carbs that need a good home? Let me know. I have an 87 that really needs some good working carbs.
  14. Must be all that 'global warming' makin' it rain...
  15. It's 8:20 in the evening... 93 degrees and 6% humidity! What's it like where you are??
  16. LOL... Nope, but if I did I'd send it your way.
  17. Last chance... I did get a couple of responses but no takers yet. A little more info for ya' 1 is an older set w/ the chrome boom mike (for open face helmets) and the other has a flexible black boom mike and is slimmer to use inside a full or modular helmet. It has been pretty busy around here getting the 18 yr old ready for graduation :thumbsup2:and then 2 days after that we head to Pensacola FL to send him to college.:clap2: Any Florida Panhandle riders (or lower Alabama) want them?? I'll deliver them that far!!
  18. Number 5000!!!
  19. If anyone has a Carbtune or a Carb Pro... I'd be happy to trade.
  20. I'll ask here first... Anyone interested in a J&M headset for sale? I'd rather see someone here get it but if I don't find someone here, I'll throw it on ebay. Let me know if you are interested and I am flexible on price but be fair ok?
  21. Hey Don, once you get it going a little bit, try using an electric hair dryer on it. That's what I used to do back in the day and it's like turbo-charging the starter! I had a roommate years ago that worked for a co called Airgas... he would get an oxygen tank and shoot some oxygen into the coals and get them fired right up!
  22. I tried something new the other day for starting the coals. I bought a box of fire starter packets. You put 1 or 2 down, pile the charcoal over and around it and light it. It supposedly burns at 1500 degrees or somethin' like that and starts the charcoal pretty easy. No lighter fluid or big flames like you get w/ fluid.
  23. Anyone coming to Vegas want to bring your Carbtune with ya??:whistling: I have an 87 here that really needs it so I can sell it!!
  24. I don't know about that... it throws off heat! The first time I fired it up, the thermometer on it said it got up to about 750 degrees in about 5 minutes!! I wouldn't want to ride next to that very long...
  25. I grill ALOT! it is nice to have the gas for when you need the grill fast and hot!! The charcoal is good for the flavor and smoke...but it takes a bit longer. I love doing ribs. Shoot, I love grilling darn near everything!
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