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tooldood last won the day on February 2

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About tooldood

  • Birthday 12/17/1961

Personal Information

  • Name
    Scott Shaw


  • Location
    Fulton, KY


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2010 Royal Star Venture S


  • Occupation
    Bum for now

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  1. If you can't find one locally, I can help.
  2. Happy Belated Birthday Don.
  3. Was going through some stuff and look what I found...
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  4. Isaiah 9:6: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”
  5. As a kid, I grew up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches... and as an adult (some may argue that part) the good ol' PBJ is still my favorite sandwich. The basics are the same, but it's now on wheat bread with chunky peanut butter and grape jam (spreads better than jelly). Now - how about the rest of you? What is your go-to??
  6. Well in that case, allow me to contribute... About a month after getting my RSV, I popped over a small hill to find a car stopped in my lane - facing me! Apparently it was easier for him to pull over to check his mailbox instead of pulling into the driveway and getting out of the car. I managed to avoid the car but hit the ditch. Shattered the collarbone into 5 pieces.
  7. I have ESPN. Checked there - no luck.
  8. Reddy - the group here has forgotten more than a lot of other sites ever knew. There isn't much that will stump the brain trust of VR. You are in good hands.
  9. Saw this on FakeBook... https://www.facebook.com/share/r/eSnXZKLY9684bSS5/
  10. Has anyone found a better mirror for the RSV? Maybe it is because of years of riding the 1st Gen bikes where the mirrors are mounted to the fairing - which puts them higher and more forward, but there is something about the RSV mirrors that could be improved. So, has anyone found an aftermarket option that is higher or larger?
  11. Today was the day for an exhaust swap out. The bike came to me with fish tail pipes. Nice and loud... but after 680 miles the first day (brought it home from NC to western KY) it was more than enough for me. I'd been on the look out for some stock exhaust or Road King take offs and a couple weeks ago I found a nice set of the RK pipes. I got a friend with a metal worker friend who has a new laser cutter. He got the brackets back to me last night and today was the swap day. These are much more chill. I can actually enjoy the ride a bit more now. I will say though, the change that has made the biggest difference in the riding enjoyment is the skinnier (130) front tire. It handles so much better now and is getting alot closer to the 1st Gens that I had for many many years. The handlebar risers (in my opinion) have also contributed to the 'feel' of the front end as well.
  12. Al, recently I upgraded my audio system, so I have the entire system including a 6 disc cd player. How much of it do you want?
  13. It is not a problem. Upon further searching on the world weird web, I was able to find a couple different options to make.
  14. I have read that write up of the install, but I'm looking for the specs on the bracket he got from Sofa King so I can build a set. So, if anyone knows where I can get the brackets or the dimensions, please let me know.
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