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Everything posted by mhenderlong

  1. My dad, bless his sole has decided to give up on riding motorcycles. He rode when I was a very young when he rode a Honda 450 and stopped riding back in 1968 when my parents started a second family. I have 2 siblings 12 years younger than I am so I guess he shied on the side of caution to be around for them. He started riding again at the young age of 72 when he bought a 2005 Screaming Eagle Sporster. He really enjoyed it so much he bought 2 basket case 1984 Honda Goldwings and rebuilt them. He sold one and the other is an on going project. Now the build in story is done this is why the post, he is a Michigander except in winter when he goes south. In Michigan the Department of Transportation seals their roads with a tar and pea gravel mix when applied has way too much gravel. He was out riding in August with a neighbor when he hit a section of the newly sealed road and down he went at the current age of 80. He has a few battle scars but he is alright, the bike on the other hand was pretty much beat up. I went to visit him late September and he told me the story and he showed me the progress on the bike rebuild but he was not going to keep it but sell it. I looked at him a little befuddled and asked why he didn't turn it into the insurance. He said he didn't want his rate to go up but I came back and said "but you are quitting riding and why did you put full coverage on the bike if you weren't going to use it". I also said the if you couldn't sell it I would take it off your hands but I really couldn't afford to pay for it. This past weekend he was driving south where he stops by my house to visit and spend the night which I enjoy very much every year as I don't get to see my parents very often since I moved to Georgia 8 years ago. While we sitting and chatting on evening he thanked me for suggesting turning the accident into the insurance company where they had $4900 damage and took it to the Harley shop and was getting it repaired. He also told me that I was the only son over the years that never asked my parents for any financial help whatsoever and offered to give me the bike. I love riding motorcycles a lot but I wanted a smaller bike to commute locally on. I think a 1200 Sporster would be a great little commute bike especially since it has saddle bags and windshield both of which just got replaced. I turn 60 next month and I feel blessed that I have both my parents but at the same time being sad since they are not going to be around much longer and I don't get to see them very often.
  2. In the 70s I went camping with my brother and we climbed under the Cut River bridge when a cement trucked over it. I couldn't get off it fast enough. It is certainly God's country up there. I miss going up there dearly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. When I got home Friday night a week ago my wife meets at my car which she normally doesn't do so I was wondering what is up. She tells me that our son dropped my 2007 RSTD in the garage. I thought that isn't that big of a deal since I have fallen over once and nothing happen to the bike. When walked past it it definitely was not just a fall over. The crash bars were nearly ground completely through, running lamp on left side busted, windshield scratched on the edge and the left side lower is busted. I walk into the house and the kid is covered in road rash. He still claims the bike fell over on him the garage but I could tell this was a story. Anyways I make a list of parts and start searching on the net for the least expensive parts supplier and I nearly had a heart attack on what Yamaha wants for parts on these bikes. The front trim ring on the headlight was a whopping $152, cheapest I could find, the lower was the worst since it is just a piece of of ABS plastic which costs $258. Well after the cost reach $1200 I decided to call the insurance company. Met with the adjuster on Thursday and he was not even phased on the cost. After 15 minutes and he has an estimate of $2600 which I have $500 deductible I think I did alright. I still have a dent in the gas tank to get fixed. I guess I have never realized how bad the manufacturers were raping its customers for the cost of parts. I am just glad the son is alright except for the fact he won't come clean on what happen. I guess from now on the motorcycle keys go with me every time I go out of town. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. History of problem: Took to dealer because of a lot of backfire fall of 09. Brought it home and the throttle play was way over 3/4" and the throttle handle wouldn't return to idle but the engine idled okay. Took the tank off adjusted throttle play to spec. Then every time I parked it in the garge I smelled fuel but no puddle on the ground. Finally had to tear it back apart and found a hose disconnected from the the air box. Decided from then on no more dealer working on bike. Bought dial indicator for carb synch and digital tach. Synched my own carbs since. The backfire showed up last year when returning from Charahulla Parkway so I synched carbs again, checked for vacuum leak and evrything looks great.
  5. I have not been a member very long and haven't posted at all but I wanted tell all that the information from this site is plain amazing. I have an 07 RSTD and have added a few items that this site has made real easy. I have a little problem that I can't trace down. I get a exaust gas ignition on deceleration every once in a while. The bike starts and runs great but when I let go of the clutch on a down shift it poofs once and that is it. Annoying more than anything. Anybody have a thought? My guess is that the AIS valve is not closing or is a little sticky. Please don't suggest to bypass the AIS as I do care about the environment. I also lost my full time job last August but have been blessed to work contract jobs so I am doing well. My next job will take a year to complete and it is in Texas. Won't be able to take the scoot so I am heading out for one last adventure until I have to go. Agian Thanks to all
  6. mhenderlong

    07 RSTD

    My wife thinks I am a fool for this but I love this bike
  7. mhenderlong


    From the album: 07 RSTD

  8. mhenderlong


    From the album: 07 RSTD

  9. mhenderlong


    From the album: 07 RSTD

  10. I used to live in Pinckney Michigan and had to go through Hell to gethere.
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