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Mike Woodman

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About Mike Woodman

  • Birthday 10/03/1948

Personal Information

  • Name
    Mike Woodman


  • Location
    Weare NH, United States


  • City
    Weare NH


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    83 Venture Royale
  1. Yep it was the speedo itself. I had a much more pleasant ride to work last nite. Now I just have to read the tach to determine speed till I repair or replace the speedo. Thanks again
  2. Now that I think of it I took the cable off the front wheel but it still be the drive itself. I knew that newer brains than mine would have fresh Ideas. I'll post what I find. Thanks
  3. I posted this just after I got my 83 Venture royale last summer but couldn't remedy. Different year, same noise. If you saw the movie Dumb & Dumber, Jim carry's character asks," do you want to hear the most obnoxious sound ever?" Well mine is kind of like the sound he made. Like a prolonged chicken squawk. It starts at about 35 mph, it stops just as I come to a stop. It was really howling today (my second ride this year) so as I approached my house I pulled in the clutch and killed the motor. The noise again continued til I rolled to a stop. It is only one note no matter the engine speed or the ground speed. It does seem louder at times but that could be that the engine makes less noise at lower speed. I really like the bike except for this issue. I'm reluctant to spring for new tires and the starter clutch upgrade without knowing how serious this is. Thanks for any input. PS I can't imagine that the brakes could be the cause but tommorow I plan to pull the units off the wheel to make sure
  4. It doesn't have a gear indicator. I'm sure the clutch is fine, goes into gear smoothly. I guess I'll have to get busy on the wiring. It's too hot to ride today anyway. Thanks for all the help.
  5. I thought about the kickstand switch but the warning lite wasn't on. When I started off in 2nd it may have startd off in first, if I tried as it did before (after several tries).It doesn't have a shift indicator unless it's just not working. Being as old as it is I was hoping it was less sophisticated, (AKA prone to failure). I'll see if I can find the online manual that was mentioned. That alone would be worth the membership fee. Thanks for the responses.
  6. Ive had my 83 Venture Royale for 6 wks or so. Today after sitting for maybe 5 days, I started out for a ride, it died at 20 mph. It would start in neutral but would die as soon as I put it in 1st. After scratching my head for awhile I tried again and it seemed OK. I rode for an hr. or so, and stopped at the store. When I went to leave the same thing happened. This time I started out in 2nd, and when I got home it seemed to be fine. Any help would be appreciated.
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