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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. Glad you are back safe.
  2. Patrolman1946 purchased a Reckless fairing in Sturgis last summer. He is pleased with it. The fairing has its own mounts that bolt to existing holes on the side of the fork tubes. They installed it while we waited. Bubble wrapped his stock windshield and carried it home on the bike. Gloss black matched his midnight RSTD well.
  3. Happy for you both. Enjoy.
  4. My neighbor repairs fuel tanks. He have me a tip that has worked for him for years. With the tank removed, he adds soap to tank and then places a garden hose in the tank and leaves the water running. The foaming soap will them exit out the top. Pieces of rust etc. will collect on the soap bubbles as they exit the tank. Just an idea.
  5. No. But you made me laugh. I have carried spares for years. Lost a key in Sturgis a few years ago. My hidden spare saved me from being embarrassed.
  6. Good news. My friend finally found his misplaced key. He really appreciated all of the input from everyone. He indicated he was heading to a locksmith for spares. Thanks everyone.
  7. New owner of 98 RSTC. Purchased from private owner. Only had the bike two weeks but failed to have spares made. Kicking himself. He asked me because he has heard my brag about how helpful the members of this site are.
  8. Good on you. Great customer service.
  9. Hello: A local friend misplaced his only ignition key for his 98 RSTC. Any suggestions?? Is there a key code stamped somewhere?
  10. Thanks for the invite.
  11. Glad you got to ride. A few teaser days in past weeks here. But refuses to warm up. Snowing in Wyoming 30 miles east of us this morning. Hard cold rain here. We really need the moisture. Hoping for a warm up.
  12. The more I read the harder I laughed. Some interesting names and great comments.
  13. Hello: Thanks for keeping us posted. Always a hard decision. Been there done that! Hopefully the settlement is more than the balance of your loan. Considering it is the beginning of a new riding season and you will likely lose some riding time if you go the repair route. I would keep the wife happy and go shopping for a replacement. Put some miles on continue to enjoy life.
  14. Congrats!
  15. Nice route. Keep us posted.
  16. Hello Everyone: I was invited to the 7th annual Pony Express ride across Nebraska yesterday. I thought other Nebraska and nearby riders might be interested. I have lived here all of my life and have never traveled East across our state much. The ride is sponsored by Fraternal order of Eagles. You do not have to be an Eagle member to ride along. There is no cost to ride bit naturally you have to pay your own expenses along the way. This ride is to raise awareness for Children's Mental Health week. The ride leaves Gering Nebraska on Thursday May 29th. Frequent stops along the way. Day one. Sidney, Ogallala, North Platte, Lexington, Kearney. Day two. Grand Island, York, Columbus, Norfolk, Blair. Day three. Lincoln You can join in and fall out at anytime during the ride. Good opportunity to meet some of the other Nebraska VR members.
  17. Thanks for sharing. Glad neither of you were hurt and could laugh about the event. Any chance of security camera footage of the event?
  18. 80 degrees here yesterday. High winds cold rain and snow today. Glad you got to ride.
  19. Good luck solving your seat issue. The stock RSTD seats are not the most comfortable. Something you generally learn only after purchase. It took me a while to solve our seat issues also. Having a 30" inseam made it more difficult. If I had it to do over I would have lowered my bike first before tackling the seat issue. I tried a Mustang seat but it pushed me close to the tank and changed my stance for the worse. The butt butler modification has worked for our riding style thus far. Rick is great to work with.
  20. Congrats!
  21. Glad you were not hurt more seriously. Keep us posted.
  22. Thanks for posting.
  23. My Nolan Modular N103 helmet is now 3 years old. I really like the helmet. I had a chance to see the newer model N104 model yesterday. I liked the dual hinge and lower profile of the 104 but was not impressed with the redesigned smaller ratchet on the N104. Much smaller than the ratchet on the N103. Sharp edges on the release lever. Does anyone else have experience with these two helmets? Because I like the ratchet type connection I also looked at Schuberth modular helmets. But they are quite a it more expensive. Somewhat lighter and supposed to be quieter.
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