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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. Sure hope you will stick around. Thanks for your service.
  2. Thanks Bill.
  3. Thanks. Just wondering if this issue is a common well known issue.
  4. Hello Everyone: Coming back from Estes Park CO over labor day, I pulled into a gas station for fuel. Noticed a later model Goldwing pulling a trailer parked near the building. When I went inside to purchase a cold drink, I spoke to the couple, they were from Central Kansas. Turned out they were broke down. Evidently the bikes rear brake locked up on them. The owner indicated the same thing happened a couple of years ago and was fixed under warranty. They were on day 2 of a 10 day trip. Any other GW riders experience anything like this??
  5. Good luck with your back operation. Your health is most important.
  6. Hello Bill: Thanks for all that you and the others are doing. Sure hope we can make it next year.
  7. Congrats. The new owner will be making new memories as will you.
  8. It has been two years since we have visited Estes Park. Left my Sister's in Loveland at 10:00 normal one hour ride on Hwy 34. Surveyed the flood damage from last seasons heavy rains along the way. Hit the first stop light and complete grid lock. Set through 3 light changes and never moved. Hwy 36 to Lyons was moving some until idiots trying to push forward on 34 screwed that up. Thankfully we were in the outside lane and could turn right on to 36. Parked the bike in the very first spot we found. Enjoyed a great brunch. An hour later Hwy 34 traffic through town was still moving poorly. We chose to head back down the canyon to Loveland. In years past I was impressed on how well vehicle and pedestrian traffic were handled in Estes but certainly not yesterday. Traffic flows better in Sturgis. Makes me really appreciate Wyoming and South Dakota that much more. No offense to our wonderful Colorado members, just getting too crowed over there. If I return I am avoiding the weekends, especially a holiday weekend. Probably should have known better.
  9. E3's front and back. Michelin II' on back and 130 up front is getting good reviews.
  10. Hello: Figured on staying home this weekend. Figured all I would get was a local ride at best. Other Grandparents called at 2:00 and asked if Grandson could come for over night. We threw an overnight bag together, dropped Grandson off and jumped on the bike. 175 miles later we are in Loveland CO for the night. Lots of time to reflect on others that have passed on. Nice ride in memory of them. Made more memories with my wife. Great ride.
  11. Eck: Thanks for the reminder. I have been allowing work or weather conditions to get in the way of riding. Hopefully not today. Especially now!!!
  12. Just for the record my PPS is the XP-3 model. It does not have all of the added adapters that are pictured in the Amazon ad for the XPG-1. I think the XPG-1 has additional tips and maybe a laptop port? Not sure.
  13. Brush CO has a motel?? Lol. What am adventure for you. Keep us posted.
  14. Congrats. I have been advertising for you!!!
  15. Great job!!! Good advice from everyone as always.
  16. Hello Everyone: A few weeks ago a coworker showed me a gift that he received. Micro Start PPS Antigravity Battery. Small compact battery with a Multi tip USB power cord to charge the most common cell phones. Also has a set of small jumper cables and enough power to jump start a vehicle or motorcycle. Weighs around 1lb. Built in flashlight, emergency strobe light. I watched a you tube video and was impressed. I considered purchasing one on Amazon but ran across a dealer at the J&P Cycle store in Sturgis. My wife spotted the dealer first and grabbed one immediately. Rally specially for $116. Our newest Kia Optima like many new cars does not have a accessory plug that is hot all the time. We often need to charge our phones while in the car but cannot do it unless the key is on. A real pain. I thought the PPS would come in handy. I have used it daily at work and really like the convenience of not being tethered to my vehicles for on the go charging. I also wanted to carry it with us on the bike. I showed it to a riding buddy last week. Last night he entered his Harley Sprint in a vintage motorcycle event and did not get the key turned completely off. Head light was off but tail light evidently still on in bright sunlight and ran the battery completely dead. When he went to leave he discovered his error. I happened to be eating supper next door. He asked if he could borrow my gadget. Gave it a good test. Bike started right up, but died as soon as the jumper cables were removed. So he was able to reconnected the short jumper cables and left the device connected while he rode the bike back to his radiator shop a mile away. From now on I will always be sure to carry it with me. Below is the you tube video link. Just my two cents. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_WTbDdjn2s&sns=em]Antigravity Batteries Micro Start, Starting Demonstration flv - YouTube[/ame]
  17. Interesting story. Glad you are safe.
  18. I am still looking for RSV side rails to mount my RSV rack. I will post on the FB sight for the both of us.
  19. I found a used RSV rack from a FB site. Still looking for RSV side rails.
  20. Hello: On our way home from Sturgis A few weeks ago I met another fellow rider from Houston. Very friendly individual. I mentioned how much fun we had at Kreg's MD a few years ago and how friendly the Texas people were. We became instant friends due to our motorcycles. We swapped a few FB messages over the last couple of weeks. Shocked to learn this morning that Michael Leonetti owner of Leonetti Electronics died due injuries sustained in a MC accident. No further details. Prayers sent to all of his family.
  21. Another Aussie couple are also planning to be here in the states during the same time frame
  22. Welcome!!
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