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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. Thanks for the compliment Dan! I try.
  2. Hello Lowell: If you or anyone else ever travels to the Nebraska panhandle or further west near our daughter in Saratoga WY, please let us know and we will hook up with one another!!!!
  3. Good luck to you!!
  4. Bumped the enter key too soon. Edit in progress...
  5. Hello Everyone: I was surprised this morning when I met an oncoming silver venture pulling a
  6. Glad you are home safe! It was fun...
  7. We enjoyed your company as well.
  8. Hello: Custer if one our favorite places. We are only 4 hours south. Hope you find the Purple Pie Place!!
  9. Hello Everyone: We are back home safe as of 9:00 last night. It was so nice meeting many of you in person. Personally we logged a little of 1500 total miles. A new record for us. We took a 300 mile detour to the Saratoga WY. to see out Daughter and Son in law. We found a ladies zippered wallet along the highway about 50 miles south of our home. (Likely would not have seen it in a car) It looked like a chuck of black rubber. I turned around to take a second look. I made a few calls and aquired a cell phone number for the owner before they even noticed it missing. They were on their way to Yellowstone and were passing threw Scottsbluff. They were very thankful for a couple of "Bikers"!!! I am sure we will now plan our vacations around VR.org events in the future. Thanks Everyone!!!!!
  10. Hello Tom: Gald you are back safe. We are too.
  11. It was nice meeting you and all of the others in Cody. We are home safe also.
  12. On wednesday our friend and now VR member " vstar1230" needed to head home. We rode with her as far as Thermopolis. Enjoyed the hot mineral pools with Graderman and Babe. Beautiful ride to Worland-Greybull-Cody. Banquet was a blast. Met many new friends!!!!!!!
  13. We miss you also. Glad you made it home safe. Thanks for joining and attending.
  14. Good morning everyone: Our friend LoriB needs to travel home today. We along with graderman46 and Babe are going to ride with her as far as Thermopolis (100 miles). Lori will continue to ride on home solo. The rest of us are going to take in the hot pools and relax! Returning in the afternoon. We will likely miss the BBQ but are looking forward to the dinner tonight. We are going to breakfast at 8:00 and leaving at 9:00. Others are welcome, if you want to go give us a call. 308-765-0167.
  15. Hello Annie: yes. Graderman46 and Babe also enjoyed the show. We took in the gunfight at the historic Irma hotel and enjoyed their buffett. We spotted you and waved at the traffic light last night after dark. We are having a great time!
  16. Hello everyone: Cody is our first VR event. Having a blast regardless of what we are doing. Enjoying our new found friends. Relaxing this morning. Wives visiting in the shade. I am observing Dano and Condor replacing a rectifier on Condor's RSV. Amazing Talent. Sure glad I brought the Ipad along to keep up on the site. Looking forward to future events!!!!!!!
  17. Does anyone attending the Cody Rally have RSTD bars on their RSV that we could look at?
  18. The Cody Yamaha dealer had Randy's bike on the rack 15 minutes after opening this morning. Tire was replaced. We enjoyed riding with Randy today. Thanks for asking.
  19. Helo: Does anyone in Cody have RSTD bars on a RSV that we could look at?
  20. Hello: Actually we did try some slime, i failed to put it in my earlier post. Thanks for the suggestion.
  21. I had rick modify my stock seat early this spring. Noticed an immediate improvement. But did know just exactly how much til Cody. I am happy to report the modification turned a 50 mile seat into a 500 mile per day seat. Well worth the money.
  22. Sorry to hear about the mishap. But relieved you were not injured. Never fall in love with anything that can't love you back. Get it fixed and get back on. Keep us posted.
  23. Tired is plugged a second time. On the road again. 4:15
  24. RandyR from Georgia arrived here safe in Western Nebraska late this afternoon. We hope to leave for Cody around 7:00 AM? See you there!
  25. Happy birthday Tom!!!!!!
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