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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. Hello Dave: So glad you were not hurt anymore seriously. I was in the exact situation back in 1985. After being checked out at the hospital, I walked away. Horribly sore in the following days but alive to tell about it. Lee and I are wishing you a speedy recovery.
  2. Good luck to you!! We sure enjoyed meeting you in Cody last summer.
  3. Thanks for the laugh!!!!
  4. Prayers for you. Get well and get back on!!!
  5. Happy Birthday Jack!!! I think you look most like the biker on the far right!!! LOL. Sure enjoy riding with you. Hope to get over there soon.
  6. Hello Rick: Thanks for the reminder....
  7. Hello: I flipped my exhaust tips over sometime back. When I did, I was surprized that they were heavily scratched. I eventually purchased new tips.
  8. Have a good time. Keep us posted!!!
  9. Good Idea Fuzzy! I would be willing to ride east part way accross Nebraska to pick up the baton from the eastern part of the state. Transport it west to a Wyoming member who could then hand it off to a Colorado rider. Not sure which team, North of South I should be on??
  10. Hello Tom: Thanks for the update. Sure wish we could have made it. So glad Ponch and Kathy attended.
  11. Welcome to the site: After owning a bike with cruise control, no way I would consider one with out it. The cruise control and warranty are what sold my on my 05 RSTD.
  12. Hello: I too have that same Delka battery. No complaints. Nice write up. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Good Morning Peggy: Is the bike at least a little bit dusty? Have you tried to convience hubby to roll it outside? Maybe you could shine it up abit? Maybe he would see how much you enjoy the bike and take you for a ride? Good luck. Weird weather here in Nebraska, 80 degrees today. Lee is asking for a bike ride. I am so lucky. Wish you were closer. I would be honored to have you ride with me on our bike. Keep us posted....
  14. Great information everyone!! Thanks
  15. Sounds like fun. We could help with the Nebraska, Wyo and Colorado sites.
  16. Thanks for posting Randy!!!!!
  17. Hello: I sent you a PM with a few suggestions. If you find a rack then the rest should be a breeze.
  18. PO Previous Owner IMHO In my humble opinion:)
  19. Best wishes to David and Kathy!!!!
  20. Hello: I had to laugh at ACE50's response. I just replaced my perfectly good stock mufflers with a good used set of BUBS. So far I really like them. Nice rumble, much louder, but not excessive. I like having a little noise at the stop lights to adjacent motorist can hear me if I crack the throttle. Sounds mean if I accerate had and rumbles when I back out of it. I would agree that my MPG has suffered, but oh well!!!!!! You can always find another set of stock mufflers cheaper then a used set of BUBS. IMHO.
  21. Welcome to the site. Best $12 you will ever spend. I am sure you will enjoy the sport. Do not be surprized if you decide to make modifications to your new ride. This site is a blast!!!!
  22. Welcome to the site: I too noticed the neck pain shortly after purchasing my used 05 RSTD. With the help of this site I was able to recognize the symtoms and the solution. I purchased my bars directly from Flanders and installed them. I was able to reroute the cables to my satisfaction. I liked the stock end weights and devised an inexpensive way to attach the end weights. Best $150.00 I spent. Now after two seasons, I intend on installing new SS lines. Check out the pictures in my albums. I got a lot of help and info from some of the same members that have replied to you. I encourage you to become a member. Best $12 you will ever spend. Membership will save you dollars in the long run. The advice alone is worth it and the friendships are priceless.
  23. Glad your day was a good one!!!
  24. Nice. I hope they meet your expectations. I love to tinker also!!!!
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