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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. Good Job Len: Thanks for sharing.
  2. Thanks for sharing. Grill looks good!!!
  3. Hello: I have seen other posts and also experienced this issue first hand if the oil level in the engine is over full. No more than 1/2 way up in the sight glass. Otherwise oil drips from the breather tubes.
  4. I agree. I feel the same way after 2 years.
  5. So sorry to learn of this. Prayers from our family to yours.
  6. Glad to hear she is home and doing better.
  7. Best $12 he ever spent!!!
  8. Sorry to learn of your loss. I too lost my 88 year old father earlier this year and my 84 year old mother just 60 days later. My memories keep me smiling. Prayers sent.
  9. Glad you are back home safe.
  10. Hello: Welcome to the site. Best $12 I spent also. Many modifications to my 05 RSTD. These guys will spend your money!!!!
  11. Thanks guys. We did have a wonderful time.
  12. Hello Yammer: I too am sorry that we missed one another. Glad you had a good time. I will have to check out the cabins in Hemmingford. Take care....
  13. Great to hear this.
  14. We made it home tonight. Really enjoyed meeting those that came. Had a blast.
  15. We had a great time also. Met a few members at breakfast. Envited several other owners to join this site..
  16. Arrived yesterday. Weather was nice. Cooler than expected. Met a Canuk on a sweet RSV purchasedin January from a Sandy UT owner. I invited him to join the VR site. Ran into RogerII, Lori & Mark last night. Looking forward to seeing others.
  17. Happy birthday!!
  18. Happy Birthday!!
  19. Hope your day was a good one!
  20. Hello: Sorry to hear about the loss of your job. But change is not always a negative thing. My circumstances were different, but I made a change after 32 years with the same company. Rough decision at first, but almost 3 years later, it has been the best thing for me. I look forward to going to work each day now. Keep us posted on your progress and besure to let us know if you ever get out this way......
  21. My Sister and her husband have "enhanced" drivers licenses. They explained those licenses are available only for drivers in states that border Canada? Others like us have to go the passport route. We discovered "Passport Books" cost less, $56 if I remember correctly, full passports cost $135. I was told that as long as I do not intend to "Fly" out of the U.S. the Passport book would work just fine. I hope this is accurate and helpful.
  22. I was just reading the headlines on our local radio stations website. Article indicated a local 62 year old rider was severely injured last Saturday morning around 11:00 A.M. A deer ran out of a cornfield and was struck by the 1989 motorcycle. The rider was wearing a helmet, but still sustained injuries to his face and legs. No other information available. I had a close call last week with the Murano. While traveling home from Wyoming in the dark, two deer jumped out on the highway in front of us. I almost took the bike instead of the car, glad I did not. It can happen at anytime of day or night.
  23. Nice!!!!!
  24. Hello: I too prefer to look over my windshield. Purchased other windshields but they were too short. With information, guidance and encouragement from this site I cut 1.5 inches off of the top of mine. I applied blue painters tape to both sides of the windshield and also the face of my jigsaw. Scribed a line onto the tape and made the cut. A file and fine sandpaper finished the project. Really pleased with a 17 1/2" windshield.
  25. I agree. Patroman46, RogerII and I met because of this site. Our familes are best of friends more than a year later. We ride together as often as we can!
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