Hello Everyone: This is an old post but I had more info to add. I eventually purchased new E3's from Performance Cycles while I was in Denver at the beginning of last season. Very happy with them so far. Another riding season is almost here. Hoping to attend a PGR ride with Patrolman46 this coming Friday. Sunny and 55 predicted. 150-200 mile ride.
While doing tax prep a few days ago, I ran accross a receipt from my Yamaha dealer for the $600 check that I remember writing. I am embarressed. I completely forgot that while my bike was in the shop for new tires, the dealer also installed my new driving lights. That alone was $300. So I actually got the Dunlop 404's for a fair price of $300. I regret my error. Getting older and can't remember S**t. Wanted to set the record straight.