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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. It sure is nice having another owner nearby so that we can compare modifications. I realize Dan's lowering mod has not been fully tested just yet, but setting on my stock RSTD my heals are at least two inches off of the floor. Setting on Dan's RSTD that is lowered in the rear, my feet were flat on the floor. That felt nice!!! Everywhere we measured from indicated the rear was about 1 1/4 inch lower than before. Easier to get on and off. Kickstand seemed to be just fine. I sure enjoy the input from all of the other members that have shared RSTD modifications. Thanks guys.
  2. Hello Don: I would be interested in two. I agree that they would likely sell well at VR events. Thanks for all that you do.
  3. I hope you find the info you are looking for. Consider joining. Best $12 you will ever spend.
  4. Birthday?
  5. Been there done that. At the age of 47 with 31 years of seniority. I made a voluntary job change. I laid awake nights for several months before deciding to make a change. I enjoyed Top pay, 5 weeks vacation, Paid holidays but did not enjoy working for a corporate giant any longer. I still had 17 more years to go. I finally decided all of my benefits were not worth it if I was not happy. I gave notice and moved on. Even better pay, 3 weeks vacation and holidays. I no longer work outside, climb poles or do extension ladder work and I LOVE it. I paid my dues and now enjoy going to work each day. Change is not always bad. I know it is not easy, but I am glad I did. That was over 3 years ago. Keep us posted.
  6. Hello: Regardless of what make of bike you purchase. I hope you will stick around. This site and extended family are priceless. My bike does have the whine at certain rpms, but it does not bother me. I am usually enjoying my music or the rumble of the bub pipes. When I do hear it, it reminds me of Jetsons cartoon and I feel like a kid again and laugh. I really like my V4, rock solid and dependable!!!! Used Yamaha RSTD and Ventures are a very good choice for what you get. Good luck.
  7. ROTFL:rotf:
  8. Happy Birthday. Thanks for all that you and the other moderators do for us.
  9. Miles: I assume your wife takes care of the animals while you are out riding all over the planet?
  10. Dispite not being motorcycle related, I have enjoyed reading ALL of the responses and opinions of my fellow members. I only own rifles and shotguns, but might consider a handgun in the future. Good information. It is winter most everywhere and I actually like reading posts of all kinds.
  11. Hello: I do not know the length, however another VR member shared an invoice with me from Cycle Brakes in Ventura CA. Looks like 3" added to the front top line is adequate. I also sent you an email. Let me know if any of this helps. I am hoping to install new lines this season also.
  12. Congrats!!!!
  13. Nice looking ride. Good idea to keep it. That bike would be fun to ride solo on shorter distances. The Venture would be great for longer rides and for when your wife joins you. Keep us posted on your search.
  14. Hello: As mentioned earlier, Nebraska has a helmet law. Neighboring states of Wyoming, South Dakota and Colorado do not. I am all for having a choice, however I have been on the pavement once in my life, and speak from experience that I am glad I was wearing a helmet at the time.
  15. Hello: Welcome to the site. I discovered this site AFTER I purchased my Yamaha. What I have discovered is the information and friendships created because of this website are PRICELESS. Best advice and friends anyone could ever hope for. I hope you will stick around and keep us posted. Get a bike bought and plan on joining us in Galena IL in late July for the VR.org International Rally. Meet everyone personally.
  16. Thanks for sharing. Great accomplishment!!
  17. Hello: The norm seems to be, replace RSTD stock bars with Flanders bars and then replace standard RSV bars with RSTD bars. Just my observation. RSV bars seem narrow to me. I prefer the wider pull back bars for my RSTD.
  18. Great News!!!!
  19. Congrats!
  20. Hello Dave: I completely forgot that before I installed my Harley Trunk, I did connect a fused 12v outlet to the battery and ran the cord out under the seat. It was easy for my wife to use. She used the pouch on the back of my drivers back rest to hold her phone for charging. Otherwise it was within easy reach during traveling. If we needed to charge while parked, I simply dropped the end of the cord into my saddle bag and locked the bag. That actually worked well. Others have installed outlets in the plastic areas behind your knees. I know their is a post on it. I can look later if you need me to.
  21. Sounds good. Glad your wife is getting more interested.
  22. Congratulations on the job Angel.
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