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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. The method BarryCuda described is how I always try to stop and start. Works well for us. I appreciate eveyone's input.
  2. Prayers for you. Went through that with my Mom just a year ago. Memories keep me going.
  3. Just curious, what is the distance from one side of the bar to the other? I want to compare them to a new pair of Baron's bars. Thanks....
  4. Hello Earl: Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Life is tough enough with out things like this happening. I agree with the others about getting an attorney. fight back with TEETH! Keep us posted.
  5. I am trying, however it is not loading like it did before?? Unable to join??
  6. Welcome to the site. Nice looking ride!!!
  7. Dry winter here again this year. Eastern part of the state has gotten some blizzards. Missed us three times this season. Fairly mild temps but horrible 60 mph winds. I hope I live long enough to retire and be a snowbird.
  8. Happy Birthday Mike!!
  9. Glad to hear you are back in the saddle.
  10. You are most welcome. I have enjoyed the webinar. They indicated 100-150 participants. They drew a name for a $300 gift certificate. Hoping it might be a member here?
  11. Thanks Mike: I am waiting for the webinar to start in a few minutes.
  12. Thanks for posting. Interesting. Fun to see it when it is done.
  13. Thanks for the update Art. Good to hear from you.
  14. Congrats!!!!!!
  15. Thanks for sharing. We have all been there at one time or another.
  16. Thanks for the update. good luck on the PT.
  17. Hey Jack, you made me laugh. A smart rider he is.
  18. Well it worked, my adrenaline was flowing. I estimated the rider to be 35-45 years old, riding a late 70's early 80's V twin. Those loud pipes alerted me and I was able to give him a bit of margin, but it was still a very close call. I can still hear the horn from the oncoming semi this morning!!!
  19. Guess that is to be expected. I have to believe this rider might have been affected by Hypothermia. The nearest town was 40 miles behind us. NO windshield, running 85 mph in temps below 30 degrees. Made a poor choice, could have been really bad for everyone.
  20. Not exactly spring riding weather here just yet. 15 degrees when I left home yesterday at 7:15. Left for a nearby town at 8:15. Traveling well known rural two lane highway about 40 miles from home. Running speed limit in my company truck. One Semi following closely wanting to pass. Hugging the center line behind me, blocking my view to the rear. About to meet another oncoming Semi, when out of the blue I hear a set of LOUD pipes. Look over and see a solo rider running at a high rate of speed attempting to overtake the semi and me both. I could not believe it!! I estimate the rider missed my bumper by a foot and the front of the oncoming semi by only inches. It happened so fast I did not even get a plate number. Guess he had a death wish? He never stopped at the next town that I could see. Out of sight in a matter of minutes. Gives all bikers a bad name.
  21. Thanks for the information. Prayers sent.
  22. Wish we could leave fight now for your new place!!!!
  23. I too suspect you might have air in the system. I have had similar issues with my Mazda pickup. In my case it required me to crack the top radiator hose slightly while the engine was running to bleed the air out of the system. A little messy but it worked for me. Maybe others can offer more help.
  24. Miles: Now I know why you have so many miles under your belt. You could not stop because your feet would not touch the ground. Made me laugh.
  25. Hello: If I remember correctly the windshield height is figured by mearsuring from the top of the windshield cut out that goes over the headlight. I only have experince with with an RSTD windshield. 17.5 inches was a good height for me at 5'7" tall. I ended up cutting my stock shield down. I too like looking over my windshield. But be careful, the more you cut off the more wind your passenger gets. I think I remember a trick, put something small on the ground 50' in front of your bike, look through the windshield and put a piece of tape on the windshield where you see item. Hope this helps. Are you close to any other RSV owners that might have custom shields?
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