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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. I eventually learned the slow speed techniques mentioned and really enjoy my bike more everytime I ride it. I would never own a bike without cruise control again. There are a few modifications that help the slow speed handling such as leveling links, lowering or a narrower front tire. RSTD and Ventures are a great value in my opinion. Keep us posted..
  2. Congrats. I am growing up with my 7 year old Grandson.
  3. Good luck. I hope you get your problems solved.
  4. On our way to Cody a few years ago, one of the other members here had a flat in Casper Wy. With the help of a rope plug kit and a compressor we were able to repair the tire and make it to Cody. Make sure if you buy a slime plug kit that it has cement in it. If I remember correctly the packaged kit we bought at first did not have cement in it and the sticky rope plug by itself did not seal completely, it allowed us to get off of the side of the rode and near shade next to a McDonald's, but we ended up making another trip to purchase cement. Good read everyone.
  5. I hate it when things like that happen. You gave me a chuckle!! Take care..
  6. Hello Everyone: At 1:00 PM yesterday 7/1/13. I was traveling to my next service call when a Venture Trike caught my eye. Wisconsin plates, Burgandy over Red. Pulling a small trailer with "Yamaha City" painted on the side of it. It was parked at a "Shari's Restauarant" just off HWY 26 Scottsbluff Nebraska. Sure hope it was another member? Anyone recognize the trike?
  7. Hello: If I see the bike again. I will gladly get a picture.
  8. Hello: We live in a town of about 25,000. I have seen most every local bike. But last night on the way to supper I pulled up along side a modified 1st Gen. bike with a local license plate. It caught my eye. No trunk, home made padded back rest and wide flat luggage rack made out of thin aluminum boiler plate painted black. I noticed the area on the left side where the CB and such used to be is also filled in with Aluminum boiler plate. Everything else looked stock. I did not recognize the rider but I am sure I will see the bike again. The bike had louder muffers and the rider was making them talk. My wife even mentioned how much performance the bike had.
  9. Hello Everyone: I am disappointed but life goes on. I was really looking forward to seeing everyone.
  10. Hello Everyone: Unfortunetly circumstances beyond our control are causing us to cancel our trip to the rally in Galena . Neither ourselves or Patrolman46 and Babe can attend after all. I still have two separate rooms booked at the Chestnut Mountain Resort. Check in was for July 28th and departure of Aug. 2nd. If anyone wants either of them. Let me know. I will wait to see if there are any takers before cancelling them.
  11. Thanks for posting.
  12. Those kind of rides are the best and most memorable.
  13. Just back from an overnight weekend ride. Shocked when I logged on. I had the privilege of meeting Don at Kreg's MD a few months ago. Our next ride will be in Don's honor.
  14. I resemble that remark!!! Made me laugh.
  15. Hello Bill: I agree, no better people than the ones on this site!!!! I too have made a lot of friends.
  16. Hello: Everyone has their own preference as to how they want their lights wired. I prefered to have my passing lights come on with the High Beam lights. I run with my Highbeams on almost all the time (For safety reasons I try not to run in the dark unless I absolutely have too) If my lights seem too bright for on coming traffic then I have the ability to turn off the High beams and the passing lights. If I feel the oncoming traffic that is turning in front of me or traffic that is intersecting my path does not see me, I often flick my high/low beam switch to WAKE them up!!! It really makes a difference.
  17. That is always nice. Good for you. Last year I had a guy trailering a Harley come up to me and compliment me on my "Nice looking Tour Deluxe" I about fell over. Nice couple from Oklahoma. Instant friends. Hope to meet up with them again someday..
  18. Sad. Prayers sent.
  19. Thanks for the hint. I have had my bars and controls off a few times and did not even give it a thought about an air bubble.
  20. Yes. I have bumped the kill switch a few times while riding. Got a laugh out of the Honk Start and Start Honk comment.
  21. Hello Steve: Prayers sent your way. The grill that I purchased from you is one of my favorite mods! Keep a positive attitude. Thanks for keeping us posted.
  22. Lee and I hope the event goes well. Hoping to attend at a future time.
  23. No one will probably ever know the cause. Anything is possible. We are very rural and likely no traffic at 1:30 A.M. Roadway makes a curve at that location. Possible fatigue? Increased risk during night riding. Still sad.
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