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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. I used the search tab. Typed in "Known problems with 1st Generation" Found several threads such as this one http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=57526&highlight=Problems+Generation. That might answer some questions for you. I hope it helps?
  2. Hello: Although I have not camped as of yet. We prefer the Custer SD area. Nice town. Good eating. Purple Pie Place. Great riding in all directions of Custer. Lots of campgrounds around Custer.
  3. Welcome to the site. You have came to the right place for knowledge and answers about Yamaha motorcycles. I own and ride a 2nd generation bike. I have little knowledge myself about the 1st generation bikes such as the one you are looking at. There are numberous owners that wil hopefully answer your questions. Keep us posted. Please consider joining our extended family. Best $12 I ever spent.
  4. Interesting. Thanks for posting.
  5. My bike came with Metzler 880's. My dealer replaced them with Dunlap 404's. 404's only lasted 8000 miles. I replaced the 404's with E3's very happy so far. Just my 2 cents.
  6. Nice job! Great members here!!!!
  7. After reading Randy's suggestion. I looked on ebay. Found a listing for a motor out of 1990 with 49K on it. Located in Denver. On a pallet ready to ship. I sent you a PM with the item number. Something to consider. That is about all the help I can offer.
  8. Nice looking bike!!!! Sure hope you find someone that can bring it back to life. Welcome to the site.
  9. Interesting. Thanks for posting. Anxious for further updates.
  10. Hello Fuzzy: Check out this thread. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26123&highlight=Flashers+RSTD. Hopefully it will help. I am still interested in Hazzard Flashers for my 05. The Kisan Signalminder looked interesting. But activating them with 4 activations of the left turn signal and then 4 of the right seems a bit too much for me. I would prefer something that could be left on even with the key off. Just my 2 cents. Keep us posted.
  11. Glad you are home safe. Enjoyed reading your postings from the western end of our state.
  12. Hello Everyone: I am interested in finding a used set of Venture side rails, rack and grab rails, I really do not need the trunk, but would consider it if it were a package deal. I am am happy with my Tour pack. But would like to have the grab rails for my passengers. If anyone has any or knows of a listing anywhere, please let me know. Thanks.
  13. We enjoy reading your updates. Tell all of our Texas friends hello for us.
  14. Sounds like a neat gift. I will see what I can do.
  15. Prayers sent for everyone involved.
  16. Ditto what Cruiser said!!!!!! Keep us posted.
  17. Last Sunday Patrolman46 and I headed out for a short ride. Before we left he asked if I would be willing to wear his spare 3/4 helmet and help him try out his new UClear wireless intercom bike to bike. I have to tell you I was impressed. It allowed us to communicate up to 1/4 mile away. I was surprized the muffler, wind and road noise did not interfere. The only thing that tripped his mic was his radio if he turned it up above 40. Not sure bike to bike intercom is for everyone. But I thought it was worth mentioning. I would like to try his spare mic in my Nolan modular to see how it performs.
  18. I got a nice surprize last Sunday. Patrolman46 called and invited me over for a ride. When I arrived he had the garage stall empty for me. I had mentioned a few weeks ago that I was intending to replace my EOM air filters soon. Dan has always ran K&N filters in his pickup and wanted to go that way on his two bikes. Little did I know he purchased another set for me as a gift. I visited with him as he installed them on my bike. We took a 60 mile ride afterwards and enjoyed a great afternoon. Thanks Dan.
  19. I met another local rider yesterday. Riding a midnight RSV. He was also not aware of the VR site. I invited him to check it out.
  20. Thanks Dan for the compliment. I am humbled. My Father never passed a stranded motorist and from the sounds of it neither did yours. We were taught well. I agree with Red1, it is difficult at times depending on the type of roadway to stop and help. Since we do not live close to a major interstate it is much easier for us to stop. I am always cautious, and have passed by a few, but often call the authorities for them just in case. Some of my best friends in life are ones that I stopped to help or visa versa. My 7 year old Grandson and I rode the bike to Bridgeport yesterday. Stopped after we passed a farmers wife in a standed pickup. She was 30 miles from home. 90 degree heat. No air conditioning due to the stalled engine. She had called for assistance and was waiting for help to arrive. She appreciated us stopping to check on her. She had only a 40 mile commute in an air conditioned pickup and did not have any liquids with her to drink. She gladly accepted our extra bottle of cold water. Our fathers are no longer on this earth but I think of them everytime I stop.
  21. Hello: After reading some old posts a few years ago. I decided to take the advice of some of the VR members and try a pair of side zip boots especially for riding. Two years ago I found a vendor in Sturgis (Ridgeoutdoors) that had a pair of 6" lace up hiker style boots that also had a side zipper. Accomodated my othodics. Cordura material. Great employees from Florida. I really liked the boots. Lightweigt. Easy to get on an off. Eventually began wearing them more for everyday use. Pleased that I got two years use out of them. After two years the molded soles and especially the left heal were worn down. I stopped at the vendor tent again this year wanting to replace them. I asked about a pair of side zip boots that had replaceable soles and heals. I was pleased that they offered such a style especially for motorcyclists. Decided on an MC206. $119. So far they are working really well. Wide toe bed is comfortable and allows plenty of room for my orthodics. I feel they run about 1/2 size big. If anyone is interested their website is www.ridgeoutdoors.com.
  22. Sad to hear this. Something than can happen to anyone of us.
  23. Congrats to you both. Nice pictures.
  24. Hello Dave: If I remember correctly the model of the Kuryakn was a "Grand T Bag". The large velcro did fine. However I also used a 6' cam buckle strap as a safety. I ran it down between the velcro and the backrest, under the rack and back up on top. Cinched it up a bit. Then put the spider web cargo net on top out of conveinence. If you shed a jacket, it is so easy to place it under the web net and continue your ride. I always carried our rain gear on top under the net so it would be easy to access if we needed it. When are you leaving? Patrolman46 owns my Kuryakn bag now. Uses it on his daily ride RSTD bike. He is leaving for California on August 28th for a week. I have no problem loaning it to you.
  25. Glad you and your wife are enjoying yourselves. We too got back on after a 25 year absence.
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