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Everything posted by Phoneman1981

  1. Thanks for posting.
  2. That can happen to any of us at anytime. Thats what insurance is for. Glad you were not hurt.
  3. Brad: Prayers from Lee and I for a full and quick recovery.
  4. I fully understand. My Dad would have been 90 last week. Miss him everyday. So many fond memories keep me going.
  5. 70 degress and no coats yesterday. Had to work could not ride 13 degrees and S**W this morning. CRAP!!!
  6. Interesting read. Nothing wrong with dreaming and planning. You can always depend on Brian to NOT Sugar coat anything . Everyone's ideas are great. I have changed my way of thinking over the years. My parents looked years down the road at retirement, dreaming of traveling, then when the time came they were too tired to travel only wanted to sleep in their own bed each night. Since then I only look down the road to about 5:00 each night. Enjoy each day for what it is. Cancer scare with my 52 year old wife this summer. Last day of her radiation we left for Sturgis. She insisted on going!! I made sure she had a great time. We do not have vast experience with long distance bike travel. usually do not venture farther than 500 miles away. But I have done enough traveling to appreciate the 300 mile days. Glad a few others feel the same way. Good luck with you planning and trip. Be sure to look us up if you ever decide to venture out west.
  7. Interesting story. I agree great people on here.
  8. Congrats!!!!
  9. Good Luck with that one BradT. I made that suggestion to my wife one time. Never again!!!!
  10. Hello: Rather than install new grips, I installed a set of grip puppies $15, over my stock RSTD grips. The larger diameter is really nice. I too enjoy placing my right hand out on the factory end weight when the cruise is on. But found it a bit short, so I had a local machine shop custom make me a 1.5 inch spacer that now allows my entire hand to be off of the rotating grip when the cruise is on. It also gives me a little more pull back for comfort.
  11. Praying something even better comes her way.
  12. Good Morning: The combination of traveling with a camper and bike would be awesome. However if I were going to do so I would invest in a toy hauler designed for the task rather than retrofitting your 5th wheel camper. In my opinion a Venture is too heavy for hanging on the back of another camper. A local friend who has never trailered his bike just sold his large rarely used 5th wheel camper and purchased a smaller used 18' factory bumper pull self contained enclosed trailer for $6500. Not as plush as a conventional 5th wheel but it will allow them to easily and safely haul their bike to the long destinations and ride when they get there. They are hoping to get more use out of this smaller trailer than their large 5th wheel. Maybe you could rent a toy hauler? Try it out for a week or two to see if you like the combination over your conventional 5th wheel? If so work a trade with a camper dealer. Your idea of having both worlds sounds like a great idea.
  13. Randy: I will see what I can do. Daylight now, maybe I can get a picture before Lee leaves for work.
  14. Thaks for the update and the laughs!!
  15. Hello: Personally we have Nolan modular helmets with Nolan Ncom boom type mics. We ride with Partrolman46 and Babe quite often. Dan purchased Uclear boomless units for them and bought a third for his other helmet. He and I have experimented with them some bike to bike and I was pretty impressed. The boomless feature is kind of nice. $200 per unit I think.
  16. Thank you everyone: My non motorcyle post is an great example of how helpful and friendly this "Extended Family" really is. I learned a lot in a short amount of time by reading each of your responses in regards to the Festiva, Hyundi and Kia history. Your testimonials convinced me. It made me feel more confident about buying a Kia. We purchased the car late afternoon yesterday. Thanks again so very much.
  17. Thanks for the testimonial Don. Makes me feel better. I was impressed with the luxury and the ride. You are the third owner that I have connected with that has good things to say about the Kia line.
  18. Hello Friends: Not only do I depend on others here for advice on our RSTD, but I value your input on most everything else. Are there any other Kia owners here on site. Are you satisfied with your Kia?? Strongly considering purchasing a 2012 Kia Optima GDI SX sedan for my wife. Input is appreciated. Thanks....Mark:)
  19. It has not happened to me yet at age 51 but just a matter of time. Been getting the AARP stuff in the mail for several years. In this day and age anytime you can save a few bucks for any reason it is worth it. Enjoyed reading the other repsonses.
  20. Len is correct. The RSVP Tank hold 1 more gallon of gas. Longer range between fill ups.
  21. Best of luck. Keep us posted.
  22. Thanks for the info.
  23. Welcome to the site: I hope you stick around. So much knowledge and support for these wonderful machines. For the money they are very hard to beat. You and the others have it covered. The RSV has 4 way flashers and the RSTD does not. Something I wish I had at times. I plan on adding and after market 4 way solution in the future. I personally chose the RSTD because it fit me better and was less expensive. I really enjoy the electronic cruise control. I have since also added a Harley trunk to our bike also. This site makes owning a Yamaha so much more enjoyable than going it alone. Way more knowledge here then any one dealer could ever supply. The blue RSV would be an awesome choice. Keep us posted.
  24. Hello Everyone: I too have noticed some decline in the postings at times. I enjoy starting and ending each day here. Since the riding season has ended for many of us, motorcycling is on the back burner at the moment. I get my daily fill of humor from many on here. Great site!!!
  25. I agree. Hard to imagine. One never has to look very far to find others in more desprite need. So very thankful for what I have.
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