Hello Ken: My RSTD had Metler 880's on it when I got it. I did not have any issues with the Metzlers, but others have complianed about "Chunking" with the Metzlers. I feel $400 each is a bit high. A new set of Dunlap 404's lasted me one season, 8000 miles. So the next time I went with my current E3's. I think I paid $175 for the back tire and $150 for the front.
So much knowledge with the Houston Texas crew. Patrolman46 and I traveled 1100 miles last April to attend our first maintenance day at Kregerdoodles in Waller TX. We met a lot of nice members and observed a lot of different maintence items including Tire replacements. I wish we had that amount of organized members and knowledge here out west. I encourage you to attend Kreg's spring event or Squidley's fall Maintenance day or both.