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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. GAWildKat


    Yes dear it is....
  2. 4 holes? I only got 3, 2 on my right side and one in my belly button. And yeah cough with a pillow for a while and nothing over 5lbs lifting for 3-6 weeks. Also alot of docs never mention cut the fat in your diet now as much as you can. The first year post surgery often causes a 20lb gain unless you go to a strict high fiber low fat diet.
  3. Dan, Sorry you went through this. I came close to that stage of gall bladder disease because I was waiting on mine to come out and the doc didn't know it was so bad. Glad you are home and recovering. Get well so you can come chat with me again in the chat room.
  4. The bike came home from the shop last night. We were both so tired from all the errands yesterday we didn't update this. The clutch spring broke on the clutch. The clutch cable was forced so tight the tension on the spring finally broke it. The shop replaced the spring and set the tension to factory specs again. They changed the oil for us and checked the other fluids as well, test drove it and called us. Then we arrived and got a lecture about the crappy little mirrors I ordered replacements for and the rear tire which we ordered a new tire while at the shop. We also promised the shop owner we'd not nor ride the bike again until the mirrors come in, which is sometime tomorrow, and limit the rides with the roomie until the new tire was installed, fair enough. Hubby's wobbly on the bike (I was driving behind him) but hasn't tipped over or dropped it. We stayed out to hang out with friends longer than we planned and rode home at dusk. With me behind him and him wearing that yellow vest of his, I still couldn't see him or the lights on the bike. Time to get more lights and make him more visible. I thought the chrome and such should reflect something, not really no. It was as bad as riding behind my friend Howard's bike which is totally black, even the chromed bits.
  5. Bike went into the shop today. Should know by the end of the week what's wrong with it. It will also get new tires and serviced before coming home. Shop owner didn't think it was the spline, but he's an HD guy. But he promised to right by us and have us on the road safely as soon as was possible.
  6. Well he done gone and done it.....Raven took the bike out today...yay Then on the way back home, broke it. Looks like the spline broke about 2 miles from the house. Have the mechanic coming to get it from the walgreen's tomorrow. Glad the roomie was with him. Made pushing the bike uphill a whole lot easier.
  7. It's sunny and pleasant 75 degree here, hubby and roomie went out for the first ride since hubby bought the bike and haven't come yet waaaaaaaaaaaa
  8. As many of you know, I did all the research on hubby's bike. I scowered forums and searched craigslist. The asking price for this bike was $2700. The nada and kbb priced the bike at $3300 without all the extras. Between hubby and me it had all the aftermarket stuff we wanted as goodies now I'm searching for the mirrors and a tool pouch for the windshield
  9. He failed to mention that the black one is his, the other 2 belong to the roomie. I was working on shining up the leather while he was taking piccies.
  10. I have cerebral palsy, not very severe mind you. But I do limp a little, and I used to hold my right hand funny all the time. I was tormented in school because of it. But Dad made me stand up for myself. I also have the school of hard knocks attitude. What doesn't break me, makes me stronger. I thank Dad for that too. If it wasn't me being tormented, it might have been someone else less emotionally strong than me and I might have heard of something tragic happening to them. I think the mother like many ppl had insecurities that she projected on her child.
  11. I'm paying for being outside just chatting with friends last week....I got a really bad 1st degree burn on my arms and chest. Now I'm peeling
  12. I wear men's and ladies boots interchangeably, I wear a men's size 10 shoe so sometimes it's difficult to find women's boots that are both a size 10 and a D width, and aren't "out there" on style. Since I spent most of my life wearing cowboy boots I can best address this. Men's boots seem to be more about comfort and fit, they tend to be better constructed for longer wear. The biker boots I bought recently are HD, men's and fit great. I don't get the fatigue in these boots that I've had in other boots in the past. But I have a question....what do y'all wear for boot socks? I bought some Dan Post boot socks since I'm used to them with my cowboy boots, but we found when the legs and feet sweat, the elastic tends to constrict too much.
  13. Daddy bought a 67 Fleetwood Caddy new in 67, it was still in the garage when he passed. I begged for it. My brother in law got and sold it for scrap....grr
  14. I was told with the first kidlet I was having twins, right up til delivery day, the doc was convinced I was hiding one. That man jinxed me. When I was ready for kids again I learned early on I was carrying twins. The doc told me next time it would be triplets, didn't give him the chance to prove himself right.....I stopped having kids then and there.... Hats off to the parents though, it's going to be a rollercoaster.
  15. I was visiting a friend today I'd not seen in almost 4 yrs, she ran out her house crying and clung to the hubby. A coworker she's known years was killed in a motorcycle wreck near Stone Mountain GA. Put a damper on hubby bragging about his class M endorsement.
  16. While I didn't make it through the weekend with the MSF course hubby did, and completed the class with flying colors!!!!! He just called me to say he got his waiver certificate and will be happily heading to the DDS on Tues.
  17. Bob: I didn't see your post until I got back to the hotel over the lunch break, hubby refused to let me drive in Atlanta traffic. 2. Suffice it to say my knee too a hard hit, it's scraped and bruised pretty bad, though the instructors never saw it. I only saw the damage when I got back to the hotel. 3. I'm the person who manages to trip over a wheelchair ramp in an unlit parking lot to break both a leg and a knee. Hubby confided that his heart leaps to his throat everytime he overrevvs. I'll get an updated report after he gets back after 5pm
  18. That was their accessment too, but throught the dirt bike course would be better for me, and a softer fall for sure. Hubby's having trouble with overreving but feels he'll get it learned. The instructors did attempt to put me on a scooter so I could complete the class but that's what I fell off lol. My natural instinct is to push on the throttle to rev and pull to cut power, will be something to work on for sure. My pride's wounded a bit but maybe I can do this yet.
  19. Well guys I had to pull out of the course, I took a bad spill (over revved) and bruised and scraped my knee up pretty bad. The instructors had no choice but to send me home but asked me to come back when my knee heals, though suggested I take the dirt bike course first next time.
  20. lol I have an armored jacket and an armored vest. After losing a gf in a motorcycle accident hubby didn't think 2x about buying armor, it could have well saved her life.
  21. Thanks for the support. Here's hoping I do well on the course today. Me and my sunburned self are going to attempt to have fun today.
  22. StormRaven, ie hubby and I are at the MSF this weekend, did classroom time tonight, tomorrow is the bike handling....wish us luck!
  23. Hubby and I started using seafoam in the car after we couldn't find the Marvel Mystery oil once, and we've always thought it worked better than the Marvel. We sometimes add it to the oil when we change the oil, others the gas, with a 30 gallon gas tank though we'd use alot I think if we used it on every fill up.
  24. Hoping the worst passes us....not in the mood to deal with the hail and the cars on the driveway...good luck Randy
  25. Hubby says 2 of the 7 inch ones for us. thanks! Kat
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