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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. 112 is the EU emergency number like 911 is in the US. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/112_(emergency_telephone_number)
  2. I've been nursing a bum knee since 2008. I broke it (yes broke it) when I fell in an unlit parking lot. Then in March I fell again bruising my knee and most of y'all know I fell off a rebel 250 when I attempted to take the MSF in April. By all appearances it seems to have healed fine, however it's still swelling up on occassion, guess I'll be calling the doc soon to have mine looked at. I don't want another shot
  3. Dan, try some homemade chicken soup, anything bland but filling, chicken and dumplings too. Dude, you gotta eat, water won't be enough forever, please call the doc and discuss it, there are decent antinausea meds that won't make you sleepy, you might need them for a bit.
  4. I had mine taken out in 2004, the doctor put me on a low fat, high fiber diet with "bad carbs" in moderation. If you're having problems with eating and keeping it down I suggest talking to the doc. Also ask for an appt with a dietitian so they can help you and your wife figure out what you can tolerate now.
  5. StormRaven's unavailable right now (ie asleep before doing homework for programming class) He did take the MSF course a month ago. The reason he asked the question was because this was not covered in the MSF class, nor is it in the book we got with the class. He could have asked the roomie if the roomie were available at the time the question came up. I have the Ride Like like a Pro V here, he hasn't watched it yet though. I think he'll be doing that today before class.
  6. I'll throw my 2 cents in. I don't talk politics unless the ppl who I'm talking with, want to hear. I don't talk religion unless all parties want to hear my speech on religion. My friendships aren't based on religion or politics. It's because I like the person. I try to avoid the political and religious banter because I am in the religious minority in this country. I'm a happy, grounded woman who has studied religions extensively from the time I was a small child. When I got old enough and secure enough in my self I told select friends that I'm pagan. Sadly my family (minus my husband) still doesn't know, mostly because they aren't open-minded, and openhearted enough, to accept me unless I stay Christian in their minds. Will I go to Church? Absolutely! I love a good time singing hymns. And I feel there is value in the bible. I also feel prayer is important to a person's mental wellbeing. If someone asks me to pray for them I will. I will ask for prayers for myself and others as well. I am sorry if anyone is offended that I'm pagan. I don't preach my beliefs to anyone unless asked, then I educate people if they want to listen. I feel that there's enough places online and off where we can chat about religion and politics without dirting up this wonderful site. :bighug::bighug:
  7. My husband and I plan to be @ Vogel this year. Our plans are to ride up Fri and leave sun. We haven't registered yet because College starts the following Monday or tues and if he has any last minute things that need to be taken care of with the College he needs to be available. I don't forsee us changing plans to not be there. However murphy's law dictates when we set things in stone to be somewhere other events tend to pull us away. I'm even asking our roomie to go to Vogel with us. Pencil us in for Fri-Sun we should be there for those days lol.
  8. May I throw my 2 cents in? While I've only met one person from the forums (Hi Joe!) Hubby and I found the forums when we were looking for a 1st ever bike. We listened to the sage wisdom of everyone who chatted with us and eventually chose a Suzuki Volusia Intruder as a first bike. But when hubby is more comfortable on the bike he still has plans to get a Venture. We feel we came to the best site online to get help with a first purchase.
  9. I'm running Win7 and verified that the file is on my system.
  10. that's the cost sometimes with getting custom software. Hubby's a bit out of practice with programming (is back in school for it tho) I can see if he'd be willing to assist you in some way.
  11. Twigg I'm sorry to inform you that thepiratebay is up and running well as ever. Amazon uses DRM in their ebooks as well as music. It's how they track what your ereader/computer/mp3 player has loaded on it. In the event they lose the right to distribute the book/music Amazon will revoke the installed items via drm sync. I don't want to get in a flame war over this, not worth it, and it's late.
  12. Hubby has this one...and loves it. He chuckles when ppl say he looks just like Batman or Ironman when he wears it. He says it breathes really well on the hot Georgia days we have here lately. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Icon-TiMAX-Jacket-X-Small-Black/dp/B001A3LFAU]Amazon.com: Icon TiMAX 2 Jacket - X-Small/Black: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31OZOHNFpcL.@@AMEPARAM@@31OZOHNFpcL[/ame]
  13. well I mighta thought about it if we saw this say yesterday, and the cat didn't get sick, coulda made it by mid afternoon had we left out overnight.
  14. Got my patches today, excellent patches!! Hubby asked what do we do with them lol!!
  15. My condolences on your loss Walter. I feel your pain. I lost the love of my life last year. Patch was the coolest cat I'd ever known and prolly the coolest animal I've ever had the joy of knowing. She ranked up there with my kids and my husband. I still cry when I think of the loss in my life with her not around. Her presence carried me through the hard times, as well as the good ones. 8 years was not enough time. Then again I don't think 50 years would be enough.
  16. http://www.petloss.com
  17. Hubby and I are ok. The bad stuff was to the west and north. I'm sorry for those that lost their lives and sorry for those who lost property.
  18. I'm pretty good with with washing and waxing bikes, just sayin....
  19. Radioshack will just try to sell you the monster cables. The employees get bonuses for selling them. Not worth it imo.
  20. you also don't want any cables with gold connectors. Connecting tin connectors to gold I believe causes an oxidation or salt residue? I seem to remember this from one of my IT classes.
  21. I don't think hubby and I will make it to MD this year. He doesn't think he'll be road safe on the bike and doesn't want to cage it. I'll ask if he'd like to go to Asheville, pending his class schedule.
  22. it should be pointed out that the 2 riders in the pic cannot be presumed to be the same. The jackets they wear are different in each pic. If the bike is the same it may be these were shot on different days.
  23. Can I bring the car too?? Oh wait....no ark needed here yet...
  24. It depends. Some mp3 players you can charge from the usb port hookup. if so, you can buy a car adapter that has the type on miniusb port your mp3 player has and charge it or power it from the accessory port on the bike. Hubby added one of these on his bike partially for that reason. It would help if you included the brand of mp3 player you have.
  25. Patches look great! So, do we all owe you more money?? I'm sure you'll let us know soon enough. Just was a touch confused.
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