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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Hubby and I are reserved at the Seasons Inn...is there something we should know about them? All y'all are going to the best Western
  2. Hubby and I will be there. Looks like we may spent part of the time from the 13th-21st at the inlaws house before going to the hotel. If they decide we are staying with them the entire time the room may be up for grabs.
  3. Well considering he said he wants to take the car because the roads and weather are too dangerous, I'd say so. We haven't seen the inlaws in 2 yrs. My inlaws have the habit of saying things to get their way and bully hubby into what they want. At 32 yrs old he's still fighting their ideas of what's best for him. The bike was a purchase he did w/o telling them 1st. I truly dunno how the news was received because I was kept out of it. Either way the next visit will probably set the tone for the future of the relationship between the inlaws and hubby. We'll see what hubby says.
  4. Enjoy the trip as best as you can. Hope your daughter is ok. At her age with no family history of heart disease chest pain is often a symptom of gall bladder disease in women. I hope hers is nothing at all, but if not hope it's her gall bladder instead of worse.
  5. Hey, it's my FIL, the one who thinks bikes are too dangerous and should be outlawed, among other things. I sometimes think he tells us stuff thinking we are too stupid to verify what we are told. It wouldn't be the first time he's said something with the intention of keeping us from doing something he thought wasn't in our best interest. I'll let the hubby know and let him make a better informed choice by the time we go next weekend.
  6. hmmm, pay my transportation costs, buy the supplies, and I might get something resembling your final plan idea, oh yeah and feed me too.
  7. Hubby and I were considering riding up to visit his parents in Young Harris. Called them to let them know when we'd ride up. His Dad said not to take the bike, the roads are washing out and in places icing up. Also mentioned there's sleet warnings daily. It seems odd weather for NE GA this time of year and I was wondering have any of you heard the same? I should mention if we took the bike we'd take the back roads up to Helen then Hiawassee, no going through Atlanta for us on the bike. We were going to make this our practice trip run before committing to Vogel since we are new to this.
  8. If I were closer I'd stop in and fix the computer, I can do data recovery, computer builds and repairs. Take the drive to a local shop and ask to have a data recovery done, no hard drive ever loses all the data unless the platters inside the hard drive enclosure become dust.
  9. Happy Birthday Ruffy!
  10. Hubby decided last week to put me on his bike, some would disagree to the idea since he's only had the bike 3 mons. However the car needs a new steering gearbox so just in case we needed reliable transportation we went to the middle school parking lot to work it out. Now some of you know I have ridden with other ppl before. The 1st time I got on a bike was when a friend had to rescue me from being stranded and w/o thinking he hopped on his bike to get me. He decided I needed to learn how to ride a bike after that because I was hooked. Fast forward 6 years and now I'm riding with Hubby, I wasn't worried about my ability as a passenger, I was worried about him managing my weight. He's done great in the past week with having me on the bike. We've ridden on wet roads, in rain, and it's like nothing will stop us now save a wreck. I do think Jeff's wife would do well to have a couple of rides with someone experienced with 2up riding. It made hubby's transition to having a passenger easier on him.
  11. First Dan, now you get sick Tom, you guys are going to make me grey before my time sheesh. Now that you're sick you can't come to Georgia and try down home cooking from me. Get plenty of rest and fluids and only 2 bananas a day mister, too much potassium from them can cause a heart attack. Kat
  12. I had mine taken out laperscopically, however I've endured 2 csections, it's not much different than what you had done. Let's say getting up from bed was a pain in more ways than one. 6 weeks is about when ya feel better, don't push it.
  13. I too am on disability. I know the pain. Last year hubby and I spent much of the year homeless sleeping on floors while we waited on his worker's comp and lawsuit against the trucking company to settle. We were lucky, the lawyers worked very hard to resolve the cases as fast as they could. I never wish that on another person. Even now most of my things are still in the storage unit since the roomie won't let us bring anything here save small personal stuffs. I pray that these hardships are shortlived and become a distant memory sooner rather than later.
  14. Now Tom, I had planned on being out of town tomorrow and Monday....hubby wanted a couple of days at the theme park....sadly sans bike, but as soon as I'm back I'll start cooking lol Too bad I dunno how to make Mom's french vanilla ice cream... then ya might get a real treat
  15. Good to know I don't have to worry about the Viking now. I was starting to think someone needed to send out the search parties. Now Jonas when do you think you might visit the southern states like say....Georgia? I'll cook you some true southern fried chicken, cole slaw, collards or turnips, corn and all the fixins. Y'all be safe out there ya hear? Yours Truly, The Redneck Celt, Tricia
  16. Dan does that mean you're coming down? lol
  17. Hubby and I would like to go, would have been Dad's 91st birthday too, Here's hoping hubby's ready for a passenger by then!
  18. Hubby just bought a Canon rebel t2i EOS 550D camera body with a 18-135mm lens. he loves it. I would suggest you find a local old school camera shop and visit, discuss your complaints and needs with a new camera and see if they can match a new camera to your needs. To give you an idea what he has...here you go. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/680673-REG/Canon_4462B005_Canon_EOS_Rebel_T2i.html
  19. Hubby and I plan to go, however the Murphy's law thing is if we commit to going and do the paperwork, pay the fees, etc to go, something will come up that will prevent us from going. I don't expect Lewis to put us down for a headcount on dinner until we pay the $$ however know one way or another we do plan to go. Even if it means getting a room in Hiawassee if the hotels in Blairsville fill up. Unless of course we stay with my in laws....if we do, the inlaws will limit our time with you lovely people.
  20. It's sad when you guys talk about these old cars and I got to ride in a few...Dad once was a part owner in a dealership....then Freebird mentions he graduated HS in 73.....I was born in 74...great way to make a girl feel old ppl! sheesh
  21. Glad to see you are doing well. Back surgery has come a long way since Mom had hers in 88. Hope the recovery stays good and you're riding again shortly.
  22. This happened about 5 mins from my house today....this time we lost a police officer. When will people start paying attention to the road and not their cellphones? http://www.macon.com/2011/06/09/1590553/traffic-accident-causes-congestion.html#disqus_thread UPDATE: Centerville police sergeant killed in WR motorcycle crash By JENNIFER BURK - jburk@macon.com WARNER ROBINS -- A Centerville police sergeant was killed in a Thursday morning accident between a motorcycle and sport utility vehicle in Warner Robins. Woody Hudgens, 45, of Byron was pronounced dead at the scene of the 11:03 a.m. accident. His passenger, Ginger Palmer, 29, of Warner Robins, sustained multiple injuries and was taken to The Medical Center of Central Georgia where she is listed in critical condition, according to a police news release. Hudgens was driving his 2006 Harley Davidson Sportster westbound on Russell Parkway when a 2005 Chevy Suburban traveling eastbound attempted to turn left onto Corder Road. The Suburban and the motorcycle collided at the intersection, the news release states. The driver of the Suburban, Paula Pender, 59, of Warner Robins was not injured. Charges are pending in the accident, which closed portions of Russell Parkway for nearly three hours, tying up traffic. Anyone with information about the accident is asked to contact Traffic Investigator Tim Pippio at 293-1038
  23. Since hubby's not ready for the 2 up rides yet I don't think he'll want to ride up to hiawassee w/o me right now, but in all fairness I will let him know. He and roomie need some ride time, if both are willing I might ride with the roomie. hmmmmm
  24. Yes Squidley, we read the posts on that. We'd ordered the clutch kit from skydoc a few weeks ago and were waiting on the shop the roomie uses to get the tire in before installing the clutch. 3 weeks later we got the tire, took another week to find the time to install the clutch.
  25. This is the laptop hubby and I bought (one each). We are very pleased with the quality of the laptops themselves. Not so happy however with Acer customer service. Our laptops didn't break, they have a second hard drive bay and we wanted to enable that on ours which meant getting a tray to hold the drive. Acer refused to sell it to us. Took over a month but we did finally find two available. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004G6007C]Amazon.com: Acer AS7552G-6436 17.3-Inch Laptop (Black): Computer & Accessories[/ame]
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