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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Mike was helpful, he got me a place to sit, and got me food. He managed to get me the last of the banana pudding before Jaime ate it al!!
  2. Yeah I had a 1st, I never made it to the food line! I barely made it up the steps on my swollen knee to even get there.
  3. it works ok for hubby and me, not the best, for the price I got them for I feel I saved alot of money, and annoyance with them. Hubby's bike doesn't have a cb stock so this seemed the cheapest solution at the time, not to mention neither of us like wires hanging.
  4. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001SUZNGW]Amazon.com: new! Motorcycle Bluetooth Multi Interphone headsets: Electronics@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/611NFZgkP8L.@@AMEPARAM@@611NFZgkP8L[/ame] Here's what I ordered.
  5. It's the $100 set sold on amazon, it's good, but could be better.
  6. Less than 1 month old. I'm hesitant to send the entire system back to whereever it came from. I just want to improve on what's there and and get replacement parts for what's broke.
  7. Tom's sitting in the chair watching a movie. Very good progress towards a full recovery. He's complainimg rhe road rash itches alot today, otherwise his only complaint is he misses his dogs and can't wait to see them. He's grateful for all the well wishes.
  8. Here with Tom, he has discharge orders for tomorrow morning provided the next chest xrays come back ok. Yay for Tom. Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk
  9. Morning all, I haven't gone to the hospital to check on Tom yet today. Last night he told me the hospital wanted to discharge him today but he didn't want to be a burden on his VR family by asking for rides to FL so he's trying to get the hospital to hold him til tomorrow and one of his friends from FL will drive here to get him. I know our VR family can take care of this if the need arises. I'll update once I get to the hospital.
  10. Dan has a vaild point on the weight. Hubby's bike weighs about 600lbs, add my weight, abt 200lbs and it gets heavier, and I think the Ventures weigh close to 1000lbs.
  11. My husband took the MSF in April, his 1st bike was a dual sport bike (abt a 250cc) in the class. He went to a Suzuki volusia intruder 800cc bike as his 1st bike after the class. He's doing fine with it as a daily bike with some day trips and we just did the Vogel rally last week. It's a good daily bike that can do some longer trips, but the Ventures and the like are the best there are for touring. We learned we can't really pack for a week AND fit camping gear on the bike easily. My vote is go with a bike that's in the 800cc range as a step up and next year look at a Venture as a touring bike. Remember too that the Ventures will be difficult to navigate parking lots by comparison to your scooter. Good luck with your choice.
  12. I dunno that I can go braless.....those 44DDs might blind the guys or poke an eye out. lol
  13. Hubby and I use the Shark bluetooth sets. I have a couple of questions. Where can I find a new helmet clip to attach the transmitter to the helmet? Mine broke at Vogel somehow. Where can I find new speakers and mic that have better sound quality than the ones that came in the kit? The stock set is really tinny and talking to each other is garbled.
  14. I'll get pics tomorrow. Things were a touch busy while I was there.
  15. Tom also loves the Flowers and bear. Says the bear will be the new bike's mascot. Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk
  16. Here with Tom, he's learned he might be discharged Sun. He still has stuff on his trailer. Can someone go for me or with me to get the things he wants? Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk
  17. it still runs, but isn't that commonly used anymore, I added it cuz I can
  18. I know you guys feel grateful because this could easily be one of you. Know this is what I do. I help those that need it. Sometimes it's a kind word, sometimes a smile, sometimes just being there is it. I'm a stay at home housewife who often gets stuck at home alot. I rarely feel useful or needed. I'm 37 and retired because of cerebral palsy at the age of 26. I live my days waiting to be needed. I know what it is to pass the days in a hospital bed alone, been there, not fun. If I can be of help, I'm there if I'm able. It's the kind of person I am.
  19. I'm not that old....and I grew up on some of that music....Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys...., heck I listened to Hank Sr....
  20. Homes are being washed away in the islands, not a rare thing but still. I lived through Alberto....that was rough stuff...
  21. Hide it here, Mike's always wanted a 1st gen.....
  22. Here's my pics of the ride. My husband hid the camera for much of the trip, was very good meeting everyone. Hope to get out more. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v281/GAWildKat/Vogel%202011/#!cpZZ3QQtppZZ28
  23. Pot luck Meet and Eat?
  24. I'll be at the hospital sometime after lunch too. Randy I gave you the most direct way to Tom's room....the medical center is....complicated these days with all the growth.
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