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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. And just what's wrong with drunken redheads, Boomer???? Kat who says Boomer may have gone and done it now!:whistling::rotf:
  2. Rick that's so sweet of you to be thinking about me and my comforts, ahh well, better luck next time. j/k
  3. hmmmm I have a usb card reader that I'm not using. Dan, you want it?
  4. Sling has offered to pick up the trailer from the impound yard and bring it to my house to hold until my friend in the Atlanta area comes to take it to Ocala. My friend is friends with Tufftom's friend that's rescued him from the hospital and helping him at home. My concern is the what ifs if my friend can't get the trailer when he comes to get it. I'm moving sometime around Sept 28th. I will keep everyone appraised of how the next two weeks goes.
  5. I think I have a solution made to get the trailer to my house. From there a friend of mine has offered to take the trailer to his Dad's home where it can stay until Tom can get it. Here's hoping everything works out.
  6. The water company turned on the water for him earlier. Now if we could get help getting his trailer home. See: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63288
  7. Cowboy says it's not worth the risk since it was knocked off the trailer ball in the wreck. I've never towed a trailer before so I haven't a clue what to look for. The guy I talked to at the impound yard thought a small lawnmower trailer would be the best way to get Tom's trailer.
  8. Trailer is: Casey Towing Dewey Warnock Road East Dublin, Ga. 31027 478-697-7119 I'm in Warner Robins GA , which is about an hr and a half away from E. Dublin. What I'm thinking is this, if we can get the trailer, and get it started on a journey south to Ft Pierce FL. Tom thinks he can get it tues. I'm thinking not. He said he got winded and worn out just dealing with the water company and driving to the insurance company. I think it would be better if we could get it moved somewhere and stored until he can get it or it finishes a journey to his house. The impound yard will release the trailer to whomever comes to claim it today or tomorrow. Cowboy and I are still playing phone tag trying to work a solution. Anyone wanting to give a hand reply here and call him to make sure he hasn't secured a pickup for the trailer.
  9. I've been on the phone off and on for the past hour with TuffTom, the impound yard, and Cowboy trying to find a way to get Tom's trailer moved from the impound yard somewhere where Tom can get it when he feels better. Tom was notified today the insurance company is only paying the storage fees on the trailer through tomorrow 09/02/11. The impound yard will be closed until Sept 6th for labor day weekend. Now being the great group we are I know we can pull this together on short notice. I'm told that we should put the trailer on a trailer to get it to Tom or somewhere he can get it. Who can step up and help me on short notice? I'd get it but I have neither a trailer nor a towing hitch.
  10. I'm sorry Tom. Explain why you were late and show off you were in the hospital, if they need me to make a statement I'll do it. This is one reason I want a well.
  11. Dan, you're lucky! I'm down to one and my beer!
  12. Oh, with changing the oil....I was the person holding the bike up while the oil was drained and refilled. No center stand needed when hubby has me....sheesh
  13. Passports were required sometime after 9-11. However if you live in a border state to Canada that participates in the new driver's licenses that have a microchip in them you don't need a passport. Eventually every state will have them and those of us to the south should be able to cross the border without a passport.
  14. I think Georgia would be too hot and humid for most of y'all But I will help plan if it comes this way.
  15. If I were closer AND had a passport I'd be up for it
  16. I have extreme insomnia. I can't sleep without meds. I run about 4 days on no sleep without meds. Heaven forbid if someone or something wakes me before my meds wear off, then I'm a zombie until bedtime.
  17. Nah, I get stressed with moving, gotta start packing the bedroom this week, not fun. Oh well. The powers that be.... (roomie and husband) have left the organizing and packing of most of the house to me. I'm really not good at that....
  18. Well later this afternoon I'll prolly head out and get my nails done, do some grocery shopping and enjoy the quiet with the hubby at work and roomie on vacation. Too bad I can't watch tv, roomie packed that as soon as he learned his offer was accepted on the new house.
  19. And today I've accomplished a lot lol. I showered, had my 28oz of yummy goodness (coffee), laundry, and assisted with the oil change on the bike....what?! Shouldn't I get paid for this? Oh well, Time for a beer. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  20. I know what it is to look fwd to another birthday. Twice now in the last 10 years docs have told Mike he should say goodbye because the end was close. Medically once they were right. Mike was just too stubborn to give up on me. Tom give the puppies a hug and kiss and enjoy the little things and do what the docs say. Occasionally they are right.
  21. Yeah Mike decided that he needed a different dessert after Jamie took the banana pudding for himself......
  22. Well I can cook, and cook well, it's just finding a way up there if my husband can't/doesn't go with me because of work/school. I can't drive that distance even in the car by myself.
  23. Mike's work days are primarily weekends with school during the week. Without knowing his work schedule this far in advance I can't say yes or no, we'd love to go, but it is what it is.
  24. Oh I know he will. He was following the thread on his phone. Tapatalk the program many of us use to view and post to the forums via our smart devices wouldn't let Tom post from his phone. so I know he has plenty to say when he gets home.
  25. For everyone following Tom's thread Tom was indeed discharged today. He told me not to come to the hospital today since he expected to leave today. I called the hospital and confirmed he discharged sometime today.
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