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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. I've bought items where the shipper used DHL and never had a problem getting my items and had them in less than a week, from overseas. I've ordered once from CC, Mike needed mirrors for his bike when he bought it. I found nice ones on CC and had them in 3 days, and they didn't use DHL on my order, it was shipped postal. However I will keep your order problems in mind when considering another order from CC.
  2. I wasn't the one who gave the recipe, however I found this one: http://www.food.com/recipe/2bleus-apple-blossoms-chudleighs-copycat-403839
  3. I've been in your shoes more times than I can count. Heck if it weren't for having a room mate who makes enough money to pay the upkeep on the house and allowing us to pay what we can manage...well I'd be on the street again. It will get better sometime, I promise.
  4. hurry! If you come to GA it's still warm during the day!
  5. I saw this vid and had hubby double check our phones, they are the LG Optimus V and the gps feature of the pics is defaulted to off. So I think it depends on the model of phone.
  6. I'm all for the cripple get together day, let's see, that makes 3 maybe 4 of us, but geez we are spread out across the world....sheesh.
  7. Tom, I agree to give it time. That might be a good bike to start with to take away some of the jonesing you feel from not riding. But I think given time you will be able to ride a 1st gen again. Just take it a day at a time and start small baby steps.
  8. Next month will be 8 yrs married to the hubby, 10 yrs total together. Still amazes me that we've lasted this long, my 1st marriage lasted a total of less than 2 yrs. Even with our tight budget we try to do a nice meal out and a movie for our anniversaries. Even so, a fab home cooked meal served with a nice wine and some quality time together can build great memories.
  9. How did the cooler make out? was it decently sanitized?
  10. Try the ctrl and +/- as well. I have similar problems where default sizing on pages is too small so I usually have to do a combo of both.
  11. http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/how-do-i-use-zoom#w_how-do-i-use-text-zoom
  12. Hey Rick, Just so you know, I'm making beef stew tomorrow just in case you stop by this week. Huge pot enough to feed a small army.
  13. Boomer......it's not drunken redheaded women ya need to fear, it's the sober ones...
  14. biofreeze is awesome stuff, I buy it by the half gallon pump through Amazon, lasts me years...my inlaws got me started on it after my younger daughter messed up my neck and back climbing me like a tree....it's saved me on the bad days.
  15. Let me know when you are coming and I'll cook a mess of something....prolly steamed veggies and chicken...we're on a health kick, and it's cheap too...
  16. I wish I could be there, will be unpacking the new house still unless someone wants to come get me.
  17. Can you craft or make things? I know a guy who makes jewelry to supplement his income. Looks really good too!
  18. I too started eating right in recent months. Both hubby and I are at risk for diabetes, though his risk is quite a bit higher and he's showing signs of prediabetes for a couple of years now. I started steaming veggies and meat in a steamer, it's quicker, easier and with mrs dash sprinkled on it, down right edible. I've lost about 15 lbs in the last 2 mons with no working out, I have a goal weight of 150, and right now I weigh 215lbs. Should I mention that the steaming is lots cheaper than any other way I shopped for groceries before? frozen veggies are $1.25 for a pkg that feeds 2 and chicken tenderloins are $7/bag. And the bag of chicken feeds us for 2 weeks.
  19. My husband is very very jealous....his Dad is from Zagreb, Croatia, and he's never been able to go there himself.
  20. Get well soon and take it easy as you heal!
  21. Kirby, please stay available as a just in case. Tom emailed me this morning and said the surgeon changed his followup for tomorrow, so he plans to come Fri, better to have a backup plan than none at all.
  22. Tom's planning to drive up Thurs with his puppers and take an easy trip in the car. I'll make sure he gets a good hotel to stay in overnight before heading home again.
  23. Dan, Bring her here I'll set her up with my surgeon! Taco salad...that points to her gall bladder! My family doc just wasn't well informed and apologized as soon as she was made aware of the diagnosis. Tell that quack that a malformed gall bladder can present EXACTLY as gall stone symptoms. My Father in law and I had the trouble at the same time, mine was gall stones and gangrene, his was a malformed gall bladder that never gave him problems until his mid 50's. My suggestion is find a new doc. This is insane.
  24. When I was dealing with my own gall bladder disease (4 years worth) my own doctor was running every test under the sun. Because my family history of heart disease in the mid 30's she was thinking more about my heart, not my gall bladder. Not once did it occur to her to ask how many tums I was poppin and think about the other meds I was on at the time. at least 2 of the meds I was on have since been linked to gallstones in women in my age group. I know she was doing her best and unlike many really cared about what was going on. A good ER doc realized what was wrong and called her office to schedule the tests to put me on the path to wellness. Sad part is I almost died. I really hope the Warden's stuff gets cleared up quickly.
  25. It varies by the doc. Mine said I needed to follow a low carb, low fat diet similar to diabetics or I was going to gain alot of weight after surgery, he wasn't kidding! Some people have IBS like troubles after losing the gall bladder. I experienced less tolerance to alcoholic beverages and read that happens to some people. Best advice is take it easy and keep the fat grams to less than 30/day and keep a food journal for the next year, keep track if any foods or drinks make you ill.
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