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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Can you bag me a deer to put in my freezer while you're at it? I'll find a way there and back to get it if need be. I really need to teach Mike how to hunt lol.
  2. I had planned on getting a modular helmet when hubby expressed interest in bikes. Then an awful thing happened. Our roommate's wife was killed last year on her bike. Her helmet came off in the accident. She too had a modular helmet. According to the police report the hinges broke on impact and her helmet came apart. Roomie bought a no name helmet at walmart for her, he lives "frugally" and thought all helmets are created equal, still does. Granted the helmet coming off didn't kill her, but had she lived there's no telling how much brain damage she would have had. I swore off modulars after that and having bike shops beg me not to buy one, one shop even went so far as to show me the safety studies of them. Yeah they sold a few, but fullface was their preference. After seeing what can happen when one fails I'm too scared to use em.
  3. I'm retired on disability, Mike is in college and working at Radioshack. Technically he's an IT professional with an associate's degree but no certifications. For the last year we've been looking after our roommate while he grieved the loss of his wife from a motorcycle accident. It's been a decent trade off that worked well for all of us. I've contacted several ppl needing caregivers or in house care. Waiting to hear back. One person did contact me to rent the upstairs of her house. Hoping that asking for space in the garage for the bike didn't turn her off lol. We aren't scared yet. Just waiting and hoping as we look.
  4. I'm sorry you're sick Annie. I too got got adult onset asthma. Well the doc thinks I've always had it but I only need the puffers when I get sick. Apparently all the choral singing I did as a kid staved it off til I had kidlets. Dad had smoking related emphysema (prolly asthma too) I have asthma, my oldest has severe asthma, and my son was diagnosed 2 yrs ago. Best I can say is take the meds as you are supposed to. Make sure you have the emergency puffer and ask for a non puffer that doesn't increase your risk for a heart attack. There are several that do. Had a friend with moderate asthma 27 yrs old that had a mild heart attack in the spring....the treating doc was unaware he was on asthma meds so my friend doesn't know if the meds caused it or if it is a medical condition he needs to know about. No insurance, no aftercare :/
  5. eh, well yeah is all I can do right now as I look for a new place to live.
  6. Mama can speak for herself, I'm not gentle, just a fiesty redhead!
  7. Camper sounds like a great idea. However my car doesn't have a trailer hitch. I won't discount the camper idea. Could work great. Now does anyone have a trailer hitch I can use on the caprice? LOL. I'mma looking for a camper. If anyone sees one or knows one for sale please please let me know.
  8. Boys! Y'all are so mean! Mama gave up and went to bed, so now it's me ya get to deal with!
  9. Officially, Mike and I have been homeless the last 18 mons. However we've spent the time couch surfing and paying our way, though griping alot at the circumstances it's put us in. I'm not asking anyone here for money or a place to stay so let us be clear about this. What I am asking is help locating a place to live. With room mates if needed. Ist preference would be somewhere in Central Georgia because Mike has a job and goes to school here. However we can relocate if we must, we'll just need help. Usually one turns to family in times like this. However Mike's family aren't able to help us right now, nor do we wish to worry and burden his Dad so soon after his heart attack and bypass surgery. So I'm turning to the next closest thing to family. You guys! I'm sitting here numb screaming inside not this again. This will be the 4th move in the last 18mons! I know y'all can brainstorm ideas as a group. Technically we'd qualify for low income housing but the waits are years long and I don't have that kind of time. I have 45 days from today to find a place in which to move. Please help me.
  10. I can't really help with planning the trip to FL, however if you are in the Macon area and need to stop to eat, or want to look about I can point out some nice things in the area. One being the Air Force Museum in Warner Robins, GA.
  11. 2 here. Also what about getting more of the large sized oval vest patches for the back? Mike and I would like 2
  12. Yeah, Ruffy came in, talked a bit, then made up some excuse about his pot roast needing eating, and the chat feel apart from there.....
  13. When I was having trouble with my gallbladder in 2005, initially, it was considered elective surgery. It wasn't known that I was actually septic when the surgery was scheduled. I was warned there was a chance the surgery might cost me through I'm on medicare and medicaid. Luckily for me the during the surgery there were life-threatening complications that changed it from elective to lifesaving surgery. I had an online friend in the UK who was also having trouble with her gall bladder and her surgeries were getting postponed because it's considered elective surgery there as well. She was finally told she could only have the surgery once she became septic. She almost died waiting to have the surgery (Over two years). While I would like to have a healthcare system closer to what Canada and Europe have in the US I would like to see the tables for what is considered elective and needed care modified so people don't fall through the cracks as often. No system is perfect and any system that aids the people need constant modifications to fix the judgement errors of the ones that write the system of codes that define the parameters of it. I feel it is shameful my husband is not only denied affordable healthcare through his employer, but is also denied medicaid through the state though his income qualifies him for state assistance. He has a cyst or tumor in his head that was discovered while he was on worker's comp, but because the comp people didn't see it as directly related to his accident he was refused exploratory care. Can't get him on medicaid because there is no diagnosis for it. Can't afford the out of pocket costs to see a specialist, so he's screwed for lack of a better word. All we were told was one day it will kill him if left untreated, great.....now you know my gripes with American healthcare.
  14. Going to bed now! Sorry everyone missed me!
  15. I'm usually up til 1-2am, sometimes as late as 3am (hubby and I are gamer geeks in addition to liking the bike riding sport). Y'all won't see me on the board much come next weekend as my new game gets released next Fri. Gotten too cold for me to want to ride the bike right now so I'll curl up under the covers to play Skyrim until the Spring thaw.
  16. I'm 37, on medicare, and have a college degree and I still don't understand medicare plans. I spent 4 hrs today trying to change my medicare coverage (have to do it yearly) I didn't make ANY progress towards my goal
  17. I'm looking for an automatic bike/trike for myself because with my disability changing gears would be a bit difficult. However I really do not want a scooter...freaking death traps....
  18. If I were you I'd find a new doc. In 2008 I tripped, fell and broke both my left knee and right ankle. I was 34 at the time. The 1st doc I saw would only fix my ankle. The second doc found the broken knee, albeit 6 mons after I fell. Took an MRI to find it. The type of break I had was consistent with an age related break of someone about 10-15 yrs older than me in perfect health. Taking into account my health history (I have cerebral palsy and overweight) he still felt I was a little young but told me to take better care of myself and my knee might last another 10 years at best. What I'm trying to say is there is no right or wrong age to have joint replacements or other age related illnesses. It's how we live day to day and how our individual bodies work. Get a second and third opinion about your knees. A good doc will help you understand why things need to be this way or that. I wish you the best and hope things start looking up for you soon.
  19. Meach, I saw that you live a hair south of me. You might need to go to Atlanta to test drive a a bike. Capitol Cycle in Macon doesn't allow test drives. I don't know of a dealer around these parts other than Capitol that might have a Venture or similar to test.
  20. I dunno if it's good to say, but I think you look better w/o the beard than with it. And this comes from a wife with a bearded husband. And yes, I love my husband's beard.
  21. I got the call yesterday that I have been dreading for sometime. My Father in law, StormRaven's Dad called to say he had a heart attack 2 Fridays ago and an emergency quad bypass surgery. He got to come home Fri. He sounded weak but was in good spirits when I talked to him. Also learned my adopted mum (my parents have already passed on) goes in tomorrow for another bypass surgery. Please keep them in your prayers. Tricia
  22. Being the Hardware geek I am I have an ereader, laptop, android smartphone, and desktop computer. I have a Pocketbook 902 ereader and I love it. I love the fact I can read books and newspapers w/o the distraction of the net as a whole. I love my laptop because I can sit in bed and work on the computer w/o stressing my back (Didn't know I was always chatting from bed did y'all?) The phone replaces my ereader and laptop, and mp3 player while traveling about while I can live w/o it, it does make things easier. Now my desktop is my baby, I built it myself almost 5 yrs ago, and she gets used sometimes still, but not so much anymore. As ereaders go.... I only have experience with 2, my pocketbook 902 and the nook. Roomie bought the nook with the intent to read books on it. I wound up using it for a couple of mons and managed to crash the android OS on it just flipping pages (I read rather fast) So back to Barnes and Noble it went. Mike decided to research readers after my problems with the nook and learned the pocketbook series were the best available in the American market. They are made by a German company and it works better than I hoped and easily keeps up with my reading speed. One note that will be worth noting on the tablet PCs, this includes the Ipads too. Many people experience moderate levels of eye fatigue and strain related to the backlit screens. with a no frills black and white ereader, it's almost nonexistant. The question you have to ask is what does your wife want and weigh the pros and cons of each.
  23. I might be around a few mins tonight, hubby has a photo shoot with a local band tonight and being it's a Halloween as well I'm also going. Going to be a cold ride on the bike in a miniskirt....
  24. I'm there, but then, you know that!
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