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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Sad to say Mike and I survived 10 yrs together (married 8) only to have a near miss on the way to dinner. Like I said the sake was good. I'm being good and NOT downing the bottle of plum brandy we have. Mike would kill me!
  2. Dan, I don't need that kind of excitement! Mike actually pulled over to catch his breath after that.
  3. Ok, some of you know we are looking for a place to live, well we think we found it. I have to pay the deposit by wed and rent next week. But that's not the reason for the title of the thread. On our way to dinner after seeing the place (it's our wedding anniversary today) Mike was traveling on a 4 lane stretch of road here in Warner Robins a woman in a small car pulled out into the lane in an attempt to travel across all 4 lanes of traffic. Upon realizing she couldn't make it even partway across she slammed on brakes..right in front of Mike, we saw her attempt so he was slowing down just in case but was still traveling too fast to come to a stop since there was loose gravel in the road too. So he cut behind her, thought he gave enough room to get around her...but then she backed up. I could have punched the trunk of her car she was so close when she backed up. Never once did she seem to realize there was a bike there. We made it to dinner, and let me tell you, that was some really good sake I had with dinner. I drank the entire bottle myself. Here's hoping next year's anniversary is less exciting....
  4. Wow Freebird you were movin on up there! My 1st computer was an IBM PS/1 with a 130MB hard drive, 3.5 inch floppy drive, cdrom and win 3.1 think the modem was 9600 baud. Cost my parents $1400. (I was in college then) My next computer was a packard bell pent 1 100mhz with all the bells and whistles, even had a 28.8 modem! It was my favorite computer too. Now I have 2, a laptop that I think is rather awesome, and a desktop that is too, but needs upgrading. All in all I think tech came a long ways.
  5. Oh, I remember the days....mostly I complained about all the disconnects and my Dad picking UP the phone to get me to go to bed (yes, I'm a net addict) I started out with a 9600 baud and eventually got 56k, cable, dsl, ISDN were for the rich 15 yrs ago. Now Cable/DSL is the standard....
  6. *backs outta the thread quietly*
  7. I haven't, but let me ask my in house radioshack sales guy....He says no, that the OEM equipment is far superior. I trust his judgement. He has all the older Nintendo system so I'd say he knows.
  8. Trend is good stuff. Also try: CCleaner: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner Spybot S&D: http://www.safer-networking.org/en/home/index.html A different antivirus I like as well is Avast! http://www.avast.com/en-us/index All of these programs are free but ask for donations. Also another program you can try is peerblock http://www.peerblock.com/releases It's mostly for people who pirate software, but it can be used to block other computers on the net from seeing your computer and attempting to piggyback on your account via your computer. Do not enable HTTP blocking, otherwise you'll be cursing why you can't see this site or others.
  9. If noone else's story/words can encourage you to have her checked out, let me tell you Mike's story. 2 years ago in Sept he was transporting patients to and from the Atlanta. Everyone here probably has a good idea about 5pm traffic leaving Atlanta so I'll skip those details. Mike had switched lanes some distance in front of a semi when traffic flow changed. Apparently the semi driver didn't see the change and was shifting up in gears to speed up when things slowed down and didn't have time to brake before hitting Mike. All the passengers in the van were injured, several quite severely we've been told. However his boss refused to allow him to go to the ER in Atlanta and made him drive the van back to the office, write up a report for the boss, then sent us to the ER. While the trauma isn't apparent because he had severe head injuries, he's not the man he was before. They can't give a confirmed diagnosis of what caused his injuries, but it's believed the sheering forces in the wreck caused his brain to bounce around like a ping pong ball and bruised areas. Within 3 days he didn't know who I was, couldn't hold a conversation for more than a few mins, and repeatedly had to be told where he was going and what he was doing. It was more than 9 months before I could leave him alone for more than a few mins without worrying about him. It's taken alot of work on my part to get him as far as I have, getting him back in college is getting him back the rest of the way. The best analogy I can use to what he was right after the accident was he was akin to a stroke victim. slurring words, having trouble remembering things...and so on. If I could help arrest it in another person by lending my experience I will. Please take her to a doctor asap. Worker's comp failed to see the gravity of Mike's injuries and we lost out on valuable therapy because of that.
  10. Yes Sir, those do count. However, we need to get you playing some more games that work to improve that hand eye coordination. While I do play to relieve stress (Who says that beating on a dragon can't relieve stress?) I also play to work at those hand-eye coordination skills as well.
  11. sounds good!
  12. Is that good?
  13. Same here! But Mike doesn't give me a hard time about it either like alot of gamer geeks would. If it's not fun then why play? Games are meant to be fun with a healthy balance of challenge, as well as stress relieving. If I have to turn on god mode to play through the game in single player mode, that's on me. If he and I play together in a game, I'm not allowed cheats, but we also play coop as well. I think the fact we do team play in games has made us better teamplayers in marriage. Just sayin...
  14. Mike and I prefer Firefox and Chrome to any version of IE. You could also try those. Also don't wanna hear about hand-eye coordination issues either sir. I have cerebral palsy and have those issues and still play those games. Granted I turn on the cheats that make me invincible but I play for the enjoyment of the story, not to be the best player out there.
  15. Thank you Freebird for stating that. That to me is what makes this site great. Everyone looking out for each other.
  16. I want him on my dinner table!
  17. Monty found a good card....but I found one cheaper, Biostar is an ok brand as a rule but my husband the network engineer is typing up his thought so wait before ordering either. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814141130
  18. Condor, I build computers as a hobby (sometimes to help pay the bills as well) if you can message me the specs of your computer (motherboard, processor, ram) and/or the serial number of it I'll look up some recommendations. However on avg you can get a good middle of the road vid card for less than $100, in some cases, less than $50. I or Mike would normally offer to install it for you, however it would be a bit far to go for us.
  19. Maybe it's just me.....But when Mike started looking for a starter bike last year and being the computer geeks we are we googled bike forums. With no previous knowledge about bikes other than there are cruiser and crotch rockets, and HD being a really big brand we found this site and joined. Mike doesn't post much, but he reads alot. We feel we found the group of friends we always wanted but never seemed to find. Just because you have a Victory doesn't mean you have to leave us. It's a choice. One thing I've learned on this site....it's not about what you ride, it's about the ride. Noone cares that you don't have a Venture anymore, just that you still enjoy riding. One day I'll have my own bike and be out there riding with y'all, til then I'm stuck on the pillion! Please stay we'd love to have you around.
  20. Maybe after the 1st of the year I'll join y'all on the weigh in. I'm 215 (lost 15lbs over the summer) I need to weigh about 150. Unfortunately all my workout stuff is packed away for the time being. My shoes are getting replaced soon (yay) (For those who know the story) So maybe, just maybe, I can start walking more. Anymore Ladies want to join in?
  21. Georgia is nice this time of year....not really cold, where I live in Central GA rarely gets below 20 degrees in winter, Snow is this scary concept we see every few years. Insurance on the cars and bikes isn't bad, the driver's license isn't too expensive (Mike says in CT it's really pricey) Utilities are more expensive here than when I lived in PA but it's all in how you live. Long stretches of road for miles in good shape for riding. Everything has a tradeoff. Personally I'd never winter in the NE if I could avoid it. One PA winter cured me of the snow fantasy we get here in GA as kids. I packed myself up and moved home the following summer. I've yet to understand how so many folx in the NE and midatlantic do without AC in the summer. It's just as hot and humid up there as it is here.
  22. Tom, we'd love to have you down here in Dixie....all the ice cream you'd ever want too! Come on, you know you wanna.
  23. All of you that are diabetic, please please take care of yourselves. I don't have alot of experience with the disease, however what I have is enough. One of my HS teachers has type 1 diabetes, he was diagnosed when he was 17. When I met him in HS he was already mostly blind from the disease, he was in his late mid to late 40's at the time. I asked him how much he could see because he was very good at looking at someone and making them feel he was in the conversation. He mostly saw colors and shapes. He was still able to read large print. But as he said, he knew I had a very intense red hair, but it was my voice he knew. To this day he can still pick me out of a crowd by voice, and has. He managed his diabetes well. But as a precaution he kept a few students trained to handle an emergency as a just in case. I was one of those. Since I know there's more diabetics on the forum. I have about 6-8 novalog R pens and a vial of humalin N unopened that were donated to my diabetic cat. If you have a script for these, let me know. They've never been opened, been refrigerated, and are good until next year. I'd like to see them go to someone who can use em.
  24. Hi Rick, we're ok here in Central GA. We mostly had rain and wind here. there was a tornado to the north and west of us in mid afternoon, and another north and east of us about 6-7pm. Other than that it was more or less your typical late summer weather. I know I know it's fall, tell the weather that lol. It's been in the 70's and 80's for the past week or 2 here. Thankfully it was Mike's day off so he was home and didn't have to ride in it. I think the weather gods must like Mike because we've yet to ride in rain when it's just us or just him on the ride.
  25. What he said! When I was her age my doc said I had a mild form of TMJ from grinding my teeth. I also have a crossbite and in some ppl I was told it can flare TMJ. Ironically most ppl grind their teeth in their sleep. I do it when awake. Just take care of her and see what the doc says.
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