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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Happy Birthday!!!!
  2. My hubby works for Radioshack, one of his former coworkers kept having trouble with breaking the beltclip. Last year alone he had to have the entire holster replaced 3 times by Otterbox. No, it wasn't a defect in the case, he's just very rough on his Otterbox. Each time Otterbox would send a new one out. There was a point in time where Otterbox would not only replace the case on the Defender series but the phone as well if it got damaged while in the case. I believe it became too expensive for the company so they stopped offering that. Mike has the defender on his Samsung Infuse and loves it. Rides the bike without worrying about the phone coming off his belt.
  3. sokay, tho the chat is fixed now
  4. I didn't know about the Corel distro. Mike uses Mint on his desktop, and gentoo on his server. Unfortunately for him, his college requires he has windows to install the programs required for his programming classes. Otherwise he'd use whatever was readily available for linux. Sad when he's a better programmer than his teachers and they know it lol.
  5. I can build my own pcs and love doing it. Never got to go to Apple school to be trained on apple hardware sadly, so I use what I like and know best.
  6. Mint is based on ubuntu, and ubuntu is the 1st linux distribution that was user friendly to most people. To stay ahead of the curve and be innovative ubuntu made alot of changes over the years that have left people frustrated and going to things like Mint.
  7. peanut butter
  8. Here's the main reason I won't ever use McAfee ever again. In the 90's it became the goto resource for virus removal. As a computer lab employee at my college I was tasked to not only maintain the lab computers but the professors and other staff computers on campus. (Now y'all know why I'm an IT geek lol) In all, over 2000 computers give or take. If an employee called the lab saying their computer acted funny I or one of the other student employees dropped everything and would race over with a disk and virus scan their computer. Norton didn't have the ability to put a portable copy on disk so we used McAfee. All well and good during my school years. However in the late 90's or early 2000's McAfee started reporting major virus scares that Norton wouldn't know about. A lot of people bought into the idea that McAfee was doing such a great job at releasing these reports. These same people raced out in fear to buy the latest McAfee and kept buying into it for a few years. At some point internal company memos were leaked to the press that showed these "virus scares" were just hype designed to increase sales. The "viruses" were just code that McAfee installed on people's computers to lull people into thinking that the program was working. Honestly, I'm amazed McAfee is still in business after that. Some of y'all mentioned how Norton is a resource hog and difficult to uninstall cleanly. That's why I won't use it either. To each their own. If I didn't play windows based games I'd scrap Windows and migrate to linux in a heartbeat.
  9. I use Avast, spybot, malawarebytes, ccleaner, and comodo firewall on my computer. Comodo is the only one of the bunch that will nag you about every link or page you go to, so install at your own risk. I use it because I go to sites that tend to download things to one's computer w/o permission and feel safer knowing what connections I have incoming.
  10. any song listed on itunes can be transferred to an mp3 that hooks up to your computer. It's too early yet for me to discuss it (just woke up and having my coffee).
  11. I'm the oddball here. I have apnea. Since I was about 19 or so I have been known to stop breathing in my sleep sometimes for mins at a time. More so if I have a cold or the flu. I snore too. Even my doctor is aware of it. She sent me for a sleep study and because I was in a strange place w/o Mike (I suffer from night terrors as well) I didn't get a wink of sleep. The sleep study couldn't confirm or deny the apnea so I wasn't rescheduled for a new study, just told I didn't have apnea by the sleep center. Doc felt bad but couldn't prescribe the CPAP on my insurance without confirmation from the study. I'm sure at some point we can revisit the sleep study, but for now I take sleep meds to knock me out and keep me asleep and pray.
  12. Also get tested foe leukemia. Low iron counts can be caused by that and could require blood transfusions if it cannot be treated.
  13. It's supposed to rain here this afternoon. Mike isn't happy about it. He's going to get rained on as he's getting off work.
  14. When Mike and I were dating we each had State farm, his rates were alot higher than mine because he is 5 yrs younger. When we started living together we consolidated our coverage with his agent, his family had a good relationship with them and everything would be easier right? Hardly! We had trouble from the start but it got worse when we married. I would randomly be removed from the policy because someone (his mother) demanded I be removed though they had no bearing on the policy. We eventually left the agent over the inability to control the policy. Progressive offered us a better deal and we stayed with them for a while, but the rates never dropped. We tried to use Safe Auto at one point since they offered good rates, but they refused to insure me since I am disabled. When we joined the Venture site we found out that Ediddy is an insurance agent here in Georgia and we called him to get a quote. Our insurance is the lowest now it's been in 10 yrs and Eddie has been great at helping us with finding good coverage. I will never go with a company like progressive that spys on me while I drive. I slam on the brakes alot, and drive a touch faster than legal when enjoying open road on a nice day (who doesn't).
  15. Yeah, I'm using an optimus V android 2.1 I'll ask Mike if his phone works with the link a bit later.
  16. Freebird, my phone gets stuck at the login screen and won't give me the options of what room I want.
  17. LOL I bet I'm still remembered too. I made the trip from Georgia to Camrose that winter to see a guy. I apparently shook up the town during my stay. Random people would walk to me and ask me to talk like the people from Gone with the Wind. Few people can understand what it's like to have someone walk up to you and say "Can you say something like you do back home?" Yeah, those were my young and stupid days. All I'll say is it's an adventure I'll never forget.
  18. Hey There's more than 3 people in Camrose! I spent the winter of 96 there. Met most of the town just by going to the bar that's attached to the hotel there in town. Dunno if the place is still named Cadillac's or not. Maybe someday I'll get back there for the music festival.
  19. I'm positive that it's the coolant idiot light that's on. Washer fluid is near full and the two have different symbols on the idiot light dash. Windshield washer fluid light has wiper blades on it. Coolant light is a box with scallops/waves inside the box. Not to mention Mike already told me the idiot light was on. Car isn't overheating so I'm not worried, just annoyed. I've had a check engine light for the nonexistent catalytic converters and knock sensors going on 8 yrs now. The car is scheduled for a full restoration after Mike gets his next good paying job. I know some of y'all will say just go buy a new car. 3 reasons why I won't. 1. It's paid for. 2. I have a limited selection of cars I can drive with my disability. 3. Mike bought the car as an engagement present instead of the ring. Mainly I thought Tom would like an excuse to get away from the snow and head south. Might not be as warm as Florida, but I'm a good cook.
  20. Hey Tom, wanna come south and check out my car? I have that pesky low coolant light on every since Mike changed the water pump last month. Yes, Mike filled the coolant to the proper level. Guess the sensor went bad. Look at the bright side, you come down here, there isn't any snow right now.
  21. I'm just a bad girl lol. However like Tom I hate snow.
  22. We love you Tom! I probably shouldnt mention it's 44 here with sun, though a bit colder than last week. Last week it was in the 70's.
  23. The only concert I went to was in Chastain Park in 1996, or 95. I saw Natalie Cole in concert. The college I went to paid for it. All I had to was buy my own dinner. Lewis is right that Chastain park is a great place to see a concert. Had the group from the school known we could have pooled our resources and brought a picnic dinner, we might have.
  24. unfortunately we don't have any discount places nearby. One shop local to us has been good to us on some stuff. They even discount what we buy alot of times because we work on their shop computers. I did order a patch kit for the frogg toggs so maybe that will help.
  25. Boomer, unfortunately, he can't lol. The bike is his work transport, we only have 2 vehicles, my car and the bike. Good try though :rotf:
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