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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Yeah I was thinking of a Can-Am but I learned I have to push a button if I want to accelerate or decelerate. Having partial, full body paralysis I'm having to fully think of my choices with my own scoot. When hubby bought the Volusia he bought it as his training bike with the idea we could find a way to make it an automatic once he moved to a bigger bike. There are devices out for some bikes, volusia, goldwing, venture, that make them a push button shifter. But I really need something I can get on and go. Mostly it's going to be the scoot I do everything from grocery shopping to visiting friends on and basically having the social life I don't have now. Now I have to decide whether to grocery shop or let the hubby do it on the bike. It's still going to be months to yrs down the road so I'm not in a rush. Sadly I found a Burgman 650 in Alabama yesterday for $6800, triked with a trailer. Can't afford it right now. If we had the money, I think the hubby would have made the call and trip today to get it lol.
  2. I kinda like it, looks kinda like a 1st gen. However, what are the chances I can get it triked?
  3. Well I went to Capitol Cycle today to look at scooters. Froze my butt off getting there and home but that's another story. I looked at the Burgman 400 and 650, really liked the 650. One of the sales people stopped by while we were looking at those and when he learned I want a scooter to trike mentioned the MP3. I asked about the front wheels at slow speeds and he said when a person decelerates to abt 20mph there's a button to push that stiffens the front suspension for low speed maneuvering like parking lots and intersections/stoplights and you hit the button when you start accelerating again. Mike was wondering why there isn't some kind of hydraulic system that does all that automatically. Also... Mike got to sit on his first 2nd gen venture today. They had an 09 there with the cd setup (no cassette desk gosh darn it) had 1000 miles on it. Was Champagne yellow and black. Very nice bike. Mike fell in love with it. He said it felt perfectly balanced and not unwieldy at all. Even asked me to hop into the backseat to see how it felt to have me back there. 1. I can actually get up there without fighting the bike. 2. He said he barely noticed me on the bike compared to the Volusia. So.....there might be a Venture in the future before I get my trike
  4. $#$@! OK mp3 is out sides hubby says it looks like jar jar binks as well....
  5. As many times as I go to that place and I've never seen one, though the inventory shows they have a 2010 model mp3
  6. I don't disagree on the mp3 not being a trike, but it's a very good, durable scooter. My FIL decided even before we said I was getting my own, that I should get it because the MP3 is a very stable scooter for someone like me with balance issues.
  7. What about the Piaggio MP3? My FIL used to ride the old vespas (same company) and thought the MP3 was tough enough to take my abuses lolhttp://www.piaggiousa.com/scooters.html#!s=overview/mp3-500
  8. yeah, said 55+ depending on rider weight lol. My FIL wanted me on an MP3, but those are pricey.
  9. http://www.scooterdepot.us/trike-gas-motor-scooters-300cc-3-wheels-moped-d300tkb.html#pro_tabs-6
  10. ooooooo I like this one lolhttp://www.scooterdepot.us/250cc-trike-chopper-style-3-wheels-road-warrior-gas-motor.html Think I could make it to International on that? lol
  11. that looks similar to the suzuki gs450ga I was looking at earlier: http://classic-motorbikes.net/images/gallery/gs450-ga.jpg Understand any bike that isn't triked will probably have to be so Mike doesn't worry everytime I go ride.
  12. I sat on one of those at the dealer in Macon once. Just sitting on it hurt my back. I'm sure the seat could be changed to be somewhat comfy for most people. I'm just not sure it could be for me. I felt like I was sliding forward.
  13. So I thought I'd continue my search into automatic bikes... I've looked at the can-am spyders, ridleys, and the suzuki gs450ga from the 80's I can't really find alot of info on the automatics. Wanting something that is comfy on trips, could be triked and good for around town. It will be sometime before we could invest in it but hey if we know better what to hunt for makes it easier.
  14. Not sure what ours will be since we just moved, however last year the bike was $20, the car was $40, if the car were newer we'd be paying upwards of $300 but since our car is coming towards antique status (in 2016 it will be classed an antique) it's getting cheaper to tag (in this county). In Georgia each county decides the tax values on vehicles. Usually the counties with other stable revenue streams keep the tag fees low.
  15. Admittedly I have a lead foot. I love to push the caprice and enjoy the power and wind. I also know being disabled my reaction time is slower than even the avg driver. Hence why I wait til I get an open stretch of road alone, usually the interstate and have my fun. My thought is if I wreck I'll do my best to only let it be me. That said driving intown traffic around here I'm still prepared to punch it merge or avoid accidents. In GA the super speeder law has been admitted to being a tax on speeders to pay for trauma care in the state.
  16. I tried to do the "guy thing" when I fell and broke my ankle 4 yrs ago. I told Mike it wasn't broke, just badly sprained, he still took me to the ER, not only was it broke, but it was a spiral fracture, thankfully a walking boot and bedrest was all I needed.
  17. LOL no, I'm the only redhead out of 6 kids, and the brunette has a worse temper than me. I'm rather calm and slow to anger these days.
  18. I'd do that too if it weren't for that dang thing called cerebral palsy, so I settled for fwaps instead, but in a real tizzy I have been known to throw a cast iron skillet a decent ways lol
  19. Now THAT sounds like my Mike (must be a Mike thing) if he said that to me I'd smile sweet and fwap him in the back of the head and go about my business. He says that's why he married a redhead lol.
  20. Well, if you had been my spousal unit I would have sent you to the doc right off. I hope you heal quickly and well.
  21. I've always found Sean Connery sexy, and I'm 37. I have always found mature sophisticated men appealing. I used to tell Mike I looked forward to the day when he became mature and sophisticated, and guess what? he's almost there lol.
  22. I agree with Monty, you may have gotten the wrong type of ram, OR put the ram in backwards. I'll see what we can do to give you a hand.
  23. When I realized that I find an older, mature Sean Connery sexy.
  24. I suffer too from PTSD, not from Military service, however if I had served at least I could at least have a logical reason to mine. It's only been in the last 2-3 years I stopped waking screaming or cling to Mike for dear life in my sleep. I was heavily medicated on antidepressants that left me like a zombie, and the side effects of some almost killed me. I wasn't offered therapy, just drugs to keep me numb. I sympathize with anyone that has PTSD, it's a demon you can't fight easily and it will break you. Dad also had PTSD, and I think my eldest brother does too. I suffered at the hands of an abusive exhusband. If the VA doesn't do well servicing our vets, it's no wonder civilians like me get shoved under the carpet. I'm very lucky to have a husband who fought to save me from my own hell.
  25. Hey Tom, when ya get the bike the way you want it could I take a test ride in the passenger seat? lol
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