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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. My best weightloss since I gained the weight was while I was carrying my twins. Prepregnancy weight was 220lbs, postop was 175lbs. Unfortunately because of other health issues going on at the time I regained it all . :crying:At my 8 week post op appt in November I was 196. My personal goal is to be about 150lbs.
  2. Then Jeff, I'd suggest working towards a smaller waist size. Yeah, my waist was 38 inches on delivery day, now it's 35 inches, ...another couple of inches and I can fit into Mike's 34 inch jeans. I'll never see the days again where I had a 27 inch waist...those days went with the eldest kid.
  3. Jeff that is correct, However I'm lucky, I decided to develop healthy habits post baby and while I haven't weighed myself since my last checkup, I haven't gone up in pant size, in fact I've almost lost a full pant size compared to where I was just before the baby caused massive swelling. Typically I lose weight when pregnant and for a few months after, here's hoping I can finally get down to a healthy weight.
  4. I agree with Snaggle on that. As a hefty lady myself my ob and I came up with a healthy eating plan for me. I'm to eat up to 6 healthy meals a day and keep things portion controlled. Preferably no eating out, however if I must eat out I need to make healthy choices and limit the fast food. Limit my sugar intake, My morning java fix is 28oz of yummy goodness. I've managed to cut my sugar to 4 teaspoons over several mons. I have a morning omelette with lots of veggies, mostly jarred salsa but sometimes I chop up fresh stuff to add. I'm also making my own bread again. Also making soups and stews that are heavy on veggies and light on meats. Because I got into the habit of eating one, at most 2 meals a day because of budget constraints...ie we're poor, my body went into starvation mode. Now I'm having to retrain my body to know there will always be food, and it will take time. He told me to not weigh myself just watch how my clothes fit and in a few weeks I'll start walking the neighborhood regular to build my stamina. My goal this year is to drop 50lbs and build up stamina and strength to handle a trike when my husband makes that investment. Word of warning. In the initial month of trying to lose weight through calorie management you could have a very dramatic loss, upwards of 20lbs then plateau. Men often lose faster and through exercise usually keep the weight controlled better.
  5. If I lived closer to you Lewis I'd happily check your bp for you. Mom trained me well. Istead of playing with dolls as a kid I had my tonka trucks and my own stethoscope and cuff that I used to practice on Dad a few times a day lol. And yes, they were real.
  6. http://all-streaming-media.com/faq/recording-media-stream/faq-capture-non-recordable-and-DRM-protected-media-streams.htm I don't recommend using it with netflix. I should amend that to say I also use linux, I can't recommend anything for windows. Microsoft sided with the RIAA and MPAA to make products for windows harder to utilize. It's why you can't use netflix on linux/mac systems. Netflix uses silverlight to authorize pc connections.
  7. I have a computer hooked up to my tv in the bedroom, I can watch shows online or "record" online broadcasts and save them for later viewing. Yes, I have special software that makes that happen.
  8. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is data usage. Most internet providers have done what our cellphone companies started doing in the last couple of years and have limited data usage. On my provider (Cox) I have a 250Gig monthly data transfer cap. Once I reach my cap I risk having my service cut off the rest of the month, and after 3 months of violating that Cox will terminate my service perm and blacklist us from getting service from other providers. This is something all major internet providers started doing in response to the RIAA and MPAA threats. If you download more than the allowed usage you must be doing illegal things like torrenting (pirated music, movies, tv shows, and software) Using Netflix and the like constantly several hrs a day especially with HD content can eat up that data usage. With a former roomie Mike and I were having that problem constantly because he would spend hours glued to netflix watching HD content and nothing we suggested would make him change his ways. By now he's likely been blacklisted by Cox. I'd suggest calling your providers and confirming your terms of service and data transfer caps.
  9. You can't, that's why parents should always be aware of what their kids are doing online. Trust me, I did things online almost 20 yrs ago that made my parents think I was loosing my mind lol!
  10. GAWildKat


    Would you rather have had to deal with the tornadoes and other severe weather we've had this week.
  11. I guess I'm weird, I can only take TBBT in small doses. Sheldon drives me up the freaking wall! I know people like him (several) that push my rage button and make me want to go postal on them. Seeing that on TV is more than I can handle lol.
  12. I had to go out on errands today and hubby decided at the last moment that we weren't taking the bike in this wind, even the caprice got pushed around!
  13. Make sure to take good rain gear. I live in Middle Georgia and it's been raining heavily here off and on all week with tornadoes in the more rural areas near me! Stay safe. Make a copy of that members list in case you need to make a call. I'll warn you. I don't have a trailer or towing capabilities, so the most I can do I can do is rescue you or sit with you til someone else comes to help.
  14. Oddly enough, that's when da hubby starts spring semester @ college! I'm still waiting on the school to inform us when fall semester starts and if it will interfere with Vogel.
  15. My husband is on his 3rd IT degree, graduates next fall with his 2nd degree in programming. Has one in network engineering as well. All the feedback he gets says he's underqualified for entry level IT positions in either field. As soon as he finishes the coursework for the 2nd programming degree he'll be halfway to three-quarters (not sure how the credits transferred from his previous schools) through with his 2nd networking degree. At what point is someone in IT educated enough to be considered good enough for an entry level job? I'd really love to know that answer! Mike's not someone who barely get by in class, he's carried a 4.0 GPA for the last 2 years. I have a college degree myself and was repeatedly told because I have a disability I wasn't fit to work anywhere and a liability to the companies for whom I'd work. For a few years I slaved working fast food and the like. I like being around people so it wasn't bad at all just the pay sucks. When my health took a nosedive I went for disability thinking I'd go back to school, be a singlemom and go back to work after getting degree #2. Unfortunately those plans didn't work out. However I'm a stay at home wife now, I make extra cash doing computer repair and custom builds and designs. (Ask dingy how his latest computer build I designed worked for him). My cashflow isn't steady and never will be. But $100 here and there helps out.
  16. FlyingFool is on almost every evening, the rest of us vary a bit.
  17. My husband is one of the few here that doesn't own and has never owned a Venture. We found the site while looking for his 1st bike and stayed after everyone helped us choose a 1st bike for him. He's hoping for that 1st Venture down the road a bit (next year maybe?) And I'm hoping for a burgman trike.
  18. I agree with both, AND everyone from companies to the government is to blame. My husband is a programmer and network engineer, at 33 yrs old still hasn't landed that nice IT job that could give us the stability we need into our middle age years. I don't want this to sound political, it's not my goal. I do the job searches for him knowing where his education and talents lie. Too many times I see entry level jobs that list 5+ years experience in X language/specialty. I learned that any company out there in the US can make up these ridiculous job listings that no one can meet all the qualifications for and let these postings languish for 6 mons to a year then petition the US government to apply for HB1 status on the position. That means the company can import a person from a country like India and pay them less than someone with as much education as Mike. Mike's current earnings worth based on his level of education should be $60,000+ not the $17k he struggles to get at Radioshack. Too many times I hear people complain that illegals are taking away our jobs. Let's face it. Most illegals are doing work most people with an education or pride would never be willing to submit themselves to doing. In my honest opinion it's the professional and highly trained trade jobs that aren't employing suitable American workers that have hurt this country.
  19. Actually, as more phone companies go to LTE tech, I think the older flip phones and such will stop working.
  20. Randy, look into Cricket and AT&T prepaid for your area. My cricket phone worked great when I visited the inlaws in Blairsville but Mike's virgin mobile phone wouldn't. And the inlaws have AT&T and like their service.
  21. +1 on Virgin Mobile, I've used Virgin Mobile, Cricket, and a couple of others for years. Radioshack also offers it's own phone service now using Cricket's network. To get the best reception on any prepaid phone service you need to live in a major metro area. For anyone looking to get an android smartphone I can give tips and tricks that can make the phone work better and get better signal.
  22. For some reason:whistling: more ppl prefer me with my clothes off.
  23. I'm going to go out on a limb and say somewhere between 8-9pm est
  24. My Dad bred and raised pointers, and no he didn't fix his dogs either til he got the jack russells, and no, they weren't hyper, just too smart for their own good. Doing field trials explains why you haven't had her fixed. No worries, it was a thought.
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