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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Yeah well, Mike's allergic to onions, so things I make that he eats, no onions, things like tomato soup that I think needs onions...are hands off for him. I don't remember Mom making calf liver with onions, but she may have, as I said, it's been at least 25 yrs since I've had calf liver, it was a rare treat....now pork brains and eggs...that was much more common until I was about 10 or so.
  2. Mom and my Dad's mom used to flour the liver before pan frying. I don't remember there being onions used with the liver, that's been about 25 yrs since I have had the calf liver. I'm a decent cook and primarily self taught, my mother refused to share her recipes or even teach me to cook, so a few things like pan frying anything is difficult. However I have perfected chicken marsala somehow. Oh and if any veggies must be chopped...then Mike or whomever is available gets recruited.
  3. This might reflect my southern upbringing, but fried chicken livers taste pretty darn good! I cannot cook beef liver worth a flip, but I used to love that too.
  4. Marcarl just taught me something....I grew up in a house on a septic tank, We always had problems with the grease trap and septic, While tree roots played a part, we shoulda added some liver and yeast? I guess. Now I know in case I buy a home on septic what to do!
  5. The prof emailed the hubby back, he should be able to order each chapter as an ebook, until the mess gets resolved, the problem however is the time to use his financial aid passed, now he has to pay an out of pocket expense for each chapter he needs. This should not have happened to begin with. Normally I order his books on amazon, or if I find an ebook of what he needs, get that. The problem with accounting is the book is only available through the school since they are the publisher. The school had a rough estimate of who would be in all the accounting classes as far back as october, and they dropped the ball. Every time the class he takes has a book only available through the school disasters like this happen. As I understand from the prof, about 2/3 of all the accounting students this semester don't have books because the bookstore dropped the ball.
  6. .....with a very large stick.... Mike's advisor registered him for 3 classes (the internship should he get it will be the 4th class this semester) Accounting 1100 (or 101 in some schools) has developed a problem this semester that has left many of the students unable to complete the assignments. The school, in their infinite wisdom assembled a textbook and shipped the thing to some print service to fulfill the order. We have been told thus far there's a shortage of books and 3 weeks into the semester, students like Mike who are on financial aid cannot and probably will not be able to get the book in time to complete the 1st 2 assignments due on the 25th and 28th, Pell Grant recipients could get their refunds as early as Thurs, the 24th or as late as hell freezes. Either way, doesn't leave enough time for the working students to complete the assignments! *Goes back to her corner*
  7. Yeah....too bad I can't get the Croat to celebrate his Scottish heritage (his mother is a Douglass, being a Royal Stewart descendant I try to overlook that Douglass bloodline) Alas no matter how hard I try I can't get him anywhere near a kilt, but I agree, a kilt would get some raised eyebrows from HR!
  8. Well all of Mike's suits scream mafia (his nickname amongst his friends is Mafia Mike). SHHHH I didn't tell ya! He owns one sport coat in all his stuff. I'm just hoping he gets the next interview AND I can get to the storage unit to find another suit before the next interview.
  9. Yup, the base still exists as does Robins AFB, where I'm located (no Hubby nor I are military). I drive by Dobbins when the hubs and I make the trek to see the inlaws in NE GA.
  10. I can think of things to do on those days...however having a roomie means some of those things don't happen in daylight hrs. And my car looks work than the bike, but point taken. If the McDonald's were just bit closer to the office I think he might have parked the bike there and changed, then walked to the office, thus foiling that idea. Apparently he was a bit over dressed for the interview, his interviewers wore plaid type shirts with khakis. I'm at a loss how to dress the man....really!
  11. Mike and I agree on that, However the office is open 8am-4:30pm M-F So those are the hours he has to work. While he's not much of a morning person, having a stable schedule that even Radioshack has to follow would be great. At Radioshack he's currently working 12-9:15pm most days with the occasional 4 or 4:30 start to his work day. Those are the days I can't stand. Nothing reasonable happens. He spends the day lazing about waiting to start his shift because starting anything productive means he has to stop to go to work.
  12. Mike never buys anything on his own. He'll ask me to go look at things and find the best price for said item. Having 2 cards on one account, while not safe makes it a bit easier for us. I even have a couple of cards that I load money on before making big ticket buys...like the laptops and such when using paypal.
  13. Well, Mike had the interview today, rain notwithstanding. Interview was about an hour long. They discussed Mike's background and career goals. Basically this is the 1st of what may become 4 interviews before getting hired. They also told him while the internship is supposed to be for a Java Programmer, he may be sent to do system administration because of his networking background, it's whatever the IT Director chooses. If picked for the internship and he does well over the course of the internship, he'll likely be offered a job at the end of the internship. The schedule is flexible too, 20 hrs/week to be done as his school and Radioshack would allow. Likely he will do 2 8hr days and one 4 day @ the internship, and the same @ Radioshack each week. So keep him on the prayer lists and I will update again when I know more. You can do it Mike!
  14. I have 2 listed, my debit card with the joint account Mike and I share, and the debit card on the bank account Mike has alone.
  15. Heads up! Mike has left for his interview! He decided last night my car was going to be the transportation of choice today. So he left dressed up all professional like. When I learn news of the internship status I'll post it.
  16. And there's a call for snow in Birmingham AL tomorrow, no such forecast for Middle GA, but the rain makes people act like idiots around here.
  17. Yeah, it's raining here in Warner Robins GA as I type, I'm not happy about this....why you ask? Mike has that interview for the internship in the morning as always he's taking the bike, thankfully he will wear the rain gear (he almost never does even in winter). His dress suit is in a garment bag inside the trunk bag that goes on the sissy bar rack, and it has it's waterproof bag on too. Can you tell I prepare like a boy scout?
  18. I got my whooping cough vaccine updated in Sept. Most people presume the vaccine is only a childhood vaccine, not so. You must keep that one updated every 10 years. My vet threatened me with the shot in 2002 after my kitten attacked me in the waiting room. That's when I learned anyone who has cats and dogs, especially outside ones, you can get tetanus from them.
  19. Actually, my grandmother, rest her soul, had a greenhouse in the backyard (it became my playhouse later) And it was made from red square tile type bricks, it had some kind of corrugated fibrous, opaque plastic type roof thing that allowed sunlight in and stayed quite warm in the winter. So to me greenhouses can be made of anything as long as they allow light in...lol
  20. I always have to confirm the shipping address is correct before the order is placed. And on Mike's bank card the billing address is different than the mailing/shipping address. Just a thought.
  21. I have to get the flu shot every year and update the pneumonia shot every 5 yrs, as an asthmatic the flu or pneumonia could send me to the hospital. When Mike and I started dating he did the noble thing and got the flu shot so my oldest daughter and I wouldn't get sick, however every time he got the shot the entire house got sick with the flu. We've learned that to protect the household from the flu, I get the shot, he doesn't, and the first sign of sniffles with him, load him up on vitamin C and echinacea. It seems to work, neither of us have had the flu since 2011 when the roommate we had brought it home from a trip to Maine in May. Before that it had been several yrs since an outbreak. This works even when the employees at Radioshack get it. The store has already had one outbreak last month, Mike was the only one to not get sick. Had to threaten the manager to take some meds because if I got sick from his stubbornness, he'd have an unhappy redhead to deal with....it worked lol. He refused his own wife's attempts, but behaved from my threats.
  22. I'm sure Larry will post later, however Larry was in a bad wreck in sept that totaled the trike, I'm sure he's doing better now than at the beginning, however, be patient with him, please.
  23. Nah, I won't laugh, but I'll be glad when those brains of his turn us a nice profit. I'm on disability so we depend on his income to get us by. Granted He is getting 2 AS degrees in IT, and I've had people argue with me that he should not double major in programming and network engineering, and I say why not? He's equally good in both and having skills in both areas means you can diversify well. Yes, he still plans to get the BS, I'm hoping he gets the internship and he is offered a job with the farm bureau once the internship ends. State job with state benefits would be very nice.
  24. Some of y'all knew that Mike, aka StormRaven was given the opportunity to become a candidate for a paid programming internship through his college. The internship will be with the Georgia Farm Bureau in Macon GA for spring semester. He finally got called today to set the date for his interview. It's thurs morning @ 9:30am. Please give up some prayers, good vibes, etc that he gets the position. I will also mention as of this semester he's officially double majoring in Computer Programming and Computer Networking and should walk with both degrees next spring. I'll also be throwing the man a graduation ride (yes I said ride) as a reward for all the hard work he's done the past 2 yrs with one more to go. Despite all the obstacles he's faced since his wreck and head injury in Sept 09 he's bounced back in a major way. Carrying a 4.0 GPA every semester, president's list, National Honor society member, works at Radioshack on those crazy hrs and about to add an internship to the mix (we hope!)
  25. No added sugar right?
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