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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Mike has the interview tomorrow morning. @ 8:30. Sent from my PO'S PHONE (lol) using Tapatalk 2
  2. I have an update: Mike has been called for interview #2, unfortunately we were on the bike at the time and missed the call, however, he'll call the lady back tomorrow!
  3. I consulted with H&R once, like Randy, I was quoted some astronomical price that was literally more than what Mike made in a week. I went online and filed my taxes for like $15 and save one time have done that every time since. You can also go to the local IRS office and have them prepare and file your taxes for free. I had to do that in 2010 for my 2009 taxes when my records and the IRS records were not the same, and they were able to sort out that I had gotten one of those voucher claims though I had not received the money or notice... Like others have said, once you sign the documents, you are responsible for what is said. There's something to be said about being poor like me...less headaches at tax season...
  4. What can I say? Mike and I are both geeks? Funny thing is I'm here doing his intel certifications for work (it's an optional reward program perk through work) because there isn't enough hrs in the week for him to do these and it gives me something to do.
  5. Mike has the 04 Volusia, no Venture yet. He's trying to sort out how to run the door opener off the battery. Lucky for him the unit is a 12V unit. And he likes the idea of putting the unit in the tool pocket area, maybe some time this semester he can look into it further....
  6. I'll forgive you not knowing that I'm disabled lol...therefore the spousal unit garage door opener is permanently broken! :rotf::rotf: :whistling:
  7. Will that work for his volusia? I'll show him the thread tonight.
  8. LOL which spousal unit?
  9. heh, it's our geeky poke at each other...then again he calls me the wif....yeah I lose a vowel lol.
  10. Mike has a keychain garagedoor opener that he has washed for the umpteenth time over the weekend and it has a short now when the battery is plugged in lol. He'd like to put the circuit board and all in a waterproof box and tie the power into the battery and perm mount everything on the bike. Since my tech expertise does not extend to electrical stuff and wiring. I wanted to get answers here. He says the wiring he can do, but needs the waterproof box, switch, etc. His Radioshack doesn't have those. Can y'all direct me where to get those?
  11. I can't swim so no ty! I stay on land to fish!
  12. Eddie, if you like, email the pics to me and I'll upload them. Also it was warm down there?! Sheesh, I froze my rear off on the bike yesterday lol.
  13. Not old age, when the brands name all their phone in a similar naming scheme it can get VERY confusing. IE Samsung makes the galaxy, galaxy s2, and s3 and submodels of each phone series. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Galaxy I'm bored at the moment...lol
  14. Samsung G3 or s3? lol
  15. Everyone welcome Kai Xavier Cruz 8.5lbs to the world, born shortly after midnight EST (wasn't told the time).http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/GAWildKat/Kai%20Xavier%20Cruz/2013-01-22235549_zpsb9f120f8.jpg
  16. Was just notified that she's being prepped for a csection, Will probably learn more in the morning.
  17. When I left the hospital @ 9pm she still hadn't got to the point of getting down to business. However, Kai should be arriving in the overnight hours, and with a waiting room of people already there I came home with plans to go back in the morning.
  18. well the 2011 ride took the group on the Cherohala....to the tail of the dragon....I was just the passenger, haven't a clue lol.
  19. How are the road closures going to affect the Vogel Rally in August??
  20. No, I'm not going to be a grandma....I hope. My "adopted niece" is going into the hospital tonight to be induced. She took time from her busy schedule in Sept (she was incubating Kai) to be with me at the hospital when I delivered and spent a night so Mike could rest. So sometime tomorrow I'll be holding my next great nephew. (Yeah, I was a great auntie @ 17 yrs old) Good luck Chrissie!
  21. go to the google play store and download the tapatalk app to view VRO properly. There's a free and paid version of the app. I use the paid app.
  22. Google voice on chrome is text based, you can use it to initiate a phone call by using it to dial a number, it sends a request to your phone to make the call, however you can use it to text too. Also here's a screen capture of my google voice page.
  23. Do you sit at your computer a lot AND are on sprint and use chrome? If you say yes to all of these questions you can use google voice (not to be confused with google talk the instant messenger) And all your text message will also popup on Chrome once you install the voice extension in chrome, that way you can do chats on the computer without messing with the phone lol.
  24. Never had that before, lamb is an especially rare treat in my family.
  25. Lol peanut butter and honey in this house, try it sometime, it's good.
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