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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Dan, I'm sorry to read this today. You and the family are in my prayers today.
  2. He says he doesn't like the "cruiser look" and the 1300 at the dealer made him unhappy...
  3. Got a friend looking at getting a cruiser so his wife can ride sometimes, he's moving from sport bikes to cruisers and found a 2011 stryker that he loves. What is the general opinion of the bike all around? And am I wrong in thinking that if he wants his wife to ride he should be flexible in things like a backrest and seat style? He loves the bike because it looks sporty, but thinks things like changing the seat and adding a backrest destroy the look it has. Guess it's me, if you buy a bike because you want the wife/girlfriend to ride you need to be flexible....
  4. Which part? the Wing or the truck?
  5. Lewis, Are we doing the white water rafting again? Mike and I were looking fwd to that this year as we enjoyed it last time. I understand that you might not lead the ride this year, but I'd enjoy something like that over eating at the Dillard House, I don't need to gain another 20lbs there! :stirthepot:
  6. I haven't been to the Milledgeville rally but I hear that it and Angel city get pretty rowdy and are mostly geared to Harley folx and motorcycle club types. We've been invited to go to Angel city this weekend, Mike's still undecided because there will be alot of drinking and craziness there. If I go to Angel City I'll let you know.
  7. I know Mike will enjoy Bob's bike and is looking fwd to his 1st ride. I was thrilled for the opportunity to get a solid bike from a member. Thank you Bob for working with me to give Mike his college graduation present a yr early.
  8. It's a beautiful bike! I wish my Dad were alive so I could show the pics and story to him. Dad was a WW2 vet (Army) Pacific theater, and his demons from the war followed him into his senior yrs. I never heard his stories and his service record with the Army was lost. But I know he walked the Bataan death march. I just wish we knew then what we know now about PTSD. People tried to say he had a weak character because he spent so many years in a bottle. Many never knew the battles he'd fought and fought in his head til he died. I was 23 when Dad passed in 1997. Had I known then what I know now about PTSD I would have gotten him help. My hat off to Brad and Dana for a beautiful project bike.
  9. Do you really want chatters @3am? I could do it lol. Don't know how functional I'd be though! lol
  10. Was too windy here today. Maybe we can go for a ride together in a week or 2. Mike daily commutes on the bike to and from work everyday, but the wind was just too nasty today, so he took my car.
  11. yeah, Lewis is the one who accepts the payments, via paypal or whatever arrangement is made with him.
  12. :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday: BTW Mike is a young Fart today. 34!
  13. Not that I doubted it...but Mike and I were in 2 of the pics lol.
  14. And I have flyingfool's rumball recipe! lol
  15. Mike says he wants 2
  16. Krispy Kreme is a doughnut company founded in July 13, 1937. Krispy Kreme founder Vernon Rudolph bought a secret yeast-raised recipe from a New Orleans chef, rented a building in what is now historic Old Salem in Winston-Salem, NC, and began selling to local grocery stores. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krispy_Kreme Mike and I love our Krispy Kreme doughnuts too! I prefer chocolate glazed and he likes the custard filled and lemon filled.
  17. My other half is looking to do the dbase backend for the site, and probably an android app (both things keep schoolwork fresh) However he doesn't have the knowledge to work on an ipad/iphone app....want to collaborate?
  18. I think Mike likes the challenge, I keep telling him he needs to make nonschool related programs to add to his resume, I think he decided he could make a screensaver once he read up on the basics. I think too, it means he also has something he likes on his computer as well.
  19. That is easy enough to do. Mike suggested everyone edit their pics to add their name and location, however I think it might be better if I, the ever so busy housewife does it so the font and color stays uniform across the pictures. Do we do: Name User Name Home Location Location of Photo Photo date Feedback helps!
  20. Anyone can start submitting now, what I will do is save all of them to a folder on my laptop til Mike's ready to do the job. He did want to know if he should include an option for music or not. He won't be adding his own music tastes, rather have the option to create a playlist of music once the screensaver starts...thoughts?
  21. Mike's spring break from college is the last week of March, he should be able to start the project then. If not, mid May. If everyone wants to email pics to me instead of adding them to the thread, let me know. Mike's been so insanely busy this semester with school I barely see him on the days when he doesn't have to work. (Like today) He's upstairs doing homework and only came down for dinner.
  22. I like it, now if the site included an android and iphone app that would be awesome, would be ALOT easier to access the VRO list on the go than carrying around a printed or pdf list
  23. Double checked with Avast! no threat found.
  24. Hubby can't make an ipad app, however here's the instructions to set the screensaver to the pics you want. http://www.ehow.com/how_8188220_create-screen-saver-ipad.html Mike has agreed to make an app. It shouldn't take him very long to do it once he gets started. but the soonest he might have time is spring break, end of March, or between semesters in May, feel free to submit pics to the thread or email them directly to me @ wildkat@gmail.com.
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